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I will say this: while Peepers derailed the thread through the same old Layton-Chow co-op et al fixation, it's unfair to label him part of the Ford cheering squad given how a lot of his recent tone in this thread has been more (and surprisingly constructively, at that) *anti*-Ford. Even if it's by way of expressing embarrassment at his being "on his side".)

I'd think of Peepers as more the sort seeking a more palatable anti-Layton/Chow/Miller/lefty option--y'know, a "John Tory 2003" figure, or something...
I will say this: while Peepers derailed the thread through the same old Layton-Chow co-op et al fixation, it's unfair to label him part of the Ford cheering squad given how a lot of his recent tone in this thread has been more (and surprisingly constructively, at that) *anti*-Ford. Even if it's by way of expressing embarrassment at his being "on his side".)

I'd think of Peepers as more the sort seeking a more palatable anti-Layton/Chow/Miller/lefty option--y'know, a "John Tory 2003" figure, or something...

You know, I would have thought so, too, but to say that he would vote for Ford again -- against ANY candidate, let alone a legitimate one like Chow; hell, at this point, anyone who would vote Ford over the ghost of Tooker Gomberg (may he RIP) should be disenfranchised and possibly sterilized, but I digress -- means we're back to square one with him/her.
I think it's very likely that Ford drove drunk to the Danforth, if he had drank after he got there we would almost certainly have seen pictures of him doing so, given the crowd that surrounded him just after he got there.
I think it's very likely that Ford drove drunk to the Danforth, if he had drank after he got there we would almost certainly have seen pictures of him doing so, given the crowd that surrounded him just after he got there.

I would like to see proof that Robbie attended the festival, or that he drank while there. As it has been said before, Robbie is exhibiting the patterns of an addict, whether it is alcohol, or some other addictive substance.

It's not like a Ford to miss a photo opportunity concerning the support of the "common folk", and their quaint cultures.
San Diego's gov't is apparently "paralyzed" due to their Mayor's sex scandal. I don't know if the news was exaggerating or not, but it makes me so glad that we have a weak mayor system in Toronto. Makes it so easy for Council to run the city and ignore the mayor in the case that he goes absolutely insane.
I'd think of Peepers as more the sort seeking a more palatable anti-Layton/Chow/Miller/lefty option--y'know, a "John Tory 2003" figure, or something...

I can't stand John Tory! Just imagine if John Tory had been elected Premier. We would have taxpayer funded Madrasas in Ontario right now!

John Tory is a Tory in name only. Just look at some of the left-wing organizations he is involved with , e.g. Co-Chair of DiverseCity [ ] (which is part of the Maytree Foundation ) and Chair of Civic Action.

I don't know why Tory is being touted as a heavyweight against Ford. There is a reason why Tory has such a long losing streak in politics.
I think it's very likely that Ford drove drunk to the Danforth, if he had drank after he got there we would almost certainly have seen pictures of him doing so, given the crowd that surrounded him just after he got there.

The only plausible explanations are:
1) he got shitfaced and drove; or
2) he drove sober, parked & pounded back a mickey of vodka before exiting

In either case that's pretty bad. This is going to end with him killing himself, killing an innocent pedestrian, or both.
Toronto needs a mayor: a short review about a video
August 14th, 2013, 10:25 pm

The scene: a Starbucks, at Yonge and St. Clair.

The players: Kevin Donovan, the lead investigative reporter at the Toronto Star, and James Lockyer, the founding director of the Association in Defence of the Wrongly Convicted.

The mood: convivial, certain, but (obviously) insufficiently discreet.

Key elements in the dialogue:

The video exists, and it has been seen by many, many Toronto defence layers, following Crown disclosure arising out of June’s Dixon Road “Project Traveler” police raids.
In the video, a large man – Lockyer does not say who he is, but he doesn’t need to – is clearly seen smoking a yellowish substance. There is no doubt who he is, or what he is doing.
The authenticity of the video, and who is in it, has been independently confirmed by a very high-ranking police official.

Will it ever come out? (Probably.)

Will it force him from office before the end of his term? (Unlikely.)

And on and on the little drama goes. Where it stops, nobody knows.


These lawyers need to do the right thing :p
The only plausible explanations are:
1) he got shitfaced and drove; or
2) he drove sober, parked & pounded back a mickey of vodka before exiting

In either case that's pretty bad. This is going to end with him killing himself, killing an innocent pedestrian, or both.

