If you wanna play hardball with them, file a complaint with the board. They CAN ban smoking in the building... :D

A better approach would probably be to send notices or include mention in the newsletter asking smokers to please take it outside.

People do have a right to smoke in their unit, but DON'T have a right to bother others with the second hand smoke.
But it's not cigarette smoke though. As I said, what if it's the medicinal sort? It's a sensitive subject. I know there are a fair amount of smokers in the condo but I can't say the hallways smell like an ashtray. I think it would be odd to receive a notice strictly on the topic of marijuana. 4/20 lol.

I'll research it a little then send word of my findings to Skywater and thereby the board for action.. if any can be taken.
Yeah the smell doesn't bother me but I've heard a lot of people complain (on here as well) so I'm sure something can be done.

If not, just tell them you're an Olympic snowboarder and can't be near second hand smoke

zzz I was just thinking.... who was it that you've been emailing with complaints/questions? Maybe you need to try one of the other contacts on the lists they are constantly providing... I understand the Victor being terminated update but the others... we get the point. Anyway, my experience with respect to contacts has been pretty good. Some companies, like the one I work for have an automatic reply.... it's not an actual person responding. With Skywater and Vandyk it's real live people. So, if it is something that is not their, department shall we say, they may have to contact the other to get an answer to provide you with..I don't know, just trying to figure out the best way to make things work around here... it's getting better that's for sure.

The garbage chutes are working as they should. Javier saw me disposing the other day and reminded me that I need to wait for the chute to move into position... makes sense, I just expect things to happen instantly. I mean if they can put men on the moon then why can't the chutes operate instantly to dispose of what I want when I want. Not fond of standing around waiting for the contraption to move into place.

Speaking of chutes, it's capable organic disposal and yet it is not a service the City of Mississauga currently supports or offers, whichever.... Monday, a phone call is definitely being placed. I would highly recommend everyone else does too to light a fire under their City butts. I was really excited that there was that option...though now it's apparently a non-option.

Another question... why did the original residents who were on this forum not send out a memo to all other residents about it's existence? I am sooo behind ... LOL
lol Asmegin THAT is too funny!

the fresh smell doesn't bug me... but old and stale gets gross... But never mind all that I'll plead the 5th and take up snowboarding.

... in case I can't get it resolved legally. :p
Majority have gone to Harold, but I have copied others before as well.

I am the opposite, I don't find the sound proofing for my unit to be amazing. My neighbors on each side of me are not particularly noisy, but I can still hear muffled talking through the wall or if they are on their balcony, this is with my windows and patio door closed. I can hear the train, I can hear honks from outside. I can easily hear people through my front door talking when walking down the hallway and since I am near a fire door, I always hear that as well. It's not super bad, but the hallway is the worst for me.
I'm actually pretty happy with the soundproofing on my unit. If my balcony door and windows are closed, I pretty much hear nothing. If I go into the halls, THEN I can hear music, talking etc from every unit. Maybe the people near me just aren't loud?

Sometimes when I go to check my mail I hear this one unit blasting rap music haha you can hear it from the elevators.

Wow, I wish I could say the same. I can hear the couple in the unit next to me just talking when I'm trying to sleep. Not yelling, or screaming, TALKING. I literally can hear muffled voices. Some seriously shitty soundproofiing in this building. Noise from the outside is well contained. But the unit next to me - voices. Unit above me - you can hear ppl walking constantly, and can even hear when they flush their toilet or drain something. Seems like their pipes run through my bathroom walls with zero noise insulation. And of course people in the hallway - you can hear EVERYTHING. If anyone is in the hallway I can hear them, whether they are jingling their keys, locking their door, or are some 50 feet away talking to someone. Total garbage. I would not recommend Vandyk to anyone for this shitty building quality. Carpets are falling apart everywhere in common areas. It hasn't even been a year.
Majority have gone to Harold, but I have copied others before as well.

