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I hope this is the correct place to put it.. if not sorry

I noticed that the blue banner at the top (the one that says forums, what new, members, calendar, ect.) fades away when scrolling sometimes, is this just me?
Screenshot 2021-04-19 12.28.16 PM.png
Screenshot 2021-04-19 12.28.28 PM.png
Screenshot 2021-04-19 12.28.33 PM.png
I've noticed this issue too. Try scrolling until the bottom of this block overlaps with the header:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec volutpat ex ac ante imperdiet, eu pulvinar nulla pretium. Sed euismod purus et diam congue dictum. Vestibulum luctus et nisi vitae mattis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Aenean fermentum, sapien non porttitor efficitur, nisi mauris sollicitudin nulla, ut blandit lectus est hendrerit quam. Aenean feugiat magna in elit varius, sed dictum turpis vestibulum. Donec fringilla nisi a purus porttitor maximus quis ut ligula. Morbi suscipit risus vitae ex volutpat, sit amet consequat justo volutpat.

Sed augue eros, sagittis non lectus sed, malesuada molestie risus. Maecenas et placerat tellus. Curabitur at laoreet ex. Phasellus mollis fermentum enim, a porta quam fermentum eu. Nullam nec leo pretium, consequat justo sit amet, facilisis nibh. Ut id ullamcorper tortor. Nunc eu dolor quis diam faucibus vulputate quis a orci. Donec ullamcorper quis lorem quis eleifend. Phasellus efficitur suscipit ante sed sodales. Mauris ultrices id sem feugiat pellentesque. In aliquet nulla vitae est mollis tempus. Donec eu pretium purus.

Maecenas pulvinar ante ante, a fringilla ex euismod ac. Morbi scelerisque dolor odio, quis feugiat ante fermentum a. Phasellus sollicitudin odio at risus tempor semper. Vivamus eleifend imperdiet sollicitudin. Sed id eros nec orci venenatis laoreet. Vestibulum volutpat sagittis arcu, at sollicitudin risus elementum eu. Suspendisse eros nisi, malesuada venenatis tempor molestie, porta sagittis urna.

Ut ornare consectetur pellentesque. Mauris fringilla sapien eu ipsum tempus, vel vestibulum turpis posuere. Pellentesque fringilla, lectus ut facilisis dignissim, quam est ultricies ligula, ut egestas nisi lacus in mauris. Vivamus eget ultrices odio, vitae porta erat. Nam lacinia fermentum efficitur. Vestibulum vel interdum nibh. In sollicitudin tortor non nulla bibendum, ac aliquam ex cursus. Pellentesque efficitur varius arcu, in viverra ante lacinia non. Morbi quis est elit.

Duis mauris justo, lacinia ac magna quis, viverra cursus nulla. Nullam egestas maximus malesuada. Phasellus eu mi nibh. Nullam at sagittis libero. Duis venenatis, neque id dignissim dignissim, lectus arcu mattis nisi, ac congue nulla urna et mauris. Proin sed augue ut lacus pulvinar ultrices. Sed eget ultrices ex. Nunc at dignissim diam, ac lobortis eros. Proin euismod leo sapien, eget consequat elit dictum id. Donec condimentum malesuada ipsum eleifend lobortis. Curabitur in nisi faucibus, tempor nulla sit amet, consectetur orci. Ut finibus gravida condimentum. Sed porttitor justo eu arcu malesuada dapibus a eu turpis. Morbi mollis purus velit, vitae laoreet neque molestie a.

Root cause, if you want it, is the "click to expand" link is an absolutely positioned element with a z-index of 100, and so is the floating header, but because the expand link comes after the header in the document source, it gets a higher stacking order.

Perhaps this element just needs a slightly lower z-index?
Screen Shot 2021-04-22 at 17.25.29.png
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Suggestions for the database and map -

1. Add an "Approved" status for projects in orange on the map, similar to some of the renderings on Stephen Velasco's future model TO

2. Have a filter option to only show project icons you are following on the map
Suggestions for the database and map -

1. Add an "Approved" status for projects in orange on the map, similar to some of the renderings on Stephen Velasco's future model TO

2. Have a filter option to only show project icons you are following on the map
To add on to this I say
1. Maybe add something that indicates whether it's a residential development or an office building etc and a filter that goes with it.
2. Sometimes the database map can be very laggy because of the immense amount of developments tracked on the map. So my solution is they add a way to only view the map for a specific city being tracked on here.
Can I suggest a rule that users posting content from social media (more specifically Twitter) must post the text or a screenshot into their forum posts? It's a bit annoying to get to a post that just links to a social media site that I can't read since I don't have an account.
A suggestion I have is that in articles you guys should refer to the area as the GGH rather than the GTHA as I feel the Greater Golden Horseshoe represents the general Toronto area more as it includes the Waterloo and Niagara areas which are covered on this site a bunch. I also feel that in general the GTA label should be dropped and replace with GGH as a whole.
A bit broader than the forums themselves, but I am not sure of a better place to put it. With what's happening on the "ex-bird" site, have you guys looked at making an account on Bluesky? The Toronto and broader urbanism community has really flourished over there, and you guys (and anyone else) should give it some serious consideration. @ProjectEnd can back me up, amongst others. A couple things to highlight:
  • You can self-authenticate by making the site domain as the account handle (""). And if desired, some staff could have their own accounts with subdomain handles (e.g. @PinkLucy Instructions here.
  • Bluesky is built on the ATmosphere, a decentralized protocol that lets other socials on the same protocol interact with each other. This would also let you move from Bluesky to something else in the future, if need be, without losing followers or posts; you basically move your content over. You may or may not find integration opportunities in the future as the protocol and everything else built on it matures.
