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I am sure the number exists but I don't know where to find it, what would the TTC fare have to be per trip to cover operating expenses?

All the talk about tolls on this road and that to help finance transit kind of smells like "dump on those filthy drivers when ever possible" instead of spreading the pain around a little. How about a toll on transit riders too, after all it is eventually to their advantage to improve the system.

Enticing drivers to leave the car at home and take transit is a nice thought but is simply not a viable choice for many drivers. Drivers are not going to trade a 30 minute drive for an 90 minute bus and street car journey at any price.
All the talk about tolls on this road and that to help finance transit kind of smells like "dump on those filthy drivers when ever possible" instead of spreading the pain around a little. How about a toll on transit riders too, after all it is eventually to their advantage to improve the system.

I didn't mean having the government to put tolls up to help finance transit, I want it sold off. If people don't like tolls they can complain to the new owners.

Enticing drivers to leave the car at home and take transit is a nice thought but is simply not a viable choice for many drivers. Drivers are not going to trade a 30 minute drive for an 90 minute bus and street car journey at any price.

The problem is we wouldn't have had 90 minute bus rides if we spent money on building our transit infrastructure like we do with highways. GO-ALRT would have solve this problem.
So, getting around Toronto is henceforth through the courtesy of Dwight Duncan's two feet


What if you shut down the TTC? Everyone can bike, walk, drive or use taxis.

But everyone thinks of that, my point was no one ever thinks of the privatizing highways as a solution.

Next up: privatize the government itself. There's no need for average folk to pay salaries of liars.

That's already been done; the whole voting every four years is just for historic reasons. :rolleyes:
I'm on board with the idea of selling the DVP and Gardiner and using the proceeds to fund transit infrastructure. Raising tolls creates questions about what the right toll should be, makes city coffers wait for the money to trickle in car by car, and opens the door to the next government completely reversing the agenda. Sell the DVP and Gardiner now, go straight to bidding, grab the money and pass it to Transit City. I'm sure 407ETR would pay a nice lump sum amount that would go a long way. When tolls are implemented the city can act exactly like the province (i.e. "We never expected big bad 407ETR would charge so much... we are so helpless to stop them").
I am sure the number exists but I don't know where to find it, what would the TTC fare have to be per trip to cover operating expenses?
According to our new economics expert, the fare to fully cover operating expenses on TTC is about $3.25 per trip.

All the talk about tolls on this road and that to help finance transit kind of smells like "dump on those filthy drivers when ever possible" instead of spreading the pain around a little. How about a toll on transit riders too, after all it is eventually to their advantage to improve the system.

Enticing drivers to leave the car at home and take transit is a nice thought but is simply not a viable choice for many drivers. Drivers are not going to trade a 30 minute drive for an 90 minute bus and street car journey at any price.
That's only half true. If there were tolls on driving, it will be to the advantage of people who need to drive, because you will instantly see traffic decrease. Sure you'll have less money in your pocket, but you'll have saved many hours each week.

Additionally, even drivers benefit from transit improvement for the same reason. Think about how much worse traffic and parking gets when there is a transit strike.
That libertarian dude is making lotsa cents. I basically agree with all his points, well...actually i'm more exteme than him. :D But I would have a pay-based-on-income for all public (well the ttc would be privatized of course....) services. Everyone would have an i.d card tied to their income level. Say you make $30k salary--then you'd pay $3/token. $60k--$4/token. And so forth. The goal is to get less people taking transit, more people cycling to work or driving hybrids or cheap cars to work--on toll roads, again based on income!

Privatize the transit system. Let corporations==Wal Mart etc--sponsor transit stations with stores built into the system. Dismantle the union system.

Take all public land and (gradually, but consistently) sell it to developers. Dismantle the OMB and the city planning department, have only an aesthetic/design-review board in its place--then allow developers aka free market to take over! The only rule: absolutely zero expansion into farmland.
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Following on what urbandreamer said, here's what I'm thinking: unicorns. We all get unicorns and ride them to work. For males, blue unicorns. And for the ladies? Pink. With a side saddle, of course.
That libertarian dude is making lotsa cents. I basically agree with all his points, well...actually i'm more exteme than him. :D But I would have a pay-based-on-income for all public services. Everyone would have an i.d card tied to their income level. Say you make $30k salary--then you'd pay $3/token. $60k--$4/token. And so forth. The goal is to get less people taking transit, more people cycling to work or driving hybrids or cheap cars to work--on toll roads, again based on income!

Why I.D Cards? We're in the 21st century, biometric retinal scan is the way to go. I.D Cards are so 1990. :rolleyes:

Privatize the transit system. Let corporations==Wal Mart etc--sponsor transit stations with stores built into the system. Dismantle the union system.
Buying nameing rights is as far as Wal-Mart is willing to go.

Take all public land and (gradually, but consistently) sell it to developers. Dismantle the OMB and the city planning department, have only an aesthetic/design-review board in its place--then allow developers aka free market to take over! The only rule: absolutely zero expansion into farmland.

Developers will be happy if the city drop the building height limit, at least that way we can compete with Dubai and reclaim the title of the world tallest building. :D
I made the terrible mistake of starting this thread from this--the last-- page. head.
