Bye bye Timmy. He resigned.
I think we are all ill-served by policies that are too extreme - and I think we do need to pay attention to the fiscal situation the province is facing and that restraining public expenditures and/or increasing revenues for targeted areas of spending is required. What Ontarians have overwhelming rejected is wholesale cut and slash.
Yep, it was Hudak's race to lose, and he lost it.
When Wynne announced her ambitious tax-and-spend budget, which Horwath chose not to support, I thought she had handed Hudak the election.
But then Hudak came out with his hard-right fire-100000-people and his bizarre create-1-million-jobs claim, and he handed it right back again.
Mind you I thought it was going to be a Liberal minority (albeit with the possibility of a PC minority). I didn't at all believe it was going to be a Liberal majority.
P.S. For the very first time in my life, I voted Green. I actually don't like the Green Party much, but since I disliked all three main parties this time around too, and because my area is overwhelmingly Liberal anyway, I decided to make my vote a single-issue vote: The Green Party is the only party of those four that dared to say they'd merge the public and Catholic school boards. That's something I've wanted since like forever. There should be no publicly funded religious school board in modern Ontario.
Good riddance.Bye bye Timmy. He resigned.
Bye bye Timmy. He resigned.
Bring on more transit, and bring on more deficit and some more taxes too!Amazing results tonight. For anyone here who cares about transit, this is an amazing win.
Bring on the transit, bring on the revenue tools and the construction!
Bring on more transit, and bring on more deficit and some more taxes too!
Bring on more transit, and bring on more deficit and some more taxes too!
You may call my post a "sound bite" but in reality I think any logical person should be concerned. This will be a very expensive budget, and all of us will pay for it, some more than others.I think we're a little past the sound bites at this point. The deficit will get resolved, and now that Wynne has the legitimate mandate of this province behind her, she can get some serious business done.
She has already said she's bringing in new taxes, AND will be increasing the deficit.It is kind of telling that now that the Liberals win a majority, we have no idea which one of their promises they will keep. SRT or subway. SELRT or subway, transit money from general revenue or new taxes?
Good riddance.
Hopefully the PCs can bring in someone this time who has more charisma and who is more centrist. And please, please don't try to bring John Tory back into the fold there. Faith based school funding. Like, really?
Hey i42, lock this thread up. Hudak will never be premier of Ontario, who cares about his stupid plan.