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Feb 10, 2009
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The NCC will be revealing the list of contenders who will be bidding to redevelop the site later on today. It was already confirmed by Senators Sports and Entertainment that they were one of the groups who submitted a bid, but it will be interesting to see if they were one of the groups carried forward.

My hope is that the proposals integrate nicely with Pimisi and Bayview stations, since the site will be accessible to both of them. The LRT running through the southern end of the site is a huge opportunity. As for whether I would like to see the Senators move to a new arena there, my answer is yes, but with a few conditions:

1) The money from the sale of Canadian Tire Centre (the rumour is that WalMart is looking at using that site) goes towards the private sector contribution for the project.
2) That it include some kind of revenue generation on-site to reduce the amount of public dollars going towards the project. This could either be in the form of a casino (which both the City and Melnyk wanted), or from a surcharge on tickets.
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The four incredibly generic proposals:
  1. RendezVous LeBreton Group, which represents the Ottawa Senators, proposed "a major event centre for sports and entertainment performances, complemented by green spaces, and residential and commercial developments."
  2. Claridge Homes, which proposed "indoor and outdoor concert facilities, cultural enterprises surrounded by green spaces, and residential and commercial developments."
  3. Devcore Group, which proposed "a concept with multiple cultural institutions developed around an grand allée, green spaces, and residential and commercial developments."
  4. Focus Equities, which proposed "to house the headquarters of an international organization, accompanied by cultural venues, green spaces, and residential and commercial developments."

I don't know which I like more...
the proposal with residential, commercial, green space & cultural venues, or
the proposal with green space, cultural venues, residential & commercial

They have to submit their proposals by November 2015, so there won't be much to see on this front for a long while.
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Hope this move happens. Stadiums & arenas should be near high capacity transit lines in my opinion. It's a much more effective way to move large groups of people before & after an event than massive parking lots where everyone in the stadium tries to leave at the same time. It also generates ridership for a given transit line after the regular work day.

Look at the ACC: people drive, take the TTC and GO and it works well, or any other stadium for that matter.

From what I've read, the new LRT in Ottawa has very long trains and so is high capacity. This new location makes way more sense than the current location in the middle of nowhere.
Well, it looks like the NCC has pulled one of the most NCC-like moves ever. Even when they're handing the development off to a private consortium, they still manage to heap on mounds of needless bureaucracy and make it a head-scratcher...

Hope this move happens. Stadiums & arenas should be near high capacity transit lines in my opinion. It's a much more effective way to move large groups of people before & after an event than massive parking lots where everyone in the stadium tries to leave at the same time. It also generates ridership for a given transit line after the regular work day.

Look at the ACC: people drive, take the TTC and GO and it works well, or any other stadium for that matter.

From what I've read, the new LRT in Ottawa has very long trains and so is high capacity. This new location makes way more sense than the current location in the middle of nowhere.

Yes, the new LRT trains are 48m long, and will be running in pairs, so basically 100m long trains. The system will have a capacity of about 24,000 pphpd at minimum headways.

And yes, I do agree that a stadium at this location would make a lot of sense. Couple with that the Windmill development on the former Domtar lands, and you have a pretty vibrant restaurant district within walking distance of the new stadium. Certainly a great improvement over a stadium surrounded by parking lots, high tech offices, an auto mall, and corn fields. Oh, and a cop shop.
Today's the big day!

You can read about the proposal backed by the Senators here: (RendezVous LeBreton Group)
The 2,500-page proposal by RendezVous LeBreton Group (RLG) includes an NHL-calibre arena, which would become the Senators' new home rink. Detroit-based Rosetti Architects, which built the team's current home in Kanata, has been chosen by RLG to construct the new, 18,000-seat arena as well.

Sources said the arena will be located between Bayview station and the future Pimisi station. The building will serve as a multi-purpose event centre, and will feature both a glass facade similar to Ottawa's Shaw Centre and wooden cladding in tribute to the area's past as a lumber town.

It will also have a roof-top green space with a walkway and views of Parliament Hill and the city's other sights.

And the other proposal here: (DCDLS)

sources familiar with the DCDLS bid told CBC News that plan recently included the following:
  • Central library/National Archives building up to 200,000 square feet.
  • NHL-style arena almost entirely underground (two storeys above ground).
  • Automotive museum.
  • 'Brewseum' beer museum sponsored by Molson Coors Brewing Company.
  • YMCA.
  • Farm Boy.
  • Skydiving simulator.
  • Botanical garden/man-made beach.

There will be a live-blog of the official reveal by CBC at 4pm EST:
I believe this Wednesday the NCC reveals the winner. I am not sure about the economies of the development. Replacing the old CTC with a newer building in so short a period, high rise development when Ottawans' are not big buyers of condos, Gov't does not spend $$ on quality office designs etc.

I really want this to work. It would be nice to have shopping, high density office and condos along with a new stadium and flashy train stations. This has already influenced the vision for 900 ALbert and I am sure the owners of City Centre are rethinking their plans.

Ottawa Senators-backed bid top choice for LeBreton Flats redevelopment
NCC CEO Mark Kristmanson, who was on the committee, said both final bids qualified and that there was debate, but ultimately one "clear" winner.
Stephen Willis, the NCC's executive director of capital planning who was also on the committee, went through the evaluation of rival bidder Devcore Canderel DLS Group first, then did the same with RendezVous LeBreton Group before announcing the top choice.
He warned consultation with First Nations, as well as federal and municipal reviews must take place before construction begins.
"This is going to take more time," Willis said. "You don't build communities like this overnight."
The committee evaluated the bids after the two competing visions were unveiled to the public at the end of January. The preferred proposal was announced at then end of an hour-long presentation during a packed NCC board meeting on Thursday afternoon.
The National Capital Commission board voted to move ahead with negotiations with RendezVous LeBreton to redevelop LeBreton Flats after a five-member selection committee announced the group backed by the Ottawa Senators was the preferred bid.

It's still weird to imagine a future where Ottawa's NHL arena is not out at the edge of town!
Ya but it will be nice to get access through the LRT. I remember the last few buildins on the FLats. They were warehouses on Albert. SO most of my life it has been barren.
