I am having a hard time finding furniture, at least a decent priced condo sized couch that I like.

Where did you guys buy curtains/blinds from? Bouclair? I want to get blackout blinds for the bedroom, so that no light is let in.

Structube and Urban Barn have some nice smaller scale couches (i.e., smaller frame, minimal arm rests, etc.) Their couches run from like $900-$1500. The small stores along Dundas would surely be cheaper... But, may be slightly more limited in terms of style options. I guess it all depends on what you're looking for style-wise :)
hi everyone, when I moved in last week I was missing the sink + tub plugs. if you go downstairs to the office ask and they will give them to you.
I saw my lawyer the other day in preparation of my interim occupancy closing, which is Tuesday. I advised her a major complaint during my PDI inspection. I have the Alder unit on the first floor and any of you who have the similar unit with the “walkin closet†into the bathroom has 2 closet spaces on either side. Unfortunately my unit happens to have only 1 closet and the other side is pretty much a dead space. I was upset as I was looking forward to a “Carrie Bradshaw closet spaceâ€. It’s not deep enough to have another closet rack. My lawyer sent a letter to Vandyk’s lawyer so we’ll see if there is any resolution to this. Is there anyone out there that has the same issue? From my inspection with Jason Kennedy it sounded like I wasn’t the only one.
To “n3rakâ€, you asked about final closing. I spoke to Kora at Vandyk and she said I should close between 1-4 months when I occupy. I also asked my Lawyer if she heard anything and from her experience it’s about the same time frame. So for me, I should be closing by August.
I now know where I’m parking and where my locker is. It looks like my locker is on the fist floor (Level A), is that correct?

My walk-in/through closet seems to be OK. have a picture you can post?
Does anyone know if we have to book the elevators only for the day we get our keys or can we book them for another day? I'm still waiting to be contacted for my pdi, I hope everything goes well.

I'm pretty sure any day is fine. I booked 4 days after I got my key.
Just saw a number of the questions I replied to were already covered. Sorry about that.

My updates:
1) did anyone get keys yet for the locker in the garage? I still don't have one and the door is always propped open, so I'm guessing no?
2) I wonder why we need a key fob to get into the elevators from the garage? Seems kind of pointless considering there are 2 sets of stairs immediately next to the key fob elevator doors which do not require a fob.
3) haven't heard from the yappy dog since day 1 - excellent. people in the hallway can still be heard due to the crack in the door. also thanks to the crack in the door various smells from people's kitchens can be sampled.
4) for the first time this weekend I could hear people from adjacent units. It's very muffled and not particularly disturbing... but it is present. sounded like a bit of a party, so day to day living should be tolerable.
Just saw a number of the questions I replied to were already covered. Sorry about that.

My updates:
1) did anyone get keys yet for the locker in the garage? I still don't have one and the door is always propped open, so I'm guessing no?
2) I wonder why we need a key fob to get into the elevators from the garage? Seems kind of pointless considering there are 2 sets of stairs immediately next to the key fob elevator doors which do not require a fob.
3) haven't heard from the yappy dog since day 1 - excellent. people in the hallway can still be heard due to the crack in the door. also thanks to the crack in the door various smells from people's kitchens can be sampled.
4) for the first time this weekend I could hear people from adjacent units. It's very muffled and not particularly disturbing... but it is present. sounded like a bit of a party, so day to day living should be tolerable.

1. I got my key the first day after move-in. Haven't tried it yet though.

2. Yeah, we were laughing about this on move-in day. Worst security ever hahaha

3. All I hear is people in the halllway as well. I have no idea if anyone is living on either side of me yet, but I haven't heard a peep. Also there is one unit that cooks a somewhat...pungent food...that I smell on my way to the elevators. People need to learn to use their range hood fans!

4. I saw lots of parties on Fri/Sat night - probably be the norm this summer.
1. I got my key the first day after move-in. Haven't tried it yet though.

2. Yeah, we were laughing about this on move-in day. Worst security ever hahaha

3. All I hear is people in the halllway as well. I have no idea if anyone is living on either side of me yet, but I haven't heard a peep. Also there is one unit that cooks a somewhat...pungent food...that I smell on my way to the elevators. People need to learn to use their range hood fans!

4. I saw lots of parties on Fri/Sat night - probably be the norm this summer.

1) Is your key a separate key? Or is it the same one that opens the front/main doors? I received 2x mailbox key, 2x suite key and 2x main/front door which was supposed to also open the locker room doors (not the case). Do you have a separate key for the locker or are you assuming the main/front door key will work?
3) yup, range hood fans please everyone - remember we have large cracks in our doors!

Anyone know what the room on the 4th floor patio (between the 2 patio sections) is supposed to be?
Is mail delivery operational in the building yet?

No, it's not. Which is actually another issue I wanted to raise... I changed all my addresses already. I'm wondering where the hell all my mail is right now... hopefully being kept safely @ the post office until mail starts getting delivered.
That sucks. Yeah, I don't think I will be rushing to change my address until mail is starting to be delivered.
Thursday I can move in, but I have like no furniture yet.
1) Is your key a separate key? Or is it the same one that opens the front/main doors? I received 2x mailbox key, 2x suite key and 2x main/front door which was supposed to also open the locker room doors (not the case). Do you have a separate key for the locker or are you assuming the main/front door key will work?
3) yup, range hood fans please everyone - remember we have large cracks in our doors!

Anyone know what the room on the 4th floor patio (between the 2 patio sections) is supposed to be?

The day after I moved in, I bumped into Javier in the elevator and he gave me 1 locker key. It's silver.

Will try to remember to test it today.

Not sure about the middle room. Mechanic/patio furniture storage?
For some reason the I can't seem to upload any pics of my closet. I will try again later.
I'm picking up my keys tomorrow my lawyer said between 1-5. How can I get a hold of Rogers? Does anyone have a contact name and number, I'd like to set up my cable and internet. Thanks!
