I'm a little nervous that Hudak and McGuinty still remain neck and neck despite the more pro-Liberal/anti-Hudak ads that I've seen versus pro-PC/anti-McGuinty. There seems to be a few independent groups (working families, teachers) putting up ads to the detriment of Hudak.
I was more confident when there was the possibility that even if McGuinty won less seats, he could form a coalition with the NDP and there would be no way Hudak would become Premier. Now that McGuinty has come so completely and publicly against a coalition, it can't happen so it will come down to who has more seats.
I'm still moderately optimistic that the usual strategic NDP voters will move to Liberal last minute. Hopefully in enough numbers to put McGuinty just over Hudak. I can't imagine transit in Toronto taking another blow (i.e. cancelled Eglinton, Airport line, Streetcar order)