Literally this whole article falls into here but i'll pull out the funniest parts with translations into normal people speak.
"I am a small-frame, gender non-conforming, queer Asian woman and I was confronted by a large man, accompanied by his large friends who had joined him from the weight training room at the centre. With his non-stop barking of questions and allegations and no way to de-escalate the situation, I was forced to leave."
Yes how dare muscular men question me a small queer Asian woman in a public community centre. I only take questions from skinny men and women.
"It reminded me of the social media tactics that produced the
birther lie that dogged former President Barack Obama and the
Pizzagate fantasy promoted about Hillary Clinton."
My case is totally similar to the president of the United states. I forgot to write in the article I was treated similar to how Jesus was treated before being crucified.
"If politicians believe that negative campaigning is a sure path to winning elections, then they will sink as low as they can to come out on top. And social media provides new tools to facilitate dirty tricks and bring truth under attack."
I am against negative campaigning unless I am the one doing it. Like in 2008 when I staged a protest against Councilor Rob Ford.