I am the opposite, I don't find the sound proofing for my unit to be amazing. My neighbors on each side of me are not particularly noisy, but I can still hear muffled talking through the wall or if they are on their balcony, this is with my windows and patio door closed. I can hear the train, I can hear honks from outside. I can easily hear people through my front door talking when walking down the hallway and since I am near a fire door, I always hear that as well. It's not super bad, but the hallway is the worst for me.

Harold is borderline useless. Unfortunately it does not take one polite email asking him to look into something (eg. AC in the gym not working). 3 days later if I hear nothing, and notice the issue is not resolved, I email him again with much more provocative language and copy other people too. Then someone responds saying they're looking into it.
Has anyone filed a claim with Tarion for incomplete warranty work (30 day items)?
Vandyk said they would fix a couple of things which they did not. I harassed them for a few days and eventually they said the work was already done... so I told them No, it most certainly was not. So they apologized and said they will come have a look... a few days later they confirmed the work was NOT done, but in the system it was marked off as done and that they would fix it the very next day. weeks later, still no one has come by and no one is responding to emails asking if the work will be completed as promised. I could waste more time with these pieces of shit, or I can just go through Tarion. Hopefully it affects their record/reputation in some way as their work has been of poor quality in my experience.
Anyone have any tips/advice?
I was thinking about doing that as well, as there are a couple of things they have said are completed multiple times that are still not fixed, including my faucet. You would think it would not take them 4 months to properly fix a faucet.

I am just worried that if I file the tarion claim and an inspector comes, they might not think the items are actually covered under the warranty and at that point I would be out the $300 it cost for the inspection if they are deemed not warranted.
I was thinking about doing that as well, as there are a couple of things they have said are completed multiple times that are still not fixed, including my faucet. You would think it would not take them 4 months to properly fix a faucet.

I am just worried that if I file the tarion claim and an inspector comes, they might not think the items are actually covered under the warranty and at that point I would be out the $300 it cost for the inspection if they are deemed not warranted.

Well the key would be as to whether Vandyk indicated that it's under warranty or not. We have that in writing. These 2 items Vandyk said are in warranty and will fix... they just haven't done it, and keep ignoring my requests to do so.
I guess that's true, i'll probably mention them one more time to Vandyk and state if they are not fixed soon I will be filing the tarion claim.
If you missed this topic, you probably missed the original construction topic from 2010 which has tons of pics through construction.


Oh wow, most definitely missed out on all that, thanks Asmegin. Definitely have a something to do on lunch breads and during dull conferences. Lots to review. I let my family and realtor deal with all this as I was working out west. They'd send pictures and other various developments on the property. I actually really got my hopes up... from the distance and the perspective it gives you, you generally start feeling like you're moving into Shangri-La. Thanks for all this Asmegin :)
Harold is borderline useless. Unfortunately it does not take one polite email asking him to look into something (eg. AC in the gym not working). 3 days later if I hear nothing, and notice the issue is not resolved, I email him again with much more provocative language and copy other people too. Then someone responds saying they're looking into it.

mark024, from my experience, all managers have an office staff to be the filtration system for issues and developments. They are also responsible for following up on whether or not it was resolved. In my line of work, if I didn't have reception and admin staff I would cease to exist with the volume of clients we have. It's incredible for one person to satisfy and prioritizing only satisfies 5%.. the rest suffer.

I mention this because as noted above when I talked to Anna she was first going to pass on my concern, I guess to whomever was in charge of dealing with my type of concern, but then called back and told me that she got direction and was able to make the contacts and schedule the appointment herself.

Again, I'd be useless without my admin staff. I really feel that goes for everyone in business.

Seriously everyone, anna.molchanova@skywater.ca ... I got nowhere before... I'm tempted to call her and ask if she has received anything pertaining to these issues from anyone. Javier told me that it was a wiring issue ... and it has since been fixed.

I agree though that a response with some suggestion towards action or ETA or whatever would make a world of difference...this are circles back to my original mention of frustration.
