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Jul 25, 2008
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Great Globe article. I can just imagine the look on their face when they read this!!

Oakville's wealthy fight the power

Anthony Reinhart
Toronto — From Saturday's Globe and Mail
Published on Friday, Nov. 13, 2009 6:57PM EST
Last updated on Monday, Nov. 16, 2009 3:04AM EST

The power is palpable all over town, from the executive waterfront estates that give way to the sparkling blue beyond of Lake Ontario, to the sumptuous boutiques in the old core, to the stately spreads that surround the Glen Abbey golf course.

When it comes to living large, Oakville – the leafy and long-beloved enclave for Toronto's corporate elite – sets the pace, with homes and paycheques among the biggest in the country.

So are the costs, and Oakville's 165,000 residents are about to pay what many of them consider an unfairly high one. A 900-megawatt, gas-fired power station is planned for the town, a scant 400 metres from handsome two-storey homes and a school.

If Newton's third law of motion holds true, the Ontario Power Authority can expect an equal and opposite reaction to what will be the largest plant of its type in Canada. But it isn't coming from the likes of Greenpeace or the Ontario Clean Air Alliance, which actually supports the plant. It's coming from the town's moneyed elite, whose own carbon footprints, like a lot of things in Oakville, tend toward the large.

“This is just not right,” Frank Clegg, former Microsoft Canada president and erstwhile owner of one of Oakville's most lavish homes, said of the $1.2-billion project this week.

Mr. Clegg, now semi-retired, has been working full time for the past month to stop the plant, since the power authority announced it will be built next to Oakville's sprawling Ford car plant. The site was chosen from among four in the same vicinity. The other three sat a short distance to the east, just inside the Mississauga boundary.

The plant, to begin operating in late 2013, is among several gas-powered generators built or planned across the GTA to serve as cleaner substitutes for the coal-fired power stations the province is phasing out. Local opponents, however, say the government's own data show they are already breathing worse air than the average Ontarian, and argue a new power plant will only add to that.

For Mr. Clegg, it's partly personal. His wife has chemical sensitivities, which was one reason why the couple sold Ballymena, their 26,000-square-foot waterfront mansion [plus a 10,000-square-foot coach house], for a reported $29-million, in 2005. Its carpets and finishes aggravated her condition.

Now, “we have a regular house,” he said. “It's 7,000 square feet, which is a normal home.”

As it so often does, normal in Oakville means big anywhere else, a maxim that naturally applies to electricity bills. Ontario Energy Board statistics for 2008 show Oakville residents consumed more kilowatt hours per household than any of their GTA neighbours.

Peter Power/The Globe and MailA group of affluent and financially flush residents are opposing the development of a large gas-fired power plant near the Ford plant in east Oakville. Many homes in east Oakville have lawn signs protesting against the development of the power generating plant.
Of course, bigger properties also mean bigger taxes. Mr. Clegg wouldn't say how much he forks over in property tax each year, but said he's already put up twice that amount to help fund Citizens for Clean Air, a group whose slogan is “No power plants near homes and schools.” He has been spending 40 to 50 hours a week thumping the tub for donations – the suggested amount is five to 10 per cent of a donor's property taxes – to help mount a legal challenge.

The group includes neighbouring Mississaugans, who, far from sighing with relief at being spared, consider a nearby Oakville plant just as much of a threat. They have been protesting for the better part of a year, at times in predictably suburban fashion: In April, they held a drive-through petition-signing event, where almost 1,000 drivers made their stand for clean air while seated in idling cars.

Ben Chin, the Power Authority spokesman facing the wrath of both communities, said this symbolizes the gap between people's environmental concerns and their own actions.

“If part of the mandate of the Ontario Power Authority is to help start a culture of conservation, that's a difficult conversation to have if you're fighting a natural-gas plant by having a drive-through petition,” Mr. Chin said.

While opponents point to the gas plant as a source of harmful airborne particles that will be inhaled by those living closest to it, Mr. Chin said the generating station's emissions will add minimally to the daily plume from cars and trucks on the Queen Elizabeth Way, light industry and gas-burning home furnaces.

“Far and away, the Number 1 source is vehicular,” he said. “The Number 2 source is industrial … and then, right up there, is residential.”

In response to a provincial report of poorer-than-average air quality in the area, the Power Authority is securing emission reductions from local industries to offset gas-plant pollution, Mr. Chin said.

