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Bernier is the more Brian Mulroney type, which isnt that great either but frankly would get some votes In the East.
Asylum seekers get health-care benefits first, eligibility questions later

Asylum seekers arriving illegally in Quebec are getting access to health-care services before the government knows whether they’re eligible to make a refugee claim, due to a backlog of cases, according to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada.

About 3,800 people have crossed the Canada-U.S. border into Quebec in the first two weeks of August. This influx, after nearly 3,000 people arrived in July, has pushed the government to set up temporary tent housing in Lacolle, and more recently in Cornwall, Ontario.

But there are signs that the high numbers have significantly strained the system.

Normally, “irregular” arrivals who cross the border illegally first go through a security check and then go through a second screening to determine whether they are eligible to make a refugee claim. These two checks are usually done within a matter of hours or days.

But according to Denise Otis, a protection officer with the office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Montreal, the eligibility interviews are taking months to arrange. “The situation right now is for people unless you are very vulnerable, at this moment we are the 21st of August, you will have your eligibility interview in January.”

It would make sense for most of the eleven million or so illegal immigrants in the US to walk across the border and claim refugee status. They might or might not be allowed to stay, but the adjudication process would take many years, if not decades. In the interim they would get health care, welfare and housing. It wouldn't be in our interest of course, but there's really no legal way to prevent it short of using the Notwithstanding Clause, which appears to be unacceptable to our elites.
Hmm, tough choice- Khadr should get the benefit of the doubt, but his family was a corrupting force against him (and could still be).

'I wish to become independent': Omar Khadr seeks bail changes, including unfettered access to sister
Khadr can only have contact with his sister if one of his lawyers or bail supervisor is present

Former Guantanamo Bay detainee Omar Khadr returns to court this week to ask that his bail conditions be eased, including allowing him unfettered contact with his controversial older sister, more freedom to move around Canada, and unrestricted internet access.
Currently, Khadr, 30, can only have contact with his sister Zaynab if one of his lawyers or bail supervisor is present. The condition is no longer necessary, he says.

"I am now an adult and I think independently," he says in an affidavit. "Even if the members of my family were to wish to influence my religious or other views, they would not be able to control or influence me in any negative manner."
Several years ago, she and her mother infuriated many Canadians by expressing pro-al-Qaida views. Omar Khadr told The Canadian Press last month that he saw no point in decrying their views.

"I'm not excusing what they said. I'm not justifying what they said," Khadr said. "They were going through a hard time. They said things out of anger or frustration."

Note from Reddit concerning the Khadr family:
  • Ahmed Khadr - father, arrested on terrorism charges after Egyptian Embassy bombing in Pakistan, returned to Canada, was killed by Pakistani security forces.
  • Maha el-Samnah - mother, didn’t want to raise her children in Canada because they would have become involved in “drugs and homosexual relationships.” Enrolled her kids in an Al-Qaeda training camp.
  • Zaynab Khadr- daughter, arrested, held in Turkey, currently in Sudan. Has spoken publically in Canada supporting Al-Qaeda.
  • Abdullah Khadr - son, arrested on terrorism charges in Pakistan, returned to Canada and was jailed pending extradition to the USA on terrorism charges, and released 4 years later.
  • Abdurahman Khadr - son, captured in Afghanistan, held at Guantanamo Bay, became informant for US Security Services.
  • Ibrahim Khadr - son, died at the age of 3 due to heart defect.
  • Omar Khadr - son, captured in Afghanistan, made IEDs for militants, held at Guantanamo Bay, plead guilty to "to murder in violation of the laws of war, attempted murder in violation of the laws of war, conspiracy, two counts of providing material support for terrorism and spying.
  • Abdulkareem Khadr - son, severely wounded and now paraplegic while fighting as a terrorist in Pakistan. Injured in same battle that killed his father.
  • Maryam Khadr - daughter, married. Has previously said that "My family has lived in many places but the most was in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Now those countries I call home, not Canada. I hate people that chose this country -full of fitnah (tests) and kufur (disbelieve).
EVERY SINGLE MALE member of the family has either ended up dead, injured, or in Guantanamo. Every single female member of the family has either been arrested or professed their hatred of Canada and Canadians.
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Potential (near-future) solution for the whole pipeline issues? Would probably depend on how well refineries are able to accept these bitumen balls and how well the process can scale up.

Balls of bitumen: Calgary breakthrough could bypass pipeline problem, researcher says
Engineer says his team's spill-resistant pellets of heavy oil can be safely transported by rail
The CPC really hasn't figured out why they lost the last election and seems doomed to repeat that or worse. Scheer is a dud leader and the whole tone of the party really turns off an independent voter like me. They keep on bringing up old issues that most people have moved on from and picking fights they don't need to pick. Just my opinion.


Liberal MP Arnold Chan died of cancer. He represented my parents in Parliament.

A blast from the past!
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I wonder how this will affect perception of the Liberals in Quebec.

Number of asylum-seekers crossing into Quebec doubled in August
The number of asylum-seekers crossing from the U.S. is estimated at 6,000 last month. The figure belies Ottawa’s attempt to play down the refugee crisis.''
The number of asylum-seekers crossing into Quebec from the U.S. doubled in August, even as Ottawa attempts to play down the crisis.

Although the official count won’t come out until next week, Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale’s office confirmed on Friday the August number for Quebec alone is estimated at 6,000, twice the 2,996 people intercepted by the RCMP in July. Most are Haitians.

The new number pushes the total refugee claimants toward the 40,000 mark with four months left in 2017. That’s a big increase; by comparison, Canada received 23,920 asylum-seekers in all of last year.
Quit trying to state facts. Trudeau is a handsome guy and deserves re-election for that alone.
