How would that effect it, as the contract would have been awarded months earlier?
Also, if the government were to change (which recent polling suggests is likely), it wouldn't happen until the summer, at earliest, even with the Spring election - which is what happened in 2018.
Though the current polling is suggesting that the result could be very similar to when the Liberals took over from the Conservatives in 1985, which tool almost 2 months to transition ... and the Conservatives could easily try and run it out to 4-5 months by not reconvening the legislature.
Either way, if they do what they've said they will do, the project is safe from the election results - it's not like any party is radically opposed to this 60-year old plan!
It will be interesting to see if they go ahead soon with any Hanlon interchanges other than Woodlawn - particularly Speedvale and Willow. Hanlon traffic is surely going to increase a lot when the new 7 opens, pouring most of traffic into the top of the Hanlon.