I totally understand! I was so stressed out as well! They are actually making progress in the hallways. Yesterday they finished installing the carpets on floors 6 and 7 and it looks so much better. You should come and check it out. They will probably have to repaint the baseboards and around the doors but at least it's less dusty and I won't have to bring all that dirt into my unit. I also noticed that they are making progress in the lobby area, especially the gym. Hopefully it is ready soon.

thanks for the update, it is so nice to have some updates from neighbours! ill be sure to drop in by to check out, but if you could take one pic of the carpet in hallway, id like to see what it looks like! are you still satisfied with outcome of the unit so far (knowing you lived there over a month)? were your deficiences resolved within 30 days from the date of report?
I'm pretty much in the same predicament you're in and all i can say is I understand you're frustration. But with buying a new build I was sort of prepping myself for these kind of last minute delays no matter how unfair.

Like you, I demanded to see my unit and instead of waiting for the builder to get back to me I've visited my unit every weekend to see the status the last 3 weeks. I pretty much just talk to the concierge and they let me in. This past saturday i passed by and there were actually two workers in my unit and i got to speak with them at length. Considering two weeks ago the only thing that was up was drywall and tile i was amazed at how everything turned out. The only thing left that my unit needs is baseboards and appliances. My unit should be completely done now. From what i saw they did a very good job with the drywall and i couldn't find any scratches anywhere. Suffice it to say its not done yet so i don't want to get my hopes up until i see it final during my PDI.

So yeah, i can understand where you're coming from but keep in mind it may be a good thing that they're taking their time with your unit. By the time you move in the hallways and common areas should look better as well because right now my hallway looks like a straight construction zone. lol.

were you able to get any compensation from the builder with your delays? i am still fighting, even tho developer tries so hard to get away with compensation as much as possible... but my laywer is doing amazing job. he's still under negotiation table with the developer, should be hearing soon but laywer warned me "no guarantees"... so we will see. it is good you got access into the building to find out the status of your unit, we do not want any surprises. it is such a relief to hear they are doing good job on walls, and hopefully they do the same with mine. i should be dropping in by sometime to check out progresses of my unit. they booked my PDI just a day before my closing and i got so mad, even my lawyer too. i am demanding at least week before closing... not sure if anyone heard, but been told by my laywer that the building should be registered in january 2013. we will see. you are right, i should be patient and then i think the time i move in, ill be seeing final touches. i wont be moving in until jan 2013 - im not moving in during xmas week - it would be too crazy... thanks for the awesome updates, it is so good to have good neighbor like u! valhallians ;)
I'm pretty much in the same predicament you're in and all i can say is I understand you're frustration. But with buying a new build I was sort of prepping myself for these kind of last minute delays no matter how unfair.

Like you, I demanded to see my unit and instead of waiting for the builder to get back to me I've visited my unit every weekend to see the status the last 3 weeks. I pretty much just talk to the concierge and they let me in. This past saturday i passed by and there were actually two workers in my unit and i got to speak with them at length. Considering two weeks ago the only thing that was up was drywall and tile i was amazed at how everything turned out. The only thing left that my unit needs is baseboards and appliances. My unit should be completely done now. From what i saw they did a very good job with the drywall and i couldn't find any scratches anywhere. Suffice it to say its not done yet so i don't want to get my hopes up until i see it final during my PDI.

So yeah, i can understand where you're coming from but keep in mind it may be a good thing that they're taking their time with your unit. By the time you move in the hallways and common areas should look better as well because right now my hallway looks like a straight construction zone. lol.

