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What in my post led you to the conclusion I don't want refugees to be re-settled in Canada? What, in any of my posts, leads to that conclusion?

I didn't specifically call you out. I'm referring to the people you claim will use that to back up their argument.
I am now, officially, confused. We were told that terrorists are not hiding in the camps where we will rescue the 25k refugees from....we were also told that between our own and the UN screening we had nothing to fear about terrorist infiltration of the refugees we are to re-settle and now, according the CBC, we are going ban single male refugees....we will filter for women, children and families only.

This seems to me a bizarre contradiction....either we have the ability to filter out or screen properly or we don't. I would think we do and would have no need to replace islamaphobia with maleaphobia.

It is also a decision that plays into the hands of the people who oppose any refugee acknowledges there are security concerns and since not all of the terrorists who have hijacked the good name of Islam for their purposes have been men it will lead to criticism.

There is a far better, and "western compliant" explanation - in a deck chairs on the Titanic scenario you let the children/women/family/elderly go first. There is no need to work ourselves into a knot over it.

Christianity is peverse, does that make it immoral?

Not at all, what immoral, are Christians (or anyone) who try and make out that they better than others who are Muslim, Buddhist, not religious at all, gay, black, blue ... and who try and tell others how they should live.

Though surely the jedi have better movies coming out.
If that's your belief, why do you support Trudeau? And why did you say he is better Christian than other politicians/people? If the entire faith is perverse, then where is the upside to to it or anyone that has those convictions? And speaking of your earlier point about Trudeau being a superior Christian; why then was was he photographed sitting next to Ben Levin at Pride a couple of years ago? And why was the mainstream media so hush hush about Mr. Levin? People like him are the most repugnant pieces of filth on the planet, yet most are probably unaware of this asshole because the mm ignored him until well after he was exposed (originally I believe by an Australian news outlet) and Sun News. What are your thoughts on this? That question applies to everyone reading this, as well.


I don't believe I'm better than anyone, nor am I telling others how to live their lives. I may question certain lifestyles, but I respect anyone's right to live the way they want. Most Christians believe the same. Maybe you should go to a church and actually see how friendly people are? And you could flip your argument around and say that Christians and other religious people are being taught how to live their lives via media, Hollywood, television, mainstream culture, sex ed workers planting ideas in the minds of Christian youth about vile sex acts, etc. Everyone is being taught how to behave.
There is a far better, and "western compliant" explanation - in a deck chairs on the Titanic scenario you let the children/women/family/elderly go first. There is no need to work ourselves into a knot over it.


This is not the Titanic, so the analogy doesn't apply. But I agree with you that there is no need to work ourselves into a knot over it. It's disappointing, but let's not forget this is in the context of an ambitious plan to rescue 25,000 people. A lot of good is being done, and we are not all going to agree with every aspect of the process.

And, I see in the news this afternoon that there is an exception to the no men, except in families, rule. Single gay men will be permitted to form part of that first 25,000 group, given that they are at particular risk.
Re: Levin:

Editor's Note: The original version of this article used a Reuter's photograph, by Mark Blinch, of Liberal leaders Kathleen Wynne and Justin Trudeau attending the 2013 Pride March. The previous image caption identified the man sitting beside Trudeau as Benjamin Levin. The Newspaper has since received a letter from Rev Brent Hawkes, the ministry of the Metropolitan Community Church of Toronto who organized the event, which states that the man we identified as Levin is actually a different person and a member of his congregation. We regret the misattribution.


Unbelievable. He posted a photo of Ben Levin (or at least thinks he has). Reduced to conspiracy theories, I see. I repeat my comment about how desperate, and laughably irrelevant, the anti-gay movement has become.
This is not the Titanic, so the analogy doesn't apply. But I agree with you that there is no need to work ourselves into a knot over it. It's disappointing, but let's not forget this is in the context of an ambitious plan to rescue 25,000 people. A lot of good is being done, and we are not all going to agree with every aspect of the process.

