the nature of land economics means that those with the most economic means will be the last to be priced out. Make more room for them, and those below them have more room too.
Is property taxes the best - or even fair - way to drive this process though? It's one thing for the property owner to say the land is worth more to me to redevelop to a more intensive use; it's another for the state to use its powers to drive that process through valuation.
so redevelop.
Whoop-de-do, cry me a river. We are in a housing crisis.
If one is serious about dealing with the housing crisis, it'd be tackling the yellow belt - instead of expecting what, 5% of the land area to handle housing pressures of the entire city. But of course, single families getting booted out of detached housing is whoop-de-do. Now that's something to cry me a river about.
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