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That's bunk as all hell.

In fact, it's embarrassing. Why can't our leader of government live in a stately home? Are we going to expect them to take a vow of poverty so as not to appear "above the peope" or whatever the hell everyone's problem is.

Our PM not living at 24 Sussex does absolutely nothing for government financial management or societal inequality and is a bogus gesture.
That's bunk as all hell.
In fact, it's embarrassing. Why can't our leader of government live in a stately home? Are we going to expect them to take a vow of poverty so as not to appear "above the peope" or whatever the hell everyone's problem is.
Our PM not living at 24 Sussex does absolutely nothing for government financial management or societal inequality and is a bogus gesture.

It would be an embarrassment if Stornoway turned out to be better maintained than 24 Sussex.

Totally agree. It is the official residence of our head of government, regardless of who holds the office. Do we expect them to receive and entertain other heads of state/government at Arby's? I don't know why, in years past, they didn't just put it in the hands of the NCC rather than interfering. Ten million might seem like a lot but it would be a 'gut to the walls' job. They might be able to build new but (a) I hate to see those old eastern Ontario stone buildings disappear and (b), can you imagine what a government committee designed building would end up looking like? Something like this if they wanted to design an animal . . .


or this . . .


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Warren Kinsella says that another huge political #MeToo bombshell is going to hit soon.
Let's hope someone finally goes to the police to press charges. This mob pile on while real baddies face no legal consequences needs to end.

Can you imagine if Nasser's victims and had neglected to go to police but instead had simply called a media scrum and launched a hastag? The Olympic trainer would still be free today.

If you've been assaulted, call the cops, and the media if you'd like, but don't forget the cops. That's what I wish the #metoo movement was about, yes we want those who've been abused by those in power to now have a voice and collective leverage to stop the abuse... but then there's stage two, the mass pressing of charges by victims at the police station. Where's that bus of celebrities at the police station?
That's bunk as all hell.

In fact, it's embarrassing. Why can't our leader of government live in a stately home? Are we going to expect them to take a vow of poverty so as not to appear "above the peope" or whatever the hell everyone's problem is.

Our PM not living at 24 Sussex does absolutely nothing for government financial management or societal inequality and is a bogus gesture.

Oh look!

Smart - it's time to depoliticize this nonsense.

There are two reasonable options here.

  1. 24 Sussex is in good enough condition for the time being and the PM should live there.
  2. 24 Sussex is in poor condition and it must be repaired or replaced.
If the first, then live there. If the second, then repair/replace it.

Harper used strategy #1. Trudeau, in 27+ months, has not done anything, neither #1 or #2.
There are two reasonable options here.

  1. 24 Sussex is in good enough condition for the time being and the PM should live there.
  2. 24 Sussex is in poor condition and it must be repaired or replaced.
If the first, then live there. If the second, then repair/replace it.

Harper used strategy #1. Trudeau, in 27+ months, has not done anything, neither #1 or #2.

False dichotomy - it presumes there is no transition between "good enough" to poor ever. I think there is no disagreement that it is in a poor condition and it requires rehabilitation. In fact, if I maybe uncharitable, successive governments has been negligent in ensuring adequate upkeep of government property - and their parties should be billed for it.

Actually come to think of it, it isn't such a bad idea - charging rent with maintenance fund overhead to the reigning PM's party.

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Like or dislike Trudeau, that is fine, but he is in a town hall right now deep in NDP territory. Yesterday, he was in a CPC friendly area. These events allow anyone to come in and asking a critical question isn't off limits. Harper only did events like that if the people were screened and he got to pick the questions, which were all softball and friendly.
Like or dislike Trudeau, that is fine, but he is in a town hall right now deep in NDP territory. Yesterday, he was in a CPC friendly area. These events allow anyone to come in and asking a critical question isn't off limits. Harper only did events like that if the people were screened and he got to pick the questions, which were all softball and friendly.

I just finished watching the Nanaimo town hall and I must say I respect the man's patience. Some of those hecklers tonight were well out of line and he kept calm and remained respectful where I would have slagged them off. I say this as someone who is no fan of the man (at all after his self-serving electoral reform lie).
Also, noteworthy (much like the difference between the consequences in politics of harrassment allegations between the two countries) is the difference between how hecklers were treated here vs how they were treated during Trump's rallies during the US presidential election campaign. Says a lot, I reckon.
