This thread makes me wish we had Google Streeview archives for earlier than 07/09, because I swear if you had left Edmonton in 2002 and came back 10 years later in 2012, you'd have hardly noticed much difference outside a LOT of sprawl. Meanwhile, if you left Edmonton in 2012 and came back in 2022, you'd damn near think you're in a different city.
The Hendrix bringing life to this area. Will be cool to see the View, CX, and a few other projects really enliven this corner!
Somewhat old pic, but probably the most transformed street view in the last 4 years? encore, ultima, stantec, marriot, arena, and the redone street entrance/facade on this office. Excited to see this street again in a few years compared.
Just dropping this here to show how much stony plain road is struggling. Basically no changes in a decade. Hopefully this next decade is a lot kinder with the LRT revitalizing.
Little shopping center on 149st. Street facing parking is less fun, but this really helped the area. Bon Ton and others are staples to the communities around here now. High quality vs many strip malls.