For sure it's the worst No Frills in Ontario. I mean, it makes other No Frills seem like they have a few frills. At least the basement turned into a Dollarama, so you can slum-shop all in the same location. Roncy has acquired all the good little food stores, which is Parkdale adjacent. For me, it's No Frills for everyday basics and Cheese Btq to pamper myself.
Maybe since I have been here since the 90's, I notice the change more than most. The biggest changes are the Queen retail and the disappearance of the street walkers. Rents have increased because of the hipsters who are willing to pay $1600+ for a small 1 bedroom apt. Same number of lunatics and riff raff though.
I've spent a lot of time in Parkdale myself, and I mostly agree. It's a bit less ghettoey and a bit more hipstery, but not dramatically so, especially in context of the huge changes throughout downtown. There's something fascinating about the eclectic mix you find there. There's no other neighbourhood in the city like it. I hope it retains its Bohemian character.
Agreed about the corners of King and Dufferin though - way too gross suburban in design. And I love the food at Island Foods too, but the service pisses me right off. Never seen a fast food joint take glacially slow to put already prepped and cooked food together on a plate like these clowns. It's cringe inducing. Sorry, "island time" doesn't cut it here. I've found myself going more and more to Ali's Roti for more flavour and you get it right away.