The TCH was a federal funding scheme for provincial projects along a prescribed corridor(s). Most importantly, a high-quality road was completed through the Rockies for the first time, but it also funded the completion of Highway 17 between Nipigon and Sault Ste. Marie (Highway 11 was completed first), the construction of several bypasses along Highways 7, 11 and 17 through northern, central, and eastern Ontario, the completion of Highway 69 south of MacTier (originally Highway 103), and in Quebec, the money went towards upgrading its highways and some of the pre-autoroute divided highways.
The only truly original parts of the TCH were in Newfoundland, Alberta, and BC, the rest were upgrades, bypasses, re-routings, or the federal-backed acceleration of existing highway projects.
The only truly original parts of the TCH were in Newfoundland, Alberta, and BC, the rest were upgrades, bypasses, re-routings, or the federal-backed acceleration of existing highway projects.