Yea I agree and I am on the 19th floor and the 01 unit is still not complete. The door isnt even on, its just dry wall (unpainted) and bare, I feel sorry for that owner, there is no way they will be in that unit before christmas LOL! My floor is also not complete, just concrete and I was the first to move in on my floor. Now there are a few other owners but not many, its pretty quiet. I see the parking garage is filling up too, so I guess alot more folks are moving in. I guess I should be patient about my deficiences being done, because some of you haven't even seen your units. I am quite annoyed that my bathroom vanity which has to be replaced is still not and I cant even pack away my toilet paper and stuff as they will be removing the unit and changing it soon. All in all..I can't complain too much. I could be the owner down the hall, who has no unit ready. I even heard workers drilling and using saws at 11PM! trying to get that unit complete but to no avail..I stop by everyday to look and I don't see much more completed.
I just received the final closing date. It's December 19th! So soon! Very impressed that they were able to register the building this fast. It usually takes longer.
I just received the final closing date. It's December 19th! So soon! Very impressed that they were able to register the building this fast. It usually takes longer.

Thats great Ana! Nice seeing you in the elevator the other day too. Is that for your unit on the 6th floor? or 19th? And totally random, but I didn't receive any thank you card or basket from the builder LOL..is that on final closing? just curious!
This is the date for all units that have been occupied. You should contact your lawyer ASAP and get your mortgage arranged.
Totally agree with you about the basket! A small gift would be nice! Maybe they will give it later on! lol

Thats great Ana! Nice seeing you in the elevator the other day too. Is that for your unit on the 6th floor? or 19th? And totally random, but I didn't receive any thank you card or basket from the builder LOL..is that on final closing? just curious!
This is the date for all units that have been occupied. You should contact your lawyer ASAP and get your mortgage arranged.
Totally agree with you about the basket! A small gift would be nice! Maybe they will give it later on! lol

OMG! Are you sure..I haven't heard anything? Did you get mail regarding it? or your lawyer told you.
I am pretty sure. All units, with an exception of the once that have not been occupied should have this closing date. My lawyer just sent me an email. You should follow up with your lawyer.

OMG! Are you sure..I haven't heard anything? Did you get mail regarding it? or your lawyer told you.
I am pretty sure. All units, with an exception of the once that have not been occupied should have this closing date. My lawyer just sent me an email. You should follow up with your lawyer.

You were right! Thanks for the heads up! I called the builders lawyer and they confirmed. I haven't heard from my lawyer yet. Completely useless!
Yeah, I totally didn't expect our closing to be this soon! I am glad that everything will be settled before the holidays. Did you get a hold of your mortgage broker? What rate are you getting? It would be good to compare so we know what is currently being offered.

You were right! Thanks for the heads up! I called the builders lawyer and they confirmed. I haven't heard from my lawyer yet. Completely useless!
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Yeah, I totally didn't expect our closing to be this soon! I am glad that everything will be settled before the holidays. Did you get a hold of your mortgage broker? What rate are you getting? It would be good to compare so we know what is currently being offered.

My broker is working on deals right now, hopefully I hear from him by tomorrow as I am leaving for vacay on Friday morning for 8 days.
hey all, ya i got a confirmation too. building will be registered dec 19th, 2012. as i mentioned to everyone earlier, this developer registers their buildings quickly than others... based on my experience from the met. :) cheers to all! (ps. i am still under table with delays and etc...unit is being quickly done as anticipated).
I called RBC today and they are offering 2.99% for both 3 years and 5 years fixed. My broker is working on it as well. Hopefully we can all lock in a good rate!

My broker is working on deals right now, hopefully I hear from him by tomorrow as I am leaving for vacay on Friday morning for 8 days.
Yes, its really good! It works well for everyone. Let's just hope that they are able to complete all the other outstanding items.

hey all, ya i got a confirmation too. building will be registered dec 19th, 2012. as i mentioned to everyone earlier, this developer registers their buildings quickly than others... based on my experience from the met. :) cheers to all! (ps. i am still under table with delays and etc...unit is being quickly done as anticipated).
Has anyone submitted their 30 Day Warranty Forms to Tarion yet? I just submitted mine and we are required to send a copy to the builder as well, but I'm not sure where to send it. It's almost impossible to reach or get a call back from Melissa at Edilcan's office, so I thought I'd try here first to see if anyone else has the information I'm looking for.
