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This is quite hilarious.
Harris doubled the debt from $100B to $139B. - actually 39%.
McGuinty/Wynne doubled the debt from $139B to $308B - actually 122%.
Ford reduced the independently confirmed debt from $15B to $7.4B in their first year.

If you want, you could say Ford increased debt by 4.3% per year, McGuinty/Wynne by 8.7% per year, and Ford by 2.4% per year.

And why are we talking provincial politics here. Isn't there some news about Trudeau that could be discussed?'re exhausting.

First, you are conflating debt and deficit again.

Second, the deficit was never 15B..........EVER, and its not 7.4B the time the pension surplus is accurately accounted for it will be no greater than 5.4B and maybe less.

Your obsession with your world view being proven right; is what has you proving yourself wrong on a twice daily basis.
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I get this place is ultra liberal, but Trudeau isn't getting much heat for this on here and he should. Nothing close to what I read in the Chic Fil Ait thread. Why is that?

In the Federal Election thread, where the discussion on this has been taking place, I count at least 4 posters, myself included, who have had something negative to say about Mr. Trudeau in this regard.

Many others aren't so much defending him; as saying something along the lines of the alternative is worse. Which is certainly a valid POV

I expect many are disappointed/dumbfounded by what's been revealed; but that doesn't mean they are motivated to add to the pile-on.
What does it even mean to say 'I take full responsibility' in a situation like this. They are empty words.

I liked Trudeau and voted for him last time. But he has been exposed as a phony.

I still would rather have him then Scheer
I get this place is ultra liberal, but Trudeau isn't getting much heat for this on here and he should. Nothing close to what I read in the Chic Fil Ait thread. Why is that?

Probably because he's proven during his time as an MP that this is in his past and he's dedicated to doing better.
This isn't Scheer refusing to apologize for actions taken while an MP, refusing to attend Pride celebrations, and forgiving all the racists in his party.

The man in the photo is defending Trudeau.

Who cares what he thinks? If this was a Conservative caught in this mess their career would be DEAD OVER! But of course here comes the leftist apologists to defend their pick. The hypocrisy never ends around here.'re exhausting.

First, you are conflating debt and deficit again.

Second, the deficit was never 15B..........EVER, and its not 7.4B the time the pension surplus is accurately accounted for it will be no greater than 5.4B and maybe less.

Your obsession with your world view being proven right; is what has you proving yourself wrong on a twice daily basis.
An obvious typo - especially since it's obvious that Ford reduced the deficit by ~50%. The very next sentence states that the debt went up 4.3%.

This is quite hilarious.
Harris doubled the debt from $100B to $139B. - actually 39%.
McGuinty/Wynne doubled the debt from $139B to $308B - actually 122%.
Ford reduced the independently confirmed deficit from $15B to $7.4B in their first year.

If you want, you could say Ford increased debt by 4.3% per year, McGuinty/Wynne by 8.7% per year, and Ford by 2.4% per year.
Probably because he's proven during his time as an MP that this is in his past and he's dedicated to doing better.
Fixed it for you.
Probably because he's proven during his time as an MP that he will use minorities and women to his benefit, but can them if they try to express an opinion.
It was three times.
  1. The first time (chronologically) was Harry Belafonte act at high school. That one is almost forgivable. It likely occurred in the mid 1980's. Dressing as THE Blackface was already long forbidden. Dressing as a specific black with "makeup" was just ending. Trudeau exaggerated the Afro, so he more dressed as a generic black rather than Harry - which makes it worse. But he was in high school, so it would have been forgivable on its own.
  2. The second (I believe) shows Trudeau in blackface, for no reason other than to mock and belittle blacks. He appears to be acting like a savage or an ape, neither of which is just imitating a black or darker character such as Belafonte or Aladin. It is not clear exactly when this was created, but some reports say early 1990's. This one is likely the worst, since he was already in his mid-20's, and considered an adult (chronologically, if not by maturity).
  3. The third was dressing as a blackface Aladin (although they called it brown face). Aladin has been portrayed in many different ways, so black make-up is nowhere near necessary for the costume. Aladin was portrayed in many shades of lighter brown - but it appears Trudeau deliberately went for a dark brown (even black). It occurred in 2001, which is likely at least 2 decades beyond when it may have been considered acceptable. He was 29 years old and a teacher - supposedly the profession that would know what's best.
The first on it's own could be forgiven. Either the 2nd or 3rd on its own could cause severe damage. All 3 together is a firing/resignation offence that should result in Liberals with at least an ounce of integrity dropping out and running as independents, or not at all.
I *can* see this backfiring, in the sense of the Cons or whomever going "We have more photos! And more! And more!" when it's nothing more than more photos at the same event, or same series of events, etc...
I don't think this will make much of a difference to his supporters and detractors compared to actual governmental violations, but it simply makes Trudeau look a little more foolish out on the World Stage, and rightfully removes his shine in the US.

It's 'bout time they stopped seeing him as 'top woke bae'.
