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You care about votes when it fits the narrative.

What about when Wynne won with 39% of the vote?

When Trudeau won with 39% of the vote and said he won't allow this system again.

People only bitch about FPTP when there guy does not win.

Progresisves say they will change the system and then get corrupted by the allure of power themselves. Change the system and you would not have Ford.
How do you know? We are talking about this most recent election. That doesn’t mean people didn’t complain about it in the past. I did. I’ve been calling for proportional representation for years. Whataboutism needs to stop being used as an arguing point.
Straight out of Harper’s playbook. The war against elitist scientific evidence continues, and lives are on the line:

CBC | Ontario Health Minister Christine Elliott puts 3 overdose prevention sites on hold

I wonder how much of this is from pressure from BIA groups? Even though they do save lives, injection sites do also create a 'zone' around them (similar to the effect a shelter creates) that sees increased drug use activity- something that not everyone might want to live beside.

CTV News found many concerns when it visited the Works, just off Yonge-Dundas Square in downtown Toronto near Ryerson University. The Works became the city’s first supervised-injection site last November, with support from former Liberal premier Kathleen Wynne and Toronto Mayor John Tory.

Mark Garner, from the Downtown Yonge Business Improvement Area, says the BIA has found more discarded needles in the first half of 2018 than in all of 2017. On Monday, he found a stash of five in a plant box outside a pub.

The BIA supports efforts to save lives, but businesses have paid a price. They’ve had to increase security, paid to clean up needles, and dealt with plumbing problems due to needles discarded in toilets, according to Garner.

“This is the number one tourist destination in Canada,” he said. “How do we integrate that into the neighbourhood, what resources are needed and how do we make it safe for everybody?” he said.

Igor Ponizoe, whose shop is near the site, has had to put up a sign asking men not to urinate on his doorstep. Every morning, he has to clean up garbage and drug debris.

“It just affects the whole energy in this area,” Ponizoe said. “It doesn’t make this area more attractive.”
Bill to slash the size of Toronto city council passes

From link.

Premier Doug Ford used his new government’s majority muscle Tuesday to push through a controversial bill cutting the size of Toronto city council in half with municipal elections just 10 weeks away, a move NDP Leader Andrea Horwath called “a blatant abuse of power.”

The legislation, named the Better Local Government Act, also scraps planned Oct. 22 elections for regional chairs in Peel, York, Niagara and Muskoka as it enlarges Toronto’s wards to match federal and provincial riding boundaries...

Doug Ford gets his revenge on Toronto City Council:

You care about votes when it fits the narrative.

What about when Wynne won with 39% of the vote?

When Trudeau won with 39% of the vote and said he won't allow this system again.

People only bitch about FPTP when there guy does not win.

Progresisves say they will change the system and then get corrupted by the allure of power themselves. Change the system and you would not have Ford.

Not again. You gotta stop saying "people" in this context. Unless you're going to say "some people"or better yet, "hypocritical people".

I agree with you, there are seriously hypocritical Liberal and NDP supporters who are dead-set against electoral reform most of the time but moan about how unfair our system of minority rule is when their perceived anathema is in power.
These same people are perfectly fine with minority rule as long as they are the minority who are perceived to ideologically gain from said rule.

I know, it's sad.

That being said, these pigs in government don't deserve to have absolute legislative power either.
I wonder how much of this is from pressure from BIA groups? Even though they do save lives, injection sites do also create a 'zone' around them (similar to the effect a shelter creates) that sees increased drug use activity- something that not everyone might want to live beside.

That's complete rubbish. These people don't cease to exist if a safe injection site isn't present. In fact, most of them are in the area where the sites are designed to be opened. That's the whole point of putting them there.

I don't see how having people shoot up and drop in the streets is any better for business.

This is the same old war on drugs moral panic nonsense.
We have to deal with safe drinking sites so let the junkies have their place to get high. Alcohol drinkers are annoying rabble too, you know.
Straight out of Harper’s playbook. The war against elitist scientific evidence continues, and lives are on the line:

CBC | Ontario Health Minister Christine Elliott puts 3 overdose prevention sites on hold
I think it's a matter of asking, are we better off with more people on drugs, but fewer deaths, or fewer people on drugs with more deaths. The first group will side with the liberals, the second group with the conservatives.
Imagine if the reduced Council bill was effective for the 2022 election. Imagine how much backstabbing between Councillors there would be for the next 4 years. I think the quick application of these new rules is essential, and will be viewed as a very smart move.

Why single out Toronto?

Pickering has 6 councillors for 100k people. It's an arbitrary and petty move on the part of the premier. He's a man-child. Not a big deal, lots of those around.
Imagine if the reduced Council bill was effective for the 2022 election. Imagine how much backstabbing between Councillors there would be for the next 4 years. I think the quick application of these new rules is essential, and will be viewed as a very smart move.

Time will tell, so far the only assholery and backstabbing is present at Queenspark and Doug Ford and his merry band of Conservatives are guilty of the current circus featuring a horde of clapping seals - which apparently are maintained through our taxes.
I think it's a matter of asking, are we better off with more people on drugs, but fewer deaths, or fewer people on drugs with more deaths. The first group will side with the liberals, the second group with the conservatives.

Wtf are you talking about here?
I know you conveniently ignored my rather rudimentary lecture on chemistry in the guns thread, maybe you should go re-read it.

Why would there be more people on drugs if we open safe injection sites? That doesn't follow.
What, you think that if we have safe injection sites then more people will start taking up opiates? Or are you saying that it'll be more people on drugs because less of them will die?

When you see a pub opening near you, do you think to yourself, "Ah, there will be more people on drugs now"?
Why are pubs OK, but safe injection sites not? Is alcohol a safe drug? Is it non-addictive? Non-toxic? (Don't bother, the answer is no to all three).

Alcohol users cause a great deal of violence in our communities, perhaps we should crack down on them. Make alcohol illegal since it's a toxic drug with addiction potential. Then we can have alcohol addicts dying in the streets or at home when their withdrawal catches up to them.
That's complete rubbish. These people don't cease to exist if a safe injection site isn't present. In fact, most of them are in the area where the sites are designed to be opened. That's the whole point of putting them there.

I don't see how having people shoot up and drop in the streets is any better for business.

Mmm I think that logic's incomplete. For the record, I'm not against safe injection sites and believe that they do save lives, but I do think there are side effects that need to be managed as well- and all-in-all it's really just a band-aid on top of deeper societal issues.

So yes, it's true that these clinics are located in areas with higher recorded transient/drug-using populations, but it's foolhardy not to believe that safe injection sites don't have concentrating & knock-on effects as well (like shelters)- transient populations are not landscape features that can be pinpointed- they move according to their support networks (friends, dealers, addicts) and safe spaces. Hence the need for positive detox programming & effective planning, and not letting the whole situation spiral into self-reinforcement like what happened in Vancouver DTES.
Why single out Toronto?

Pickering has 6 councillors for 100k people. It's an arbitrary and petty move on the part of the premier. He's a man-child. Not a big deal, lots of those around.
I don't think Pickering should have 25 Councillors.
I think it's a matter of asking, are we better off with more people on drugs, but fewer deaths, or fewer people on drugs with more deaths. The first group will side with the liberals, the second group with the conservatives.
How about fewer deaths so people have the chance to treat their addiction. Presenting it as a conservative/liberal either/or is just bizarre. Actually it's incredibly stupid.
I don't think Pickering should have 25 Councillors.

I don't think anyone does. What's the point of this statement?



How is that at all proportional?

It's not.

PS: Stop ignoring my rudimentary psychopharmacology lessons. :p
