Hi, yes I submitted mine couple of weeks ago. I sent a scanned copy of the form to Andre via email. That should do it.

Has anyone submitted their 30 Day Warranty Forms to Tarion yet? I just submitted mine and we are required to send a copy to the builder as well, but I'm not sure where to send it. It's almost impossible to reach or get a call back from Melissa at Edilcan's office, so I thought I'd try here first to see if anyone else has the information I'm looking for.
Great, I'll do that! Thanks for the info, Ana. I hope you are enjoying living in the building so far. The wallpaper went up on my floor (20th) last week and hopefully the carpet will be in for Christmas.
Hey guys,

Hope everyone who moved in recently is getting settled in and enjoying their new units! I moved in last week and although things were hectic, I'm very happy with my unit. That's great that the building is registering on the 19th! I was in shock when my lawyer told me and had to scramble to get everything done but at least I know the majority of money will now be going directly to my mortgage and not a phantom one which is awesome.

Quick question, where did you guys send your Enercare forms that you had to fill out? I was given this form during my PDI but am not sure where to send this one to?

Also, how are your outstanding dificiences being handled? They were really quick fixing my drywall touchups and doing a bunch of other stuff but there are still a few things outstanding. I know a bunch of us wanted them to move the thermostat location on that wall. Have any of your thermostats been moved yet?

Has anyone submitted their 30 Day Warranty Forms to Tarion yet? I just submitted mine and we are required to send a copy to the builder as well, but I'm not sure where to send it. It's almost impossible to reach or get a call back from Melissa at Edilcan's office, so I thought I'd try here first to see if anyone else has the information I'm looking for.

Send a copy to Andrea S. The customer service guy who did your PDI. I dont have his info on me as I am at work now. But it should be in the Tarion folder he gave you. Thanks!

And Ana! I got approved for 2.99% 5 year fixed. Thats the best rate out currently. Thanks!
I got the same rate! :) It's all approved. I hope I don't have to deal with any suprises tomorrow and my document signing goes well. Can't wait for it to be all over tomorrow!

Send a copy to Andrea S. The customer service guy who did your PDI. I dont have his info on me as I am at work now. But it should be in the Tarion folder he gave you. Thanks!

And Ana! I got approved for 2.99% 5 year fixed. Thats the best rate out currently. Thanks!
Hey Rex! You should just call Enercare directly to setup your account. It literally takes two minutes. You probably should submit another form for preauthorized payments or they will charge you around $100 for deposit.

Hey guys,

Hope everyone who moved in recently is getting settled in and enjoying their new units! I moved in last week and although things were hectic, I'm very happy with my unit. That's great that the building is registering on the 19th! I was in shock when my lawyer told me and had to scramble to get everything done but at least I know the majority of money will now be going directly to my mortgage and not a phantom one which is awesome.

Quick question, where did you guys send your Enercare forms that you had to fill out? I was given this form during my PDI but am not sure where to send this one to?

Also, how are your outstanding dificiences being handled? They were really quick fixing my drywall touchups and doing a bunch of other stuff but there are still a few things outstanding. I know a bunch of us wanted them to move the thermostat location on that wall. Have any of your thermostats been moved yet?

Property Tax Rates in Etobicoke

Hey Rex! Glad to hear that you are settling into the new place. The hall where I am on the 20th floor now has both wallpaper and carpet. Woohoo!

I just finished all of the paperwork and banking for the closing, and all seems to be smooth. So glad that now we can start paying our own mortgages instead of the builder's. As for deficiencies, I still have quite a few things outstanding from my PDI - they have only been in to fix three items off so far. They fixed some of the drywall problems before I moved in, but they missed a lot of spots, so I had to re-list all of these problems on my 30 Day form.

Does anyone else have any questions about the estimated property taxes? I think the amount seems really high - mine is coming in at around $300 per month = $3600 per year. Based on the property value, this is really high. I moved from downtown (Spadina/Front), and I was paying $150 per month for a property valued at just over $300,000. In Etobicoke I'm paying $300 per month for property valued at approximately $360,000. This seems like a HUUUUUGE difference. Is there some mistake here? Perhaps the taxes have been overestimated? I checked the City of Toronto property tax chart and the posted rate for multi residential is .7711981%, which works out closer to $230 per month for a property valued at $360000.

Anyone know if these rates are making any sense?

Hey guys,

Hope everyone who moved in recently is getting settled in and enjoying their new units! I moved in last week and although things were hectic, I'm very happy with my unit. That's great that the building is registering on the 19th! I was in shock when my lawyer told me and had to scramble to get everything done but at least I know the majority of money will now be going directly to my mortgage and not a phantom one which is awesome.

Quick question, where did you guys send your Enercare forms that you had to fill out? I was given this form during my PDI but am not sure where to send this one to?