Jack Gibbons, chairman of the Ontario Clean Air Alliance, a Toronto-based environmental-advocacy group, said those local offsets will make the new power plant a “win-win” for residents, especially given the 2005 shutdown and subsequent demolition of the coal-fired Lakeview Generating Station in Mississauga.

“All use of fossil fuels produces air pollution, and that's bad,” Mr. Gibbons said. “We can't eliminate it all overnight, so natural gas is a very important transition option. This project certainly makes a lot more sense than continuing to operate our coal plants or to build very high-cost and unreliable nuclear plants.”

As for the Oakville plant's location, less than half a kilometre from homes, Mr. Gibbons said exhaust stacks are typically high enough to disperse pollutants well beyond the immediate area, and that it makes sense to generate power as close as possible to where it is consumed, because long-distance transmission results in lost power, and therefore even more pollution.

“Since all communities consume electricity, it's fair to have power plants in all communities,” he said.

Mr. Gibbons, who lives “a very comfortable lifestyle” in Toronto's Riverdale neighbourhood, not far from the smaller but similarly built Portlands Energy Centre, said he's “not the type of environmentalist who attacks other people's lifestyles,” but nonetheless feels opponents in Oakville are misinformed. The improvement over coal, the reliability of gas and the offsetting emissions reductions add up to one last, big thing he feels has eluded them: the big picture.

“When those facts are put before the vast majority of people, then the vast majority of people will reluctantly agree that it makes sense,” he said, “but most people don't have the full facts.”
This article is filled with silliness from all sides.

There was all sorts of complaining when the gas fired Portlands plant went up here. And it's ironic that the dude from the so-called Clean Air Alliance promotes gas over nuclear when nuclear has no air emissions. He called nuclear "unreliable" but never mentioned how - given that nukes supply far more power in Ontario than gas-fired plants do.
This article is filled with silliness from all sides.

There was all sorts of complaining when the gas fired Portlands plant went up here. And it's ironic that the dude from the so-called Clean Air Alliance promotes gas over nuclear when nuclear has no air emissions. He called nuclear "unreliable" but never mentioned how - given that nukes supply far more power in Ontario than gas-fired plants do.

I share your general cynicism, but I doubt anyone would have had difficulty citing the numerous examples of Ontario nuke-plant unreliability. Perhaps your complaint should be directed at the story's author/editor.
Problem with natural gas is the reserves will only last a few decades at most. So costs will will skyrocket. Or so I've heard...

But still, I don't support the opposition to this plant in both Mississauga and Oakville at all. Ever since Lakeview was demolished there has been a gap in power generation in this area and east Oakville and southwest Mississauga is the best place since it is already industrial.

As the article states, building plants far away is just inefficient and would require huge upgrades in the transmission system. And plus, more energy is lost at longer distances so the power generating capacity would have to be increased as well. That is why wind power is not a good idea...

Oakville has one the worst transit systems in the GTA so I think Oakvillians are among the last people who should be protesting any new power plant on the basis of air quality.

more reason to not live in suburbs

Well, it is not so different from Toronto's protests against Mississauga Transit some years ago.
^The follow-up story indicated that heavy drinking dulled the fetus to the negative effects of jackhammer noise.
In April, they held a drive-through petition-signing event, where almost 1,000 drivers made their stand for clean air while seated in idling cars.
This could be right out of the Onion. The truth is truly stranger than fiction.
i live in oakville.. not to concerned about this.

but what is OPG doing with the former lakview coal plant.. wouldn't that have worked?

A drive-through petition for clean air... :D

hey - in oakville - that's how we 'roll'.
pardon the pun
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NatGas reserves plentiful, cheap

Problem with natural gas is the reserves will only last a few decades at most. So costs will will skyrocket. Or so I've heard...

Two major technological breakthroughs have made natural gas a very cheap alternative for power -- the fact it can take coal offline, seriously lowering emissions, is a bonus.

1. Liquified-natural gas (LNG) tankers now chill the natgas, ship it across seas, then re-gassify to pipe it to users. Natgas used to be a regional product, it's now a global product.

2. New drilling and 'cracking' techniques have allowed gas companies to access resources that used to be too small or too broken up to tap economically.

Assuming they make all their new plants Cogen as well, this is by far the greenest, cheapest, and most flexible power alternative we have -- barring major advances in solar or wind power technology.
