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Well, at this rate it might be more people's republic kind of people.

I am not so hung up on these mostly minor but fairly symbolic changes - what I do have issues is when some unelected official - upon whose direction? - in the office start dictating what laws to enforce and what not to - and taking into account the Premier's and his extended family's notoriety.


When will Doug Ford rename Ontario as "Democratic People's Province of Ontario" with him as "Great Leader"?
Ontario welfare reforms will make it harder to qualify for disability benefits

From link.

Ontarians who rely on welfare will get counselling and job training under a multi-year, multi-ministry social assistance reform plan, announced by the Ford government Thursday.
But the overhaul comes with a new definition of disability — to align with more narrow federal guidelines — that will likely make it more difficult for people suffering from episodic illnesses and mental health issues to qualify.

“Many people in this province have severe disabilities that make it very difficult to support themselves,” said Lisa MacLeod, minister of children, community and social services.
“They will be met with compassion and dignity in our new system. Those receiving assistance who can work, will be treated with the same dignity, including targeted support to fill Ontario’s jobs.
“If you can work, or if you can’t, we have a plan to help you.”
The changes, which will give municipalities more power to tailor benefits to local needs and will involve several employment-related pilot projects, are still being developed and will roll out over the next 18 months, she said.

Blessed be the poor, for they shall receive no welfare. So sayith "Saint" Lisa MacLed.
Doug Ford is supposedly worried about defections, hence raising the bar for official party status.

From the article:

Ford’s office closely monitors Tory members. Sources say they track who applauds in the legislature and watch for MPPs who do not quickly leap to their feet for ovations after the premier or ministers respond to opposition inquiries during question period.

That's a tad NoKo.

Oh and remember the whole removing the independent commissioners as a money saving exercise - that's smoke and mirrors for something for more sinister:

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Sorry about the double post. I was having issues with the site.

I wonder who is supposedly considering a floor crossing?
The more interesting questions are who’s pushing the defection narrative and why. These stories don’t appear out of nowhere - there’s a faction in caucus with a shadow leader/operatives trying to stir up shit.

Assuming it’s the progressive wing, probably Mulroney backed by the old party machinery. Hence the public soothing and attempt to bury her in more work. Elliott is too passive for these games. Or maybe someone else getting ready to take on a Ford?

Other possibility is Libs working to destabilize, but the article really wants you to think it’s an internal matter.

This is lining up like Chrétien/Martin, with Mulroney working to cut a deal to support Ford in exchange for term limits. And we know how that turned out.
Am I the only one finding it ridiculous how much traction the French university cut is getting. It was a university that was scheduled to have 400 students when it opened. This should be low hanging fruit.

Then the one conservative MPP speaking out of this represents a riding over 400 km away form where the university would be built. You have to love French language politics in Canada. I am somewhat respectful for the historical aspect of French language services but I believe there is no justification for NEW services to be build to cater to this population.
I am somewhat respectful for the historical aspect of French language services but I believe there is no justification for NEW services to be build to cater to this population.
Yeah, next thing you know, they'll expect food, water and oxygen. Who do they think they are? One of the two official language groups or something?

I just don't understand how people expect rights guaranteed to them.

And then there's this propaganda, can't take this seriously now, can we?
French-Language Education in Ontario
Admission to French-language schools
Who is entitled to French-language education in Ontario? (“Rights holders”)

Children whose parents are French-language rights holders are automatically admitted to a French-language school if they submit an application.
Who are rights holders?
Section 23 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms addresses the right to instruction in English or in French of a minority population.
A rights holder is a parent or guardian who lives in Ontario, is a Canadian citizen and meets at least one of the following criteria:
  • His/her native language is French, that is, the first language learned and still understood; or
  • He or she has received his or her education at the elementary level in a French-language education institution in Canada ; or
  • He or she is the parent (guardian) of a child who has received or receives his/her education at the elementary or secondary level in a French-language education institution in Canada.
  • [...]
Am I the only one finding it ridiculous how much traction the French university cut is getting. It was a university that was scheduled to have 400 students when it opened. This should be low hanging fruit.

Then the one conservative MPP speaking out of this represents a riding over 400 km away form where the university would be built. You have to love French language politics in Canada. I am somewhat respectful for the historical aspect of French language services but I believe there is no justification for NEW services to be build to cater to this population.

How many students did the University of Toronto have, when it opened in 1827? (The population of the Town of York in 1832 was 5,500.)
The issue is if you are saying she was far to the right did her in, then why did she not recover when she was pushing a ton of left-wing policies in her last few years and in the past election?

Don't be a fool. There was no Liberal recovery towards the end of the election for pretty damned obvious reasons. People were angry at the Libs in general and Wynne in particular, and justifiably so. When an electorate reaches that level of dislike for a politician or a political party, the writing's there on the wall for all to see. We all pretty much knew what was going to happen, it just remained to be determined how the chips would fall in the end. It certainly didn't help that the Liberals had been in power for so long - fatigue about them would have settled in to some extent even if it had been largely considered they were doing a good job - or that her immediate predecessor had slithered out of office under a similar cloud.

As for all the wild promises she was making towards the end, she was obviously flailing by that point, running around like a chicken with its head cut off, which did her credibility no good at all. It made her look pathetic more than anything else. That also put into question just how reliable such promises actually were. It doesn't exactly look sincere to start throwing out goodies like Santa Claus when you're that blatantly desperate. And I didn't say she was "far to the right," just that she was pushing a corporate agenda while heading a supposedly moderate political party. But people don't need a pretend conservative if that's what they want, they can choose to vote for the real thing, which is what happened. Even if it came to catapulting a slimebag and cheap crook like Thug Ford into power. People were just that pissed at the Libs, and Dofo, unfortunately, was in the right place at the right time to capitalize. Under normal political times, he never would have been allowed within 10 yards of Toronto City Hall, never mind Queen's Park...but these aren't normal political times, are they?