Also, how are your outstanding dificiences being handled? They were really quick fixing my drywall touchups and doing a bunch of other stuff but there are still a few things outstanding. I know a bunch of us wanted them to move the thermostat location on that wall. Have any of your thermostats been moved yet?

Hey Rex! Glad to hear that you are settling into the new place. The hall where I am on the 20th floor now has both wallpaper and carpet. Woohoo!

I just finished all of the paperwork and banking for the closing, and all seems to be smooth. So glad that now we can start paying our own mortgages instead of the builder's. As for deficiencies, I still have quite a few things outstanding from my PDI - they have only been in to fix three items off so far. They fixed some of the drywall problems before I moved in, but they missed a lot of spots, so I had to re-list all of these problems on my 30 Day form.

Does anyone else have any questions about the estimated property taxes? I think the amount seems really high - mine is coming in at around $300 per month = $3600 per year. Based on the property value, this is really high. I moved from downtown (Spadina/Front), and I was paying $150 per month for a property valued at just over $300,000. In Etobicoke I'm paying $300 per month for property valued at approximately $360,000. This seems like a HUUUUUGE difference. Is there some mistake here? Perhaps the taxes have been overestimated? I checked the City of Toronto property tax chart and the posted rate for multi residential is .7711981%, which works out closer to $230 per month for a property valued at $360000.

Anyone know if these rates are making any sense?

Hi citylvr,

Yeah, I would ask your mortgage broker to go over your property taxes again because that seems way too high for the value of your property. Maybe they miscalculated something there? You should show them the city of toronto tax rate that you found and see if this applies to your unit. I finished all of my paperwork yesterday as well and am glad that I never have to see my lawyer again (until the next property lol).
Hey Rex! You should just call Enercare directly to setup your account. It literally takes two minutes. You probably should submit another form for preauthorized payments or they will charge you around $100 for deposit.

I was thinking the same thing regarding property taxes. I did the calculators online and it was much lower than the calculations the builder had. I guess its better to over estimate then under, but you dont want to pay extra money you dont need to.
I have a unit purchased in Thunderbird (29th floor). How close to the expected closing date should I expect to get the call to come and pick out finishes? I know nobody will be able to tell me a specific date but in general how far out does the selection usually occur?
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I have a unit purchased in Thunderbird (29th floor). How close to the expected closing date should I expect to get the call to come and pick out finishes? I know nobody will be able to tell me a specific date but in general how far out does the selection usually occur?

From what I know is people at the lower floors go first. If you live on 29th floor, you have to wait until all the people living below your level finish their selections. You will be informed by mail when it's your turn.
Has anyone else run into issues with indefinite delays? We were supposed to occupy and close last month and were informed last minute that it would not be ready. We are currently in limbo as builder has not issued a new occupancy date and are not responding to our lawyers or their own. Just wondering if we are the only ones in this situation?
sorry to hear that ...

Has anyone else run into issues with indefinite delays? We were supposed to occupy and close last month and were informed last minute that it would not be ready. We are currently in limbo as builder has not issued a new occupancy date and are not responding to our lawyers or their own. Just wondering if we are the only ones in this situation?

i think some people in this forum know better than me how to handle this situaiton.
the thing is did you get any official occupancy date by mail, if so, you can flight with the developer via your lawyer or tarion. again, your lawyer hasn't got any responds. it's upset situation. i thought all people in tower 1 moved in already.
i think some people in this forum know better than me how to handle this situaiton.
the thing is did you get any official occupancy date by mail, if so, you can flight with the developer via your lawyer or tarion. again, your lawyer hasn't got any responds. it's upset situation. i thought all people in tower 1 moved in already.

Yikes! I think there are two units on my floor 19, that are not completed and there are some on the very low floors that I don't think are completed either. Also, totally random but I noticed, that we didnt get any thank you or welcome baskets or even a letter to say thank you at all. It was like they just took our mortgage money and pretty much said screw you. Not a great first impression. The building is starting to look much better, but I must say the workmanship in the hallways is very slopppy, scratches and paint chipped already.

Yikes! I think there are two units on my floor 19, that are not completed and there are some on the very low floors that I don't think are completed either. Also, totally random but I noticed, that we didnt get any thank you or welcome baskets or even a letter to say thank you at all. It was like they just took our mortgage money and pretty much said screw you. Not a great first impression. The building is starting to look much better, but I must say the workmanship in the hallways is very slopppy, scratches and paint chipped already.

Thanks for your updates. I feel upset about your situation. I might face the same situation as yours when I move in tower 2. It seems to me they won't complete the units unless there are actually buyers or renters moving in. When I look from the exterior, the building looks good to me. Really can't imagine what will look like inside. If they are sloppy, this's not a good sign because Edician still have tower 3 to sell. They either slow down or do better jobs. Can anyone post any interior pictures?
