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Great that means my woman is related to the Fords, oh joy for her. I would like to know why Doug sr. parents are blank. Could it be that he was one on the orphaned German-Jews whisked away out of Europe?

nicely noticed (i missed that). that is at least slightly curious, especially since his wiki page etc. never mentions his background either.
Classy. But I'm not taking the bait.

But what I'm actually getting at is - this is a discussion forum. Not a "paste entire articles back to back" forum. Post a link to an article and what you think of it, sure - but copy/pasting entire articles with no context, opinion, etc? What's the point? Based on reg date alone you're pretty new here... I'm giving you some constructive criticism.

I don't mind the posts from Evvabeing. He is not copying and pasting entire articles just the salient parts of an article. I have found interesting stuff in reading his postings. If you don't want to read someones posts you can always block them.
I don't mind the posts from Evvabeing. He is not copying and pasting entire articles just the salient parts of an article. I have found interesting stuff in reading his postings. If you don't want to read someones posts you can always block them.

thanks peepers.
At the Richmond Hill GO station, there is a Star paper box which for whatever reason has not been refilled for sometime. Here is a pic:


Good times :)
all i can find is stuff like... (wait for it...)

His dad grew up dirt-poor in the east end, the youngest of nine, leaving school in Grade 5 to help his mother, known to the grandkids as “Big Nana.”


The youngest of nine kids, who never knew his own father, Doug Sr.
He is not copying and pasting entire articles just the salient parts of an article..

I'm gonna have to respectfully agree to disagree :) Don't get me wrong - I'm not calling him a worthless poster by any means - posting links to stuff found around the web is certainly a major MO of the thread. But after gigantic strings of posts like this he should be told about proper quoting/formatting etiquette (heck, on this page he's quoting himself numerous times...) So that's what I did. He can choose what to do with the info, but I don't think I need to be shit on or called a whiner just because I made the suggestion.
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TheStar is the closest to reporting the news I tipped at earlier. I'm not a reporter so I don't need to gather multiple verifiable sources before "publishing" what I hear. The Star is putting unprecedented resources behind this story. It's without a doubt the biggest investigative effort in their 120 year history -- perhaps the biggest overall in Canadian journalism history, period. A lot more is coming...
TheStar is the closest to reporting the news I tipped at earlier. I'm not a reporter so I don't need to gather multiple verifiable sources before "publishing" what I hear. The Star is putting unprecedented resources behind this story. It's without a doubt the biggest investigative effort in their 120 year history -- perhaps the biggest overall in Canadian journalism history, period. A lot more is coming...

This is going to make an amazing book and/or documentary when it's done - it just sucks that the City will be set back by it, for who knows how long (and it further sucks that Chris Farley isn't around to play Ford in the inevitable film!)
Great that means my woman is related to the Fords, oh joy for her. I would like to know why Doug sr. parents are blank. Could it be that he was one on the orphaned German-Jews whisked away out of Europe?

Pretty obvious to me the Ford's are of typical Scotch-Irish extraction, either Presybyterian or mixed/RC. Takes one to know one....
Moral of the story: don't f**k with the toronto star and insult their journalistic integrity, as they will drive you into the ground, and quite possibly right into prison.
i found a lot of interesting stuff in here,, like... (guitarchitect, avert your eyes)

The man with a clan

Doug Ford was driving down a Chicago highway last Jan. 7 when he got the phone call that upended his life.

“Jones – you wouldn't believe it. John Tory's not running.â€

Jones is 45-year-old Doug, the smoother and slimmer make of Ford elected to Toronto city council this week. Jones is also 41-year-old Rob, the rougher and rounder model elected mayor the same night.

The brothers never call each by their real names. It's always just Jones, a reciprocal tic they picked up from an Englishman who used to keep the books at Deco Labels & Tags, their multimillion-dollar printing company. These are siblings so close they share one nickname.


Most politicians have families – spouses and offspring who back them as reassuring props at events and in photos. Rob Ford has a clan, one that includes the only people he seems to truly trust, and it's the one he grew up with in the pocket of north Etobicoke now sometimes referred to as “Ford country.†In fact, his wife, Renata, and two young children went unseen this campaign season until election night.


“The Ford family has its own language,†says Mark Towhey, the campaign's policy director. “It's a very tight circle and not very many people get into that circle.â€


Although a supportive family can be an asset, there's some concern the Fords could exert too much influence at City Hall. Doug has already assumed the role of unofficial spokesman, which made sense when he was campaign manager, but could be a problem now that he's a councillor-elect. Could the Fords become an insular administration?


Mr. Ford refused to sacrifice his cell. Mr. Ciano warned that one day a caller would catch him off-guard and he'd say something he regretted. Sure enough, on June 4, Mr. Ford was taped encouraging an ill constituent to “score†illegal painkillers on the street.


Word soon began to circulate. Mr. Doneit-Henderson had passed a copy to the Toronto Star, bragging on Twitter that he would bring down the mayoralty candidate.

Mr. Kouvalis turned to Fraser Macdonald, the campaign's 24-year-old deputy communications director. “Whatever you've got to do,†he said, “just get me this tape.â€

Posing on Twitter as Smitherman supporter @queensquaykaren, whose bio described her as a “downtown Toronto gal who likes politics, my cat Mittens and a good book,†Mr. Macdonald sent direct messages, promising to slip the tape to a reporter. Mr. Doneit-Henderson e-mailed the audio file within a day.

Mr. Kouvalis listened, horrified. “It was like, ‘Pack your bags. This campaign is over.'†He summoned Rob, Doug, Randy and Diane to the Deco boardroom and played them the recording.

“You should have seen the look on Rob's face,†Mr. Kouvalis recalls. “[Mom] pointed to Dad up on the wall. Oh, man. And Doug was furious.â€


On election night, Mr. Ford looked stunned by the speed and size of his win. He rose from his mother's basement couch to kiss his wife, Renata, who, like the couple's young son and daughter, was making her campaign debut at its denouement.


Mr. Ford also named his brother to his transition team, and is rumoured to be considering the councillor-elect for a senior post, more evidence of the influence the Ford clan could wield.
The Fords seems to have many Italian associates. Are they themselves Italian? I just realized that I don't know what their background is.

Judging solely by the recurrence of the names Robert, Douglas and Bruce among the males of the family, I would guess that they were once Scots.
Neat photo someone posted to twitter this evening, I've never seen it until now. It's of the staff that Ford once had. This person on twitter, as I now as well, wonder who in this photo has quit, has been fired, and who are implicated and under investigation in this current story.
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