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I don't see these two threads as being the same.....the one you link to seems to be about debating the alternatives and discussing/convincing people of which way we should go.

In this one, green22 seems to have made up their mind and is seeking people to join in his advocacy for taking down the Gardiner.

If his plea/ask for fellow Gardiner opponents was buried in the bigger discussion thread it might be lost/buried.

I happen to disagree with him....but when I first read this thread I was able to recognize that it was not for me and moved on....I think any movement to bury/merge his ask for fellow advocates would be unfair to him. Similarly, we should not hijack this thread into a new debate about the Gardiner...if we want to do that we should go to the thread that Kristopher links above!

Man, it must be time for a week or so off work...I am not usually this nice to people with opposing opinions! ;)

Or we could just keep debating it here and ignore the other multi-page thread ;)
I think this thread has officially been hijacked.

As much as I want the Gardiner to stay....I really, really tried to save this thread from hijacking out of respect for the OP and his intentions....I have failed miserably which I take as a sign from somewhere that the Gardiner needs to be saved!!!


What is stupid is equating the elimination of one section of the Gardiner to the downtown being inaccessible, when we know that the majority of workers in the area do not use the route (or even that mode of transit). That said, this thread really isn't about a rehash of why one should/shouldn't tear down the Gardiner, and it will be moderated to reflect such from this point on.

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why one should/shouldn't tear down the Gardiner

Well, since it IS a thread for advocating the tearing down of the Gardiner, I don't see why you'd stop people from holding a contrary opinion. It even introduces the conversation with the Blackett quote:

“could this be a great day in the history of Toronto’s waterfront or just another half-assed, half-baked scheme?â€

If this is just a notice about a meeting then shouldn't it be in Out & About?

Well, since it IS a thread for advocating the tearing down of the Gardiner, I don't see why you'd stop people from holding a contrary opinion.

I am sure you realize that there is already a thread on the pro/cons on that issue, and people aren't prevented from expressing, much less holding a contrary position. This thread is about an event regarding the "pro" side.


I am sure you realize that there is already a thread on the pro/cons on that issue, and people aren't prevented from expressing, much less holding a contrary position. This thread is about an event regarding the "pro" side.


Oh, so it IS an event notice. Sorry Alvin, didn't realize we agreed! Ok, to Out & About with ye then...

Please read the header for the Out&About subforum:

Share your thoughts on Toronto’s restaurant, cultural and entertainment scenes.

This is a meeting regarding a specific transportation issue. No offense, but I don't think any Mods need to be told how to do our jobs.

Waterfront Toronto is currently undertaking an Environmental Assesment on taking down the Gardiner Expressway between Jarvis and the DVP…

The project has potential but also carries many risks. This meeting is to form an advocacy group of interested citizens to improve the project as it moves through the EA process. Our first meeting will vote on a group name, determine a list of project goals and plan an interactive web presence. Will also update on WTO's March 12 stakeholder meeting.


As Mathew Blackett observed, “could this be a great day in the history of Toronto’s waterfront or just another half-assed, half-baked scheme?â€

So is the position of the group neutral, undecided, or pro? The Waterfront Toronto link makes it sound as if removal of the Gardiner is assumed, and this Advocacy group is just designed to defend that decision?

Or is the group considering alternative options to removal of the Gardiner?

"Do Nothing" is a required evaluation option for any EA. Given name of the group, it is safe to assume that it is pro, though I wouldn't be surprised if there are varying views about how it is best done.

"Do Nothing" is a required evaluation option for any EA. Given name of the group, it is safe to assume that it is pro.

Got that, was more curious about how 'pro', and maybe where their pro begins and ends. We're all 'pro' better waterfront, and better waterfront access. But we differ on how to achieve that.

I was hoping this was a 'pro' waterfront group as opposed to strictly a 'pro'-tear-down-the-Gardiner group. :)

The content of that thread is anything but that - and besides, do you really want say, 10 threads on each specific section of the Gardiner instead of a more global picture of the discussions thus far?

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