Maybe that also shows how new taxes are not needed. Never before in Canada's history has the Federal government contributed more to transit than now. $700M for Spadina extension, $660M for Scarborough subway and $300M for Sheppard. Maybe not as much as some would want, but much more than in the past.
The issue isn't the amount but that it's piecemeal. If your dad gave you a cheque for $10,000 last week, that doesn't mean you can buy a house next year because surely another $20,000 is just around the corner. It's easier for you to plan your future if you know you're getting $1,000 a week, every week. All you need to know about this "big" investment is that when Harper and Flaherty announced the Scarborough subway they didn't utter a single syllable about future funding or The Big Move It was about vote buying and divisiveness, not city building and certainly not investing in some LIBERAL plan.
The NDP made cuts but it was Harris gutting the ongoing funding that put us behind the Eight Ball. The only thing I'd give him is that the feds were also passing things down the province and so they passed them down to municipalities. But municipalities have no power and we've seen that if, say, you give Toronto the ability to levy new taxes, people don't want to hear that either.
When Toronto was considered a leader in transit, it was when they were getting regular provincial funding; and from PC governments, I might add.
Sure, the feds could have given a slice of the HST but it's not like they were weighing whether to invest in cities or cut the HST. Cutting the HST was an end undo itself (and the tax itself was introduced as a temporary measure to eliminate the deficit, don't forget).
The ONLY solution to getting out of this mess is ongoing funding - ideally from all 3 levels - that is dedicated and transparent. The annual budget process, the whims of Ottawa, selling real estate (?!) will provide some funding but no actual solution.