I used to drink beer in my 20's, but I hardly ever drink anymore and I never drank liquor. Someone said they could smell vodka on him, I've heard you can't smell vodka when someone is drinking it, is that true or false? I really don't know.

@Peepers, sorry for the two page debate over Chow, I didn't expect that to blow up like it did in the Ford thread. I was genuinely curious as to what makes someone who supported/kind of supported Ford completely rule out an experienced, viable candidate in favour of that incompetent, nut-job Ford.
‘What’s the problem?’: Doug Ford reverts to previous stance on issue of mayor’s ‘couple of pops’ at street festival

"“I have to laugh at the media, I really do. They pick one word on John Tory [show], the word mistake — and they twist it around, they spin it, they spin every word you say,” he said.

“Every person now is a reporter — no matter with the police or with the mayor, or anyone else. Again, he went down there, he had fun. I go back to what I said before: there was no issues. What’s the problem?”

The mayor, meanwhile, walked past reporters standing outside his office, and told them he is “working hard.” "
really? in what way? do tell.

In what way is going to a rub-and-tug worse than smoking crack? I'm surprised anyone would disagree with me on this.

A lot of the women at illicit massage parlors, particularly Asian women (as there likely would have been in the Shiatsu massage parlor in Chinatown Layton was found in), are sex slaves or victims of human trafficking. Human trafficking is a huge problem with Asian escorts and other immigrants - a lot of these women are poor, destitute immigrants with no resources or support and are essentially forced into the sex trade. These aren't self-employed high-end escorts (who are more likely to be sex workers of their own volition). If anybody even so much as denies this or accuses me of being a social conservative prude, I will link all the statistics here.

For the record, I don't really care about Layton being found in a rub-and-tug, but I'm just saying that its easily worse than smoking crack and was basically brushed aside by the media. Not to mention that he clearly was being tugged off, and the media went along with the whole "smear campaign" angle.

...and ford saved the city BILLIONS and is hand digging a subway to's true if you repeat it enough.'re denying that Layton was found in a rub-and-tug? Something he himself admitted. Something which there is tangible proof of in the form of an officer's notes. From now on, please don't accuse any Ford supporters of being ignorant of the facts or delusional.

There's some strange circular logic here. Almost Fordian. The people, you seem to be saying, would have reached the conclusion that Ford is unfit if no media outlets had reported on any of the instances where Ford was clearly acting in ways improper for a mayor.

I don't think there's anything circular about my logic. There are plenty of justified criticisms of Ford, but the media has overstepped their ethical boundaries in going after him, which is why the justified criticisms don't stick. There's nothing circular or even that complex about that logic, and my own anecdotal experience with the Ford haters in my life backs this up. Most of my family and friends both dislike Ford and do not trust the Toronto Star when it comes to Ford. And lest my anecdotal experience is questioned again, at least one poll has produced the same results...there are more people who distrust the Star than there are Ford supporters.

Sorry mate, but I don't know why you're repeating these things.

I'm repeating these things because, as of yet, nobody has adequately countered any of them.

A while back, I posted a list (off the top of my head) of all the Star's most egregious ethical violations, questionable reporting and just downright unwarranted attacks on the Mayor. A few people responded to me while simultaneously avoiding actually acknowledging anything I said. One person quibbled with whether or not the Star ever published more than one "TMZ-style video" (this was a bit pedantic IMO, but I suppose they were technically correct). Only one person actually went through and responded to all my points.

The Star definitely has crossed the line in going after Ford. I don't feel like going through the whole list again, but in particular, one of the worst things the Star did (beyond refusing to print a retraction or apology for a story that was proven false) was actually attempt to mislead the public by publishing a three-to-four-week-old poll on the front of the GTA section. The headline, lede and first couple paragraphs all gave the impression that this was a new poll and that Ford's popularity was dwindling, and it was only somewhere in the fourth paragraph or later on that they specified how old the polling numbers were. In my opinion, it is completely inexcusable for any newspaper to attempt to mislead the public.

The reason why Ford still has his support is that his scandals, as you've pointed out, are not monetary in nature- they impact only the intangibles (i.e. offended sense of morality, city reputation). Ford's strength lies in his 'honest' everyman nature and his supposed strengths with monetary issues. The waste that Ford has created isn't explict or solely pinned on him (police wages are related to the city, the TTC sunk costs are related to council) and even those won't have as strong an impact.

I agree with a degree. That's certainly a factor, but personal scandals often do effect other politicians too.
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