Senior Member
"Cost of the upgrade has been pegged at $441,000, which will be covered from existing budgets unrelated to the Pope’s visit."???
so, does this mean there is $441,000 of work that was otherwise planned that will not get done?
or does it mean that there was $441,000 in the existing budget that wasn't actually allocated for anything?
and how many "other" $441,000 chunks are potentially hidden away but easily accessible when someone really wants/needs it?
and who exactly is that "someone" because i don't recall this being a debated agenda item for council?
All great questions that council should be asking administration. We have people rolling over dead on our streets due to addictions (and some of those are victims of residential school tragedy), street lights and bridges (as you mentioned) covered in rust. There are certainly more pressing needs that $441k can help with. As @EdmTrekker said, why can't Catholics pay for this? Certainly they got the means to do so.
I've emailed my councillor asking for clarification on how we were able to come up with these funds. Stay tuned