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Which poll? The last poll I read had the hybrid as the preferred option by a small margin, but support for hybrid was skewed toward the outer aspects of the city, and support for boulevard was skewed toward the city centre. Not surprisingly, hybrid is most popular in Scarborough and East York.

The hybrid option is more strongly preferred among boomers (55 to 65 - 49%), residents of East York (59%), York (55%) and Scarborough (55%), Doug Ford voters from the last mayoral elections (58%), Conservative voters federally (59%), those who approve of Rob Ford (58%) and those who approve of Mark Saunders as police chief (51%). In turn, the boulevard option is more strongly preferred by the oldest (45%), middle income brackets ($60K to $80K - 54%), the very wealthiest ($100K to $250K - 55%), downtown Toronto (53%) and among those who voted for Olivia Chow (65%).
Hoping and praying to the transit gods that Wynne will put the kibosh on this. The Libs have invested an extraordinary amount of capital (political and otherwise) in their transit plan. Wynne seems to want to make the environment part of her legacy (as mentioned before on here). This is Glen Murray's riding, he is environment minister and firmly against the expressway. Methinks the situation is ripe for a Bill Davis-style intervention.

It's not over 'til the fat lady sings.
Maybe not so premature.

22 hybrid
17 boulevard
3 undecided
2 not responded
1 orange jumpsuit guy

So, out of the 5 remaining unknowns, the hybrids only need one of them to win. Furthermore, assuming someone doesn't change his/her mind, it is now impossible for boulevard to win, since it can only get a maximum of 22.

IOW, the two possible outcomes:

1) Hybrid wins <-- most likely
2) Tie

This is why the remove people were trying to defer. They knew they were likely to lose. I am a remove person but this really doesn't bother me too much. I am happy Tory is letting Finch LRT be built. Now if we could get sheppard up and some more transit built I would be happy.
It's interesting (although not surprising) that most of the so-called "elites" are so strongly in favour of the boulevard; these are the left-leaning, high income, downtown living, older people who are fortunate enough to work at a downtown design firm/university/newspaper/think tank and therefore never actually have to deal with rush hour traffic. In contrast, the working class slob who lives in Scarborough and works near the airport supports the Hybrid option because traffic on the 401 sucks and therefore no highways should be torn down, ever.
I'm a higher income ex-downtowner who came from a left-leaning family but who personally votes centrist. When I was looking for a house, I was originally looking for a detached home in central Toronto. While at the time (many years ago), I could afford to buy there, the homes in my price range were not exactly what I wanted in terms of size of lot, size of home. So, I started looking in Scarborough, and Etobicoke as well. I ended up in Scarborough.

I suspect if I had actually bought a home in central Toronto back then, I'd now slightly favour boulevard. However, because I live in Scarborough and am a driver, I slightly favour hybrid.
Hoping and praying to the transit gods that Wynne will put the kibosh on this. The Libs have invested an extraordinary amount of capital (political and otherwise) in their transit plan. Wynne seems to want to make the environment part of her legacy (as mentioned before on here). This is Glen Murray's riding, he is environment minister and firmly against the expressway. Methinks the situation is ripe for a Bill Davis-style intervention.

It's not over 'til the fat lady sings.

I'm a higher income ex-downtowner who came from a left-leaning family but who personally votes centrist. When I was looking for a house, I was originally looking for a detached home in central Toronto. While at the time (many years ago), I could afford to buy there, the homes in my price range were not exactly what I wanted in terms of size of lot, size of home. So, I started looking in Scarborough, and Etobicoke as well. I ended up in Scarborough.

I suspect if I had actually bought a home in central Toronto back then, I'd now slightly favour boulevard. However, because I live in Scarborough and am a driver, I slightly favour hybrid.

You mean to say that people take views on issues primarily based on their own self-interest? :D
Hoping and praying to the transit gods that Wynne will put the kibosh on this. The Libs have invested an extraordinary amount of capital (political and otherwise) in their transit plan. Wynne seems to want to make the environment part of her legacy (as mentioned before on here). This is Glen Murray's riding, he is environment minister and firmly against the expressway. Methinks the situation is ripe for a Bill Davis-style intervention.

It's not over 'til the fat lady sings.

what happened to that potential court challenge by 3C (I think)
Vote for boulevard was 19-26.

And the vote for hybrid was 28-17. Impressive. I guess Rob did vote then.

The whole tunneling add-on part is stupid though. Waste of time.


I posted the wrong numbers. It was 24-21 in favour of hybrid. 28-17 was something else.
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Vote for boulevard was 19-26.

And the vote for hybrid was 28-17. Impressive. I guess Rob did vote then.

The whole tunneling add-on part is stupid though. Waste of time.

Expected this result from day 1 of this farce.
Toronto simply doesn't have the guts to do something slightly big - the smaller the change, the safer. This is why the city looks like what it does today, and it is reflected in each aspect of city building.
You mean to say that people take views on issues primarily based on their own self-interest? :D

Actually this is a very good snark. I'm amazed how often people vote in their own self-interest, it's how we get so many bad decisions... When exactly did they stop teaching basic civics in school?
Expected this result from day 1 of this farce.
Toronto simply doesn't have the guts to do something slightly big - the smaller the change, the safer. This is why the city looks like what it does today, and it is reflected in each aspect of city building.

Toronto is afraid of change. Look how much controversy LRT which people in this city were't used to caused. The politicians and people here aren't capable of thinking outside of the box. Only one way thinking.
what happened to that potential court challenge by 3C (I think)

Hopefully they'll pursue it.

I'm wondering if it will end up at the OMB, which could potentially allow for intervention.
