Senior Member
Of course he would. If the chance comes, he'll dump Queen's Park in a heartbeat for greener pastures, never mind the upheaval he'd leave in his wake. It's never been about public service for the narcissistic oaf. We all know that.
The only real question is will Opportunity come a-knockin,' and I wouldn't count on it myself. Trudeau managed to squeak out a win this time entirely because of 2 people: Andrew Scheer and Thug Ford. I understand a lot of people are pissed at Scheer right now, but shouldn't some of that anger be directed at Ford? The Cons lost Ontario entirely thanks to him, after all, and at least a few of them must be cognizant of that little fact.
Yeah I would say if Patrick Brown or Elliot was in charge they would have won at least more 10-15 seats in Ontario for sure.
Pretty much that is the next election will be about really.
Until the tories can flip 15 or so seats in Ontario they cant win.