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Sep 18, 2007
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I was trying to look for the road construction schedule for 2009, hoping to see which road will be rehabilitated or repaved this year. I couldn't find anything on the City of Toronto site.

Anyone have any idea on when the city will post this information? Construction season should be starting shortly if it hasn't already.

Here is the list of roads I'd like repaved:

Finch East: Yonge to Willowdale & East Don River bridge to Leslie (road in awful shape after many many patches. Pavement disintegrating into small chunks here...)

Yonge: Finch to Steeles (very poor condition of road due to heavy traffic and bus use)

Steeles East: Laureleaf to just east of Leslie.

Bayview: Finch to Steeles

I could probably mention more, but there are the top ones from my neck of the woods. :)
Great link

Hopefully it will include the installation of bike lanes as per the official plan
Thanks for the link DSC.

That map is impossible to read. The ward boundaries are coloured so dark that it it hard to figure out if the road is also having work done on it.

Is there a list of projects that are planned for 2009. Mainly, roads that will be repaved?

I noticed that for North York Centre, they are planning infrastructure improvements. What exactly does that mean? I know they are already working to extend Doris up to Finch. I'm hoping they also start work on connecting the two Beecroft Road sections together ( ~800m apart)
Thanks for the link DSC. That map is impossible to read. QUOTE]

Though the map is certainly not perfect (and really does not deal with "regular" road resurfacing) it is not too hard to read IF you increase the magnification of the pdf to 100%. Of course it's a huge file so if you have a slow connection it may take you until 2010 to actually download it! :)
That map is impossible to read. The ward boundaries are coloured so dark that it it hard to figure out if the road is also having work done on it.
Really - not only did I find it quite possible to read, I was quite impressed with how clear and simple it was! Perhaps you were looking at other than 2009.
It does take quite a long time to load and zooming in/out takes forever. That's what I mean by unreadable. :)

There is some confusion on the map. I see in some areas streets that are shown in a wide-grey shade. Does this imply widening or something? I see that the green Toronto transportation lines I guess mean re-paving, the others I'm quite puzzled by.

I would have preferred to see a list on the City of Toronto site with the list of detailed road projects with start/end dates. :)

I guess that list is not out yet.
Just like what happened on Eastern Avenue?!?!? Where you have gridlocked streets and empty bike lanes!
Gridlocked? I haven't used Eastern in rush-hour for a while. At which street does the traffic start blocking the intersections on reds?
Eastern really was a stupid place to put bikelanes. Immediately to the south is the Martin Goodman trail. Nobody lives south of Eastern, and Dundas works well.
Yeah, I agree it was an odd place to put them; but I haven't heard of gridlock - a bit more traffic, but not gridlock. Can anyone who does drive it regularily describe the current traffic?
Yeah, I agree it was an odd place to put them; but I haven't heard of gridlock - a bit more traffic, but not gridlock. Can anyone who does drive it regularily describe the current traffic?

during morning and afternoon rush hours it is backed up for a couple of blocks around Logan, but other than that it's not too bad, but i only see a bike about once a month.

The thing that really bugs me is the way that when you're going westbound on Eastern, at Leslie it goes from 2 lanes to 1 with hardly any warning, the left lane now being a left turn lane. Every time i go by there someone driving in the left turn lane goes straight, oblivious to the fact that the lane ends. I emailed Sandra Bussin about it and she forwarded my complaint to some bike plan coordinator guy, who obviously doesn't give a crap and thinks cars are evil. Makes you wonder what city planners are thinking sometimes.

My daily route using Eastern and Richmond/Adelaide has to travel over some of the worst road surface in the city, it's unbelievable. and richmond and adelaide through the core are awful as well in terms of aesthetics. More proof if it is needed of the anti-car culture at city hall.. ie we'll just let the roads crumble to pieces and people will start biking/taking transit

Others that are in incredibly bad shape are Pottery Road and Don Mills north of O'Connor
during morning and afternoon rush hours it is backed up for a couple of blocks around Logan, but other than that it's not too bad, but i only see a bike about once a month.
That matches my recollection from a couple of years ago.

I really don't think that the reduction in lanes makes that much difference to driving. The bigger question is - is the best use of the ROW having bike lanes - or should it have been parking - or saved for LRT - or simply grass.

I can't see why anyone would really cycle down Eastern, when Dundas or Lakeshore are much better options.
Pretty much the entire stretch of Victoria Park from Steeles Ave to at least Lawrence needs repaving. It's terrible.
I would have to agree with you on that. Vic Park is pretty bad, so is Steeles, but we all know nothing will get done with Steeles until maybe a hurricane comes and floods the street or something. ;-)
