News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 02, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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Yes, exactly, so you would figure that it being so misnamed would be egregiously racist.

Alas, no....that's not how the minds of the offended class work.

Reason doesn't come into it.

Wait....wait.....because H1N1 aka "Spanish Flu" didn't originate in Spain it's not racist to refer to it as Spanish Flu but because SARS-CoV-2 did indeed originate in China, it's somehow racist to refer to it as Chinese/Wuhan/CCP Flu?

That just falls apart at first glance.
Haven’t we learned a thing or two since 1918? I see so many people saying they will never buy anything from China because of COVID 19 (often posting this on their Chinese manufactured smartphone). And there are documented attacks on people of Chinese heritage. So while calling it the Chinese flu in and of itself may not be racist, the response to calling it that certainly has been.
Of course, those who have responded this way are likely the same people who think it’s the 19th mutation or whatever
Haven’t we learned a thing or two since 1918? I see so many people saying they will never buy anything from China because of COVID 19 (often posting this on their Chinese manufactured smartphone).

Anyone not buying Chinese made goods should be doing so on account of them running concentration camps that we all agreed on seeing "Never Again".

Never mind their nonsense in Hong Kong or how they hate their own people.

And there are documented attacks on people of Chinese heritage

By the same species of closed minds as those who appease the CCP.

So while calling it the Chinese flu in and of itself may not be racist, the response to calling it that certainly has been.

Sure, but the fact that some people may be using it as an excuse to be dickheads means absolutely nothing to change the fact that the virus came from China.

It's a fact. Racists don't speak for reason.

Never mind all that...if we've learnt a thing or two since 1918 then shouldn't all references to the "Spanish Flu" be called out as racist or whatever bollocks the nonsense crowd want to come up with?
Cool story: our goverment is now in cahoots with the CCP in development of a vaccine whilst the CCP government is attacking specific premiers for voicing their concerns.

I never liked Jason Kenney but I never liked appeasement policies either. :D

Punch a Nazi is like Punch a CCP.

It's like punching the same dirt. Piss on it is my personal choice.
Cool story: our goverment is now in cahoots with the CCP in development of a vaccine whilst the CCP government is attacking specific premiers for voicing their concerns.

I never liked Jason Kenney but I never liked appeasement policies either. :D

Punch a Nazi is like Punch a CCP.

It's like punching the same dirt. Piss on it is my personal choice.

Enough with the politics. This is a thread about Covid-19 not about the CCP and their geopolitical viewpoints.
Enough with the politics. This is a thread about Covid-19 not about the CCP and their geopolitical viewpoints.

Yes, I know where I am.

By "geopolitical viewpoints" you mean to say murderous arrogance, yes?

In any case, I've just discovered South Korean football so I suppose the tyrants of the world are safe for another day, seeing as the simple folk have their bread and circuses back.....
For anybody who hasn't seen downtown Yonge Street recently, here is a video I filmed a few days ago walking up Yonge from The Esplanade to Dundas Square. I warn you, it is rather depressing.

It’s ironic that the short to medium term significant declines in business viability, corporate real estate values and economic performance will likely encourage China, as the world’s buyer of stressed assets to swoop in. So, we should expect China to buy up Toronto’s foreclosed and overstretched office towers, etc.

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I think the idea that the plague will cause manufacturing to move out of China is a bit overplayed.

The world should be up in arms over the CCP's obfuscation in the beginning of the outbreak in Wuhan. The way they lied. The arrests of truth-seekers. etc.

Yet, no one cares. It's the same old appeasement for the most part.

Manufacturing has been moving out of China to lower-cost jurisdictions for a few years now and this will continue.

People will continue to value money over ethics. The plague doesn't change any of that.

Sad but true. It disgusts me that over just a few decades Western democracies have sold their souls to do business with the detestable Chinese Communist Party. It should change, but greed will ensure that it doesn't.
Sad but true. It disgusts me that over just a few decades Western democracies have sold their souls to do business with the detestable Chinese Communist Party. It should change, but greed will ensure that it doesn't.
We don’t care about the party. We want cheap stuff.
The owner of the Jimmy's Coffee chain being called out for working conditions and treatment of workers by former staff, as they announce their reopening:

No surprise that the owner is a total douche - I remember he already courted controversy years ago with open support of Rob Ford.

This chain won't be getting any money from me as long as he's there.
