Now I'm excited just booked my PDI for next Thursday .Hope everything is up to par,or the person cunducting it is gonna have a rough day.I think I'll wait till its over to let them know that I work for Lanterra as a handyman and do in suite repairs for PDI's and other deficiencies .
Asmegin, did you hear from the lawyer? Let me know please. My occupancy is one week after you, and I would feel relieved knowing that your process was quick and easy....Have fun packing!!
Hey guys,

Just wanted to wish everyone the best of luck with your packing/moving! So exciting :D Hopefully everything will work out with elevator situation as well.

I went and spied inside the building last weekend, and my unit doesn't even have floors down yet... so I'm very jealous of you guys!

P.S. If any of you happen to see any postings in the building for a parking spot for rent, can you post the details here? I didn't buy an extra spot, but will be needing to rent one.
I don't think you should worry too much about renting a parking spot. I do also need an extra parking. I did say to Vandyk that I wanted to rent, and they never said it was limited.

Yes, it is very exciting. I have been waiting since July, 2010. A lot of us have been waiting that long. And the next days are the hardest to wait.

Other than the move, I am really looking forward to meeting everyone!!!
I've heard nothing from the lawyers yet - I will post as soon as I do. I'm guessing as I'm one of the first, they're still disorganized and/or making sure everything is right before they start sending documents.

Only a few more days to go for me! Those elevators better be working!! Also wondering about parking..

I'm guessing as there will be little to no tenants when I move, I can do it whenever on the day of. I'd rather move in at night when the workers aren't there so they don't get in my way or steal my stuff ;)

Also someone mentioned that Vandyk would ask us if we wanted bathroom fixtures installed - I haven't heard anything yet. I hope they don't just install them...

Rogers called me as well, schedule my setup for the 19th. :D
I just received Occupancy Instructions from Kora at Vandyk, which includes contact information for booking elevators with property management.

Booked from 4-6pm wooo
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Awesome news Asmegin!!

Did the instructions include info on the occupancy cheques? I'm curious to know roughly how many they're looking for/the approximate amount that they're asking for. Hopefully the occupancy period won't last through the rest of the year.
I would be curious to know the proposed occupancy fees as well. Hopefully the building registers quickly, considering everyone taking occupancy in a 3 month period.

It all depends on how efficient their legal team is. I've seen condo's not register for over a year after occupancy, but its surely in their best interest.
Just heard from lawyer. Occupancy fee is tiny ($725 on a $170,000 balance). Also need to give a pro-rated certified cheque for the remainder of this month. Requesting 6 cheques (April to September). Doubt it will take that long to register, they probably just don't wanna have to chase people down in the summer to get more cheques. I would estimate it closes in July.

We also need to provide mortgage documents and bank statements, as well as SIN cards and proof of home insurance.
Already gave them the mortgage letter last month. As long as we have a firm approval, I don't see why they would need anything else. Why would they need a bank statement? Don't see how thats any of their business.
Seeing as they're handing over keys to a $200,000+ property, which we'll be renting from them for months, one last credit check isn't that big a deal.
If they are asking for certified cheques, that's basically guaranteeing their 'rent' anyways. A bank doesn't give out firm approvals on mortgages without doing their own due diligence first, don't see why Vandyk needs my bank statement.

Never heard of Skywater Property Management.
