The most recent approval rating I could find puts him at 35%, so no, I don't think the general consensus is that he is doing an ok job.
The most recent approval rating I could find puts him at 35%, so no, I don't think the general consensus is that he is doing an ok job.
If I compare Ford to Dalton McGuinty and his first few years, then Ford looks like the best Premier ever. At this rate, the PC's would win 5 elections. Remember McGuinty promised to not raise taxes, and then brought in a Health Tax and he de-listed eye-care and chiropractor services. Although this forum leans much farther left than even Toronto, I think the general consensus is the Ford is doing an ok job.
Polling seems to be scarce in Ontario. most recent approval rating I could find puts him at 35%, so no, I don't think the general consensus is that he is doing an ok job.
I would have to somewhat agree with BurlOak. Ford is unpopular as he should be but I think there is not a wellspring of distaste for the general philosophical direction of the government.
The work of the Ford government is largely centred at restructuring government to cut costs. I think that is the general will of Ontarians. I personally have no problem with this restructuring excerise but remain skeptical of how effective the exercise is at generating real savings. You can argue that these savings aren’t needed if we increase the tax base but Ontario did not vote for that solution.
Personally I would be taking more draconian actions than Ford to cut services and raise the tax base. As much hay as the media is making about Ford’s government they are really not taking any draconian action. We are still living in a managerial gutless debt fueled la la land where no one is making the hard choices of increasing taxes or cutting services to match revenues with expenditures.
Polling seems to be scarce in Ontario.
Most recent poll has PC's with 41.4% (and it's the larger of the 2 polls this year).
Eric Grenier has not done an Ontario poll tracker since the last election. He weight sample size and how recent the poll is.
My quick estimate would put the PC's at 40.2% using this logic.
The work of the Ford government so far has been a series of cutbacks and appointments to the benefit of his business and personal friends. He has cancelled contracts, resulting in lawsuits and no doubts pay off penalties. He is systematically dismantling rules and safety regulations to protect Ontarians and the workforce.. His penny wise, pound foolish ideology does not work and will cause a downslide of services and tax increases. Ford is not an accomplished politician, who has surrounded himself with spineless people who are not willing to contradict or criticize him. He was a terror during his 4 yrs as absentee counselor a bold face liar (and not a very good liar at that)
Everyone realizes how the Liberals totally destroyed the province and accept that Ford has to do the hard work to clean up the mess.I think the general consensus is the Ford is doing an ok job.
Makes you wonder how the Libs lost. Pure incompetence.
Everyone realizes how the Liberals totally destroyed the province and accept that Ford has to do the hard work to clean up the mess.
And if we compare him to Justin Trudeau - he is doing an excellent job.
Why can't Liberals just admit that McGuinty should have lost in 2007. He should have lost in 2011, Wynne should have lost in 2014. There was no way the smoke and mirrors would continue forever. The Liberals put the province in a huge hole that will take a generation to recover from. Most I talk too are upset with how bad the Liberals left things, and not the corrective actions taken by Ford. Most are also just cluing in to the fact that the architects of the Ontario disaster are the Liberal back-room boys in the Trudeau government.Nope, stupidity, bad choices and focussing their attacks on the NDP who had almost the same platform as theirs, admitting defeat before election (even though it was clear they would not be elected) Then continued to attack the NDP.. The result was clear confused voters and people not voting at all. No dental care, no affordable housing, no wage increase, we got meddling in municipal affairs, gerrymandering etc etc., BUT we're open for funny business, all to the benefit of Ford's friends and benefactors. .Ultimately uninformed voters who casted their ballots are to blame for handing Ford and Co the reigns of government.