News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 02, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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I dislike the man intensely, but during this pandemic he has listened to the experts and has taken some decisive action, albeit he also told people to travel and have fun on March Break. Most of the time he looks like a deer in the headlights, so he stays on script and on task.
Yes, he has learned one great lesson....he keeps his mouth shut. His one big idea.
Opportunistic points-scoring seems to have little to do with his policies. He's still an ass who'll throw "the little guy" under the bus at almost any opportunity, regardless of how popular he may currently be. Wait a few months after a few more small businesses have folded; after more deaths happen that wouldn't have happened prior to his cuts, etc. In the first few moments of stress, people rally around their leaders—Trump notwithstanding as he's so incredibly terrible he's made himself an outlier. Given time, they lose faith.

Herbert Hoover was extremely popular before and during the start of the great depression. He carried 40 of 48 states at election. He narrowly carried 6 by the time the next election rolled around.

Issue is you let your anger at ford blind you the fact...

Who the hell is FDR in the Ontario liberal party...I doubt anyone even knows who the leader of the Liberals even is.

I think the Pandemic has sort of won over the 905 to him and I dont see the NDP or liberals beating him here much.
I too think Ford has handled the pandemic well, but to do that he had to jettison all the conservative rhetoric and policies that originally got him elected... how does FordNation like their leader now?

Well actually if you want Ford to lose it makes it harder as he appeals to a wider electorate then...

He stays in the middle track I would say he is unbeatable in the 905... but he goes back to his old ways then i think he is in big trouble.
Well actually if you want Ford to lose it makes it harder as he appeals to a wider electorate then.

So in 2022, Ford runs as a deficit hawk "efficiencies" conservative, like last time? He's added more to the debt and deficit in 2020 than any other premier in history. He painted himself into a corner... let's see if he finds a way out.
So in 2022, Ford runs as a deficit hawk "efficiencies" conservative, like last time? He's added more to the debt and deficit in the last two months than any other premier in history. He painted himself into a corner... let's see if he finds a way out.

I dont think anyone blames him for that...

Like Harper never got attacked by Conservatives for adding debt due to the recession.

The Average person is not as partisan as people on this board.

As i said I dont know what Ford will be in 2022... We have no idea how long Corona will affect us... All i Know he has 100% has a 2nd chance with the voters in Ontario and its up to him now.
I too think Ford has handled the pandemic well, but to do that he had to jettison all the conservative rhetoric and policies that originally got him elected... how does FordNation like their leader now?

But he may want to keep the odd populist one.

Buck-a-beer was daft, if marginally popular.

But I suspect people like having the LCBO (pre-covid) open til 8pm on a Sunday and now like being able to order booze w/their restaurant delivery.

There is/was much madness in Ford, in his campaign, and his first 1/3 of his term in government.

But once in a while there was a method to the madness (not often enough)

I can't yet imagine voting for Ford or the PCs for a subsequent term; but if they were to get close it would be hitting that thread of the best Progressive, Conservative regimes; a mix of bold, progressive policy, big-tent, open-minded conservatism, that had a healthy pragmatic streak running through it; and a competent managerial side.

Let's be honest, neither Ford, nor his team exude those qualities even now; they just aren't running face-first through a wall against them as they were.
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Coronavirus: Ontario announces ‘pandemic pay’ increase for frontline workers

From link.

Eligible workers include staff in the following settings:

  • Long-term care homes
  • Retirement homes
  • Emergency shelters
  • Supportive housing
  • Social services
  • Congregate care settings
  • Corrections institutions
  • Youth justice facilities
  • Some staff in hospitals, including registered nurses and auxiliary staff

The key phrase is "for the next four months".

Absolutely crucial that this be made permanent; and that minimum wage be increased to at least $16 per hour this fall; and to $17 or more next year.
The world isn't black and white. It is possible for Doug Ford to be a terrible Premier and to handle this current crisis well. I don't think that is giving him a free pass.

Heck, he has been consistently saying the right things in his own folksy populist style to the people who needed to hear it most.

Just objectively speaking, he is actually being a leader during this crisis. He has allowed himself to take a backseat back and listen to the experts (which many populist leaders around the world are proving incapable of doing), and speaking out (and responding with policy) whenever a threat to Ontario's efforts to counter the virus are shown. See the below:

“When you sit back and you think of your allies and the wars we’ve gone through, and we’ve stood shoulder to shoulder fighting the same enemies. And now we have an enemy and we’re at war and they want to shut things down with their closest ally in the world?”

“When the cards are down, you see who your friends are, and I think it’s been very clear over the last couple of days who our friends are. You know who our friends are? Every Canadian, look in the mirror, that’s who are our friends are right now.”

Those two quotes are surprisingly from Doug Ford, not from Pierre Elliot Trudeau.

His biggest test will come after this pandemic, when the economy is in shambles. As others have noted, some war-time leaders like Churchill proved to be unpopular leaders in peacetime. Not that Doug Ford should be compared to Churchill in any capacity, but I anticipate a similar trajectory.
I dont think anyone blames him for that...

Like Harper never got attacked by Conservatives for adding debt due to the recession.

The Average person is not as partisan as people on this board.

As i said I dont know what Ford will be in 2022... We have no idea how long Corona will affect us... All i Know he has 100% has a 2nd chance with the voters in Ontario and its up to him now.

Harper not being attacked by Conservatives is not the same as Ford not being attacked by the swing voters who put him into power. Ford won over a lot of liberal voters and first timers last time. There's no guarantee that will happen again.
Harper not being attacked by Conservatives is not the same as Ford not being attacked by the swing voters who put him into power. Ford won over a lot of liberal voters and first timers last time. There's no guarantee that will happen again.

Well yeah I doubt he will win as easily but its all about how many voters he will lose.
The world isn't black and white. It is possible for Doug Ford to be a terrible Premier and to handle this current crisis well. I don't think that is giving him a free pass.

Heck, he has been consistently saying the right things in his own folksy populist style to the people who needed to hear it most.

Just objectively speaking, he is actually being a leader during this crisis. He has allowed himself to take a backseat back and listen to the experts (which many populist leaders around the world are proving incapable of doing), and speaking out (and responding with policy) whenever a threat to Ontario's efforts to counter the virus are shown. See the below:

“When you sit back and you think of your allies and the wars we’ve gone through, and we’ve stood shoulder to shoulder fighting the same enemies. And now we have an enemy and we’re at war and they want to shut things down with their closest ally in the world?”

“When the cards are down, you see who your friends are, and I think it’s been very clear over the last couple of days who our friends are. You know who our friends are? Every Canadian, look in the mirror, that’s who are our friends are right now.”

Those two quotes are surprisingly from Doug Ford, not from Pierre Elliot Trudeau.

His biggest test will come after this pandemic, when the economy is in shambles. As others have noted, some war-time leaders like Churchill proved to be unpopular leaders in peacetime. Not that Doug Ford should be compared to Churchill in any capacity, but I anticipate a similar trajectory.

So Ford will storm back to office after a very high effective left wing govt somehow becomes unpopular ? (atlee lol
The Average person is not as partisan as people on this board.


The world isn't black and white. It is possible for Doug Ford to be a terrible Premier and to handle this current crisis well. I don't think that is giving him a free pass.

Also facts.
