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... I don’t think the tape exists ...
What? Come on, you must be trolling.

The Star believes the tape exists(ed).
The Globe believes the tape exists(ed).
Gawker believes believes the tape exists(ed).
The Sun believes the tape exists(ed).
Mark Towhey believes the tape exists(ed).
The Toronto Police believes the tape exists(ed).

And you have the tenacity to not only suggest that perhaps the tape doesn't exist, to assert that there's a 0% chance of the tape existing? This can be nothing more than a troll.

What is on the tape is one matter, but to sugest there was never a tape is either trolling, or simply being pedantic about grammar (because as far as I know, you don't put tape into iPhone's ... it's a card, surely).

And I don't understand the die-hard support for such a vile bigot. Given his bigotry has been confirmed time, and time again - there comes a point, that supporting Ford is supporting bigotry.
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I've been lurking for weeks and have thoroughly enjoyed most posts. I am in no way politically savvy like many of you, but hey, it's my city, too. I was astounded when Ford was voted in and shook my head at each and every one of his many, many blunders. The Malvern2's of the world scare the crap out of me. Even setting aside the video (which, of course, exists), look at that buffoon's track record.

He lies about being busted for smoking pot and driving drunk in Florida. When the truth is revealed, OOPS! right, that was me....

He is drunk and belligerent at a hockey game and denies even being there. The day after, OOPS! right, I was there....

He shows up at a public function intoxicated and is asked to leave. The Mayor of Toronto. Asked to leave....

His picture is taken while he reads and drives at the same time. Proof of excellent decision making skills. His excuse? Hey, I'm a busy guy.

Let's set aside gems like "if you're not gay, you wouldn't get AIDS" and "those Orientals are taking over" or "roads are for cars and trucks, not bikes".

These are just a few of the blunders that I can remember. I've probably blocked a few to save my own sanity....

This is the man you want to represent your city on the world stage? I never thought anyone could be more embarrassing than Mel Lastman, but now I kinda miss him.....

Thanks for reading my rant. Now back to our regularly scheduled programming...
What? Come on, you must be trolling.

The Star believes the tape exists(ed).
The Globe believes the tape exists(ed).
Gawker believes believes the tape exists(ed).
The Sun believes the tape exists(ed).
Mark Towhey believes the tape exists(ed).
The Toronto Police believes the tape exists(ed).

And you have the tenacity to not only suggest that perhaps the tape doesn't exist, to assert that there's a 0% chance of the tape existing? This can be nothing more than a troll.

What is on the tape is one matter, but to sugest there was never a tape is either trolling, or simply being pedantic about grammar (because as far as I know, you don't put tape into iPhone's ... it's a card, surely).

And I don't understand the die-hard support for such a vile bigot. Given his bigotry has been confirmed time, and time again - there comes a point, that supporting Ford is supporting bigotry.

The same people who believe that the video was a fabrication also believe that Obama was born in Kenya and that climate change is a leftist conspiracy. Things like evidence and proof mean nothing to these people, they simply believe what they want to believe.
What? Come on, you must be trolling.

The Star believes the tape exists(ed).
The Globe believes the tape exists(ed).
Gawker believes believes the tape exists(ed).
The Sun believes the tape exists(ed).
Mark Towhey believes the tape exists(ed).
The Toronto Police believes the tape exists(ed).

And you have the tenacity to not only suggest that perhaps the tape doesn't exist, to assert that there's a 0% chance of the tape existing? This can be nothing more than a troll.

What is on the tape is one matter, but to sugest there was never a tape is either trolling, or simply being pedantic about grammar (because as far as I know, you don't put tape into iPhone's ... it's a card, surely).

And I don't understand the die-hard support for such a vile bigot. Given his bigotry has been confirmed time, and time again - there comes a point, that supporting Ford is supporting bigotry.

The deputy Mayor also believes the tape exists, (haven't heard from him since, has anyone checked Doug's basement?)

As well, other media outlets, such as that ultra left wing (therefore they must be lying) radio station Newstalk 1010 reported that they were contacted prior to the story being broken by Gauker with offers to sell the tape.
So where is the video?! It’s being referred to as “alleged†for a reason because NO ONE can confirm it exists, honestly until anyone objective I.E. NOT biased star reporters or “so-called†drug dealer chatter which cannot be confirmed by anyone other than “anonymous sources†can come forward and physically produce this video I consider it garbage from Ford haters. I have seen what lows the anti-Ford types can reach.

