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All the more reason to charge an extra fare to get to Vaughan! I don't think a casino was in the zoning when Toronto agreed to provide subway service to that location at the normal fare.

don't we want to encourage people to use the line... who cares the reason... the more people which use it the closer to being profitable...
All the more reason to charge an extra fare to get to Vaughan! I don't think a casino was in the zoning when Toronto agreed to provide subway service to that location at the normal fare.

There already is an extra fare to get to Vaughan. As soon as you pass north of Steeles ave on a TTC bus you need to pay a second fare in order to get off the bus. Alternately you can buy a GTA Weekly pass, currently $55/week.

Edit: I have been witness to some pretty spectacular confrontations over the years between passengers and drivers when the passenger is caught unaware that they need to pay again in order to get off.
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There already is an extra fare to get to Vaughan. As soon as you pass north of Steeles ave on a TTC bus you need to pay a second fare in order to get off the bus. Alternately you can buy a GTA Weekly pass, currently $55/week.
True, but the deal the TTC signed with the province to get the funding to build the subway to Vaughan was that they wouldn't be charging an extra fare to ride it.
Ah. cool. I didn't know that. It makes since though given how difficult it would be to collect the extra money on a subway ride using our current fare system. I don't know if you were being sarcastic or not, but even if they were able to charge that second fare on the subway I don't think it would deter any problem gamblers.

I also don't think Toronto has any right to complain if Vaughan elects to allow a casino within its borders.
When the phrase in question (and I'm talking about johnwood, not Cuomo, in case you didn't notice) is "there is a casino in manhatten!", it ain't just semantics. In the present tense, there *is* no casino in Manhatten, or Manhattan, or wherever...

I wasn't referring to whether or not a casino existed in Manhattan. I was referring to the position of the governor. Cuomo supports it...Bloomberg supports it... it will happen.
I wasn't referring to whether or not a casino existed in Manhattan. I was referring to the position of the governor. Cuomo supports it...Bloomberg supports it... it will happen.

But the point is: *I* was referring to johnwood, when you were attacking me on "semantics". Johnwood was the person referring to "there is", as opposed to "there will be"...
I actually don't mind a casino at Woodbine, but I'd have to say no because these are issues that shouldn't be reopened at this point (considering that I think the Fords tried to tack Woodbine vote onto the downtown casino vote). The Fords also seem quite smug in their current state of affairs, ignoring the fact that they were the ones who let Woodbine Live die out of neglect.

Ford brothers want council to revisit Woodbine casino debate
TORONTO — The Globe and Mail
Published Sunday, Jun. 09 2013, 5:55 PM EDT
Last updated Sunday, Jun. 09 2013, 6:24 PM EDT

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford and his brother are vowing to re-open debate on a new casino at the Woodbine Racetrack.

Toronto city council overwhelmingly voted no last month to a massive new downtown casino. And in an unexpected move, council also rejected plans to expand the gambling floor at Woodbine, a narrow vote that left the site’s operator concerned for its future.

The Ford brothers said on their weekly radio show on Sunday that they will ask council to pass a motion this week to revisit having the racetrack in north Etobicoke become home to a casino. They need two-thirds of councillors on the council floor to re-open debate.

“We’ve got to bring it back to council,” Councillor Doug Ford said. “Some of the folks understand they made a mistake. This is about jobs.”

Councillor Mike Layton put forward the motion to oppose the downtown site. It passed 40 to 4. Mr. Layton also asked council to oppose expansion in the area that includes Woodbine, which passed in a 24-20 vote.

The Fords were among the most vocal supporters at city hall for a casino in downtown Toronto and at Woodbine. Rob Ford said on Sunday that all they need is another two or three votes to get the go-ahead for Woodbine.

“Hopefully, we can get all the people who voted against it to rethink it and give Woodbine a shot to have a full casino,” the Mayor said.

However, it is not clear whether there is enough demand for gambling to accommodate a new casino at both Woodbine and in Vaughan, north of the city. Vaughan council voted last month to approve a casino as part of a major cultural and entertainment complex.

Nick Eaves, chief executive of Woodbine Entertainment Group, has said the prospect of a new casino going to neighbouring Vaughan would “severely compromise” Woodbine’s ability to compete.

This was the third Sunday the Ford brothers took to the airwaves since U.S. gossip website Gawker and The Toronto Star reported that the mayor was allegedly caught on video smoking crack cocaine.

The Fords did not address the allegations directly on Sunday. But they repeatedly criticized the “mainstream” media – Doug Ford said the media would rather stake out his family rather than look at where the “real waste” is at Queen’s Park, referring to the governing Liberals’ deficit. He thanked the brothers’ supporters for their words of encouragement.

“You know folks, when you wake up and you get the you-know-what kicked out of you every day,” he said, “you go in and you talk to the hardworking common folk in this city [who] say, ‘keep going.’ That just recharges my battery.”

The brothers announced that they plan to hold a “Ford fest” for their supporters on July 5 in Scarborough, at a location to be announced later this week.

“Ford Nation’s going to be in full swing,” Doug Ford said.

The Fords also plan to host their annual BBQ this summer at their mother’s home in Etobicoke.
