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Americans might (might!) attack you if they see you burning their flag in the U.S

over a stupid piece of cloth, how pathetic.

Of course, when an american burns a Canadian flag in Ottawa, no one does anything....Canadians are not that pathetic.
over a stupid piece of cloth, how pathetic.

Of course, when an american burns a Canadian flag in Ottawa, no one does anything....Canadians are not that pathetic.

You should see the attention a certain youtube video drew of an American buring a Canadian flag, a while back. Don't assume that Canadians are as docile or apathetic as you believe them to be.
I don't assume that Canadians are docile or apathetic , we're just not as jingoistic as USA people are, we understand the significance of the flag, but we don't worship it as a god.
The difference is if a Bible is burned it is a book (note the lower case b) but if a Koran is burned it is not a book it is THE BOOK and is considered as holy as the messages it contains. The only parallel in our western Christian society is the Catholic belief that a wafer is more than just a wafer which all other Christians perceive it to be except that we agree to disagree and no one has to perish for their beliefs.

The parallel to the Koran is the Holy Eucharist??? I don't think so. The parallel to the Koran is the Holy Bible. It's just that Christians don't feel the need to attack fellow human beings over the desecration of a book. Ditto actually for the Eucharist. It's not Catholics would start wailing on you if threw down the Eucharist in a Catholic Church. Would they be hurt and offended? Yes. Would they get violent? I sincerely doubt it.

Personally, I dislike the extremely ideological and dogmatic of any stripe. That includes atheists and agnostics, who in my view seem to have rebounded quite well from their persecution complex and seem to relish the thought of attacking anybody with a semblance of faith. I've disliked the Saturday knocks from Jehovah's. I've disliked the streetcorner Imam on Dundas Square in my university years. I've disliked friends inviting me to their church. And I dislike atheists who seem determined to convert everybody with the same zeal shown as my Saturday morning wake up call.

Faith should be a deeply personal matter. And it should be respected by others. I would never burn a book of any kind to make a point. But that's just me. I don't see the point in attacking another's faith or unnecessarily causing offence to somebody.
I don't assume that Canadians are docile or apathetic , we're just not as jingoistic as USA people are, we understand the significance of the flag, but we don't worship it as a god.

It's just that our commitment isn't tested on a regular basis. I wonder how Canadians would feel, if it was our flag being burned every night on CNN.
If CNN actually wanted to film it every time,

this is funny, cnn is wll known for airing footage that has nothing to do with the story they're telling.
cnn is considered to be a bit of a joke in the news media.
Using cnn to bolster your opinion isn't the best idea.
"If (insert media carrier(s) you think is the best idea) wanted to film it every time....." works just as well.
this is funny, cnn is wll known for airing footage that has nothing to do with the story they're telling.
cnn is considered to be a bit of a joke in the news media.
Using cnn to bolster your opinion isn't the best idea.

Aren't they all just infotainment? I don't think CNN is the worst of the bunch though.
Aren't they all just infotainment? I don't think CNN is the worst of the bunch though.

Agreed. I'd like to what makes CNN so terrible (compared to the others). Is it just because they are American? Personally, I prefer the BBC the most, but there are stories where CNN has had better coverage and/or access.

Oh well, some people just can't get past their inherent anti-americanism. I prefer to be a proud Canadian rather than an insecure one who hides behind comforting stereotypes about the folks next door.
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I'd like to what makes CNN so terrible (compared to the others).

Like CP24 , they don't correct their mistakes....not that they have to in the US.

Oh well, some people just can't get past their inherent anti-americanism.

That's cute, I work in television news media, it's not just my opinion.
Like CP24 , they don't correct their mistakes....not that they have to in the US.

You're seriously putting CP24 and CNN in the same league? And suggesting that CP24 is a serious news outlet? Wow.....

That's cute, I work in television news media, it's not just my opinion.[/QUOTE]

...and that doesn't mean you don't have some latent dislike for our southern neighbours. Your comments thus far certainly lend to that direction. I wonder how comfortable you would be to have made the same comments while replacing the yanks with some other national group and the burning flag and national network of another country.
You're seriously putting CP24 and CNN in the same league?

No, it's the biggest joke in Canada, next to Sun News.

You seem to think CNN is!

You're blind love for all things american is noted...sorry to have upset you.

Earth Heals Herself

Why don't you ever post anything interesting...or intelligent?
