Hot take: Property taxes should just automatically increase by inflation + population growth.
Aside from the bike lanes, this budget has been super depressing.
Aside from the bike lanes, this budget has been super depressing.
The local transit union has also vocally opposed the transit commission.
Regional Transit in the Edmonton Region will only see the light of day if the Province mandates it, like was done with Metrolinx in Ontario and Translink in BC. The costs are too high for all of the municipalities to bear, so a Provincial Crown Agency managing regional transit makes much more sense. That won't happen with the UCP though, perhaps with the NDP.I am beyond devastated at this decision. It is the stupidest, most short-sighted decision this Council has ever made. I hope every single one of these Councillors lose their next election or are forced by the Alberta Government to to merge all local transit authorities into one METS operated by the EMRB. I don't care about economic competitiveness. I care about co-operation. The UCP have always HATED the idea of a strong urban region. That is why the first decision Kenney made was to absolutely destroy the Civic Charters. We need a strong and relevant EMRB to counteract the rural oppression of the UCP. Regional transit was supposed to show our collective strength. We have failed miserably. Get ready for UCP politicians taking advantage of this to use petty in-fighting between the members to weaken the Board and strengthen the Province.
Not surprised, I don't think anyone is happy about this other than the Councilors that voted in favor of scrapping it.