Forbid if you ever had to think objectively about anything.

I'm so glad you're not a judge. You'd be setting criminals free left right and center.

"Where video where video? Video fake! No video no murder! Innocent!" That's what you sound like right now.
I don’t think a tape exists, therefore I will say 0%.

Interesting. What would you say is the likelihood of the earth being round (or an oblate spheroid). I'm genuinely curious, because you seem to be of the opinion that if you can't see something, it must not be real.
And you would convict on circumstantial evidence at best? Innocent until proven guilty.

Innocent until proven guilty is a legal construct. Objective and critical thinking is not limited to the legal system and works very well in these Ford situations. Case in point, people have been found guilty of murder in the absence of victims' bodies. Is rape only a crime when recorded? Thankfully not.

The video no longer has any bearing on my opinion of the Fords as politicians, but it will be a bonus when (when not if) it becomes publicly available.

Ford smoking meth/crack/oxygen was never the key issue for me. It was, and still is, responsibility. The Mayor has refused to take any. Pictures with drug dealers in his casual wear - which he does not wear performing city business -and visits to a known drug den that had nothing to do with his job related duties and ignoring media are not what the chief magistrate of any city is elected to do.
And you would convict on circumstantial evidence at best? Innocent until proven guilty.

Convict? We're just saying that it is HIGHLY LIKELY that said video exists. To not believe in the HIGH LIKELIHOOD is to be a conspiracy theorist. FORD has lied before about his substance abuse problems... his reaction has been that of a guilty person... all of his staff quit. An innocent man who was set-up by a newspaper would go balls-out to defend himself. His staff would do the same.

Listen, you are smarter than your rants suggest. You are a tea-party-type conservative and this forum is dominated by "lefties", so you're just beating your tribal drum. It's understandable. This shouldn't be a partisan war where we cheer "our guy" until the end. The city is at stake. Someone with your philisophy would be a lot better served by another champion of the right. Rob Ford is a reckless idiot. He's a populist. There are smart people who support low taxes and spending. He is not one.

It sucks that, this time, it was your team's guy that turned out to be a total loser, but you have to accept it. Next time, it could be a leftie, and you can rightly crucify him. Although I consider myself team-less, I do tend to vote a bit left-of-centre. For me, it's more important that a leader is pragmatic. I hate populists, idealogues and panderers on the right AND left. Many of my friends are centrists (ie. undecided voters) and none of them would vote for Ford after this...and a couple of them DID vote for Ford the first time.

I don't care about the tape and I'm not going to engage you on a debate about the possibility of its existence, etc.

But what I really want to know is why Ford supporters rally behind him to the level that they do. There's never been a single politician who I've felt I need to defend under all circumstances. They're just human beings and, more importantly, strangers. I judge them on their policies and their ability to lead others and manage affairs, but I don't give a crap about their personal lives and don't care when they are attacked by their opponents. I've seen some Ford supporters defend his actions on a level that I would only do if the person being attacked were myself, my immediate family, or my closest friends.

What has Ford done for you? Can you honestly say that your wellbeing as a person or that the wellbeing of this city has dramatically improved since Ford took office and that those improvements were directly related to Rob Ford? Why do you take time from things that could enrich your life to defend a politician among strangers who you'll never meet on an urban discussion board? Is Ford that important to you? Do you owe him your time and your energy? You're obviously not that interested in property development, architecture, spatial planning or transit, since I never see you on any other thread.
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What has Ford done for you? Can you honestly say that your wellbeing as a person or that the wellbeing of this city has dramatically improved since Ford took office and that those improvements were directly related to Rob Ford?

"He [Mayor Ford] saved me $10,000 in taxes" - A Ford supporter I was talking to a few weeks back. He lives in a small apartment building in Scarborough. When I asked him how you were possibly paying $10,000 in taxes to the City, he mumbled something about the bag tax and vehicle registration fee. He probably heard this $10,000 nonsense on the Rob & Doug Show. Some people in Ford Nation couldn't think objectively if their lives depended on it.
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