If you see her again, ask to see a copy of the bill lol.

Whoever had the reserved party on the patio on Saturday sure was noisey. Didn't think music and yelling in the hallways at 12:30AM was very appropriate.

What's going with the parking garage near the elevators? There was a lot of debris on the ground and water everywhere.
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If you see her again, ask to see a copy of the bill lol.

Whoever had the reserved party on the patio on Saturday sure was noisey. Didn't think music and yelling in the hallways at 12:30AM was very appropriate.

What's going with the parking garage near the elevators? There was a lot of debris on the ground and water everywhere.

You didn't see the water gushing out of one of the ceiling pipes on Friday evening/Saturday morning?

Apparently, a girl's toilet on the first floor had seriously backed up to the point where it was spilling out in her bathroom. Her brother (who is a plumber) came and opened up the pipe from her unit in the garage to release some of the water. There was all sort of gunk in the pipe (including the drywall on the ground in the garage). I don't much about plumbing but this did not look good at all (and especially on Friday evening). :eek:
I'm sure that reserving the public terrace is not possible and those ppl took it among them selves to make it so ,which is very inconsiderate considering we all pay for it!I live across the hall from there it was very noisy with drunk ppl coming in and out yelling in the hall.its because of ppl like this that they lock up the terrace at night, and the guy was back for more with his buddies las night.not too happy about paying for this guys friends fun times.
You didn't see the water gushing out of one of the ceiling pipes on Friday evening/Saturday morning?

Apparently, a girl's toilet on the first floor had seriously backed up to the point where it was spilling out in her bathroom. Her brother (who is a plumber) came and opened up the pipe from her unit in the garage to release some of the water. There was all sort of gunk in the pipe (including the drywall on the ground in the garage). I don't much about plumbing but this did not look good at all (and especially on Friday evening). :eek:

I don't recommend anyone taking matters in their own hands and fooling around with the buildings utilities,no matter who they say they are or what they say they know.if something goes wrong if can cause major issues,like voiding any warranties still valid by the builder and its trades.the guy who decided to do so is the same guy on the ground floor with the charcoal BBQ that let's off so much smoke that I can barely see off my balcony and almost set off my smoke detector,oh and he also uses the hose bib outside that we all pay for to wash his BBQ and balcony!
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Nope, never saw it gushing, just saw the mess on Saturday afternoon. They definately shouldnt be touching anything in the parking garage, even if its coming from their unit. Where is property management when this is happening? Oh yeah, we don't have any, just a contracted daytime cleaning crew. Drywall in their pipe? Wtf.

I didn't think charcoal and propare bbqs were even allowed here, but maybe it's different for the ground floor people?

Yeah, I didn't think reserving the outdoor patio was even an option, but they had a piece of paper for it on the door, unless they wrote it themselves. I thought this is why we have a party room. I didn't think much of it, but yeah, when they are going in and out and I hear their yelling and music from inside my unit, its pretty rediculous.
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They did write it them selves I witnessed it and asked what was up and they said that they had reserved the party room and terrace through Anna!
Pretty sure noise by-laws are in affect after 11PM.

Think i'll call parking enforcement about everyone parked on Lolita overnight as well. Sick of not being able to see cars coming by clearly when exiting because of vehicles parked near the entrance ramp.
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Pretty sure noise by-laws are in affect after 11PM.

Think i'll call parking enforcement about everyone parked on Lolita overnight as well. Sick of not being able to see cars coming by clearly when exiting because of vehicles parked near the entrance ramp.

FYI. it does not have to be after 11PM. noise/nuisance by-law in Mississauga is in effect at all times.
I guess not very many people applied to be on the condo board. 6 names are listed on the paper for 3 positions. So half the people on that list will be the condo board.
I came home late Saturday.. I think around 1am..and ya, there were people screaming in the hallways near the terrace haha I'd hate to live near them! I don't mind noise late in weekends on balconys and stuff cause its summer and others can just close their windows to drown them out. The hallway echoes through everyone's units though.

Booking the terrace... Dumb. I would crumble that paper and throw it out haha

And nice, some UT rep on the board :-D

Dude who sent the email doesn't seem to even live in the building.... He was savvy enough to use the tenant email list Vandyk accidentally leaked... but I'd imagine it would be better for the person to actually see what's going on daily..
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I agree, that part turned me off. Having experience in condo evaluations seems nice, but I would like the person to actually be living here.