And, I see in the news this afternoon that there is an exception to the no men, except in families, rule. Gay men, even single men, will be permitted to form part of that first 25,000 group, given that they are at particular risk.

Not quite Titanic, but degree of vulnerability is certainly a criteria for admission.

Unbelievable. He posted a photo of Ben Levin. So, we really do have the conspiracy-theorist wing nut here, I suppose. I repeat my comment about how desperate, and laughably irrelevant, the anti-gay movement has become.

Apparently it wasn't even him. Like anyone in politics would knowingly sit with anyone accused of pedophilia? What do you think this is, the UK? It's about as stupid an accusation as one saying that Harper is morally dubious because one of his band member is a now convicted pedophile.

Here, I'll correct this for you... 'Fisting is not my cup of tea but consenting adults can do what they like in bed'. You're welcome.

The government/school system's mandate and responsibility is to education children. Knowledge is power and it has been demonstrated time and again that children exposed to sexual education make better choices, have lower incidents of teenage pregnancy, abortion, sexual diseases etc. You may not personally 'agree' with everything taught but that's life. You can and should continue the discussion at home, with balance, and then let your children make the choices that are right for them.

Oh dear. Anal sex has been practised since the dawn of time, and by straights and gays... so has oral sex by the way. They were and are alternatives to avoid unwanted pregnancies. You see, unlike animals humans do not have a rutting period. We have sex anytime, for bonding, for pure pleasure and emotional reasons etc. far far more often than we ever have sex for procreation... then again, if you'd ever been exposed to sexual education you might know some of this.
I never said consenting adults can't fist each other. Of course they're welcome to do so. It is still a misuse of the anus by any objective standard, however. But, people can defy that if they wish.

I'm well aware of sodomy and its history. That fact that it has been practised since the genesis of our existence doesn't make it ok. Why are people blatantly using their bodies in ways in which they weren't designed? No one has answered this. Anyone who fists another person's ass; unless you're using enemas prior to, don't your hands reeks of shit afterwards? And I experienced the same sex ed as you or any other member on this forum.
The number of homophobes who claim to have had extensive discussions with doctors and nurses about gay men holding in their stool is always just hilarious to me. It just goes to show how desperate, and laughably irrelevant, the anti-gay movement has become.
Don't be a bully. One doesn't get to throw around labels, without proof, just because they are gay. Let's refrain from character assassination and have a real discussion.
Don't be a bully. One doesn't get to throw around labels, without proof, just because they are gay. Let's refrain from character assassination and have a real discussion.

Interesting, you just accused a whole segment of the population as immoral and now you're talking about character assassination. BTW, this is not an adults only forum - if you want to discuss more exotic practices, you are free to search for information online elsewhere instead of pontificating about what little you know about it on here.

Who taught you that anal sex is great?
No one, figured it out for myself, despite fear mongering from religion.

Explain to me how it is rational to use the anus in a way that contradicts its purpose.

How is it rational for people to fly in airplanes? It's not normal, nor a proper function our bodies were designed for.
Do you reject suppositories out of moral principal as well?

Your body has no innate purpose divined to it, nor a manual saying that it's limited to specific functions as a matter of fact.
Those who speak the loudest about immorality usually have things to hide, not that this has anything to do with Justin Trudeau.

Right now, our PM is hosting all of the provincial leaders, something the previous guy didn't like to do. The Northwest Territories have an election today.
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No one, figured it out for myself, despite fear mongering from religion.

How is it rational for people to fly in airplanes? It's not normal, nor a proper function our bodies were designed for.
Do you reject suppositories out of moral principal as well?

Your body has no innate purpose divined to it, nor a manual saying that it's limited to specific functions as a matter of fact.
No one/thing persuaded you to try it? You just decided one day to try it without any knowledge of it? I find that hard to believe.

Airplanes; really? False equivalency, much?

Honestly, why would you bring up suppositories? Using one if you're constipated is fine because it is being used in a beneficial manner to one's system. People aren't using anal sex to help each other poop.
