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Also, CBC's Jamie Strashin tweeted that Bill Blair is now at City Hall. Hmm.... I wonder what that is all about. Is he there to brief Ford on what is coming out tomorrow?
Also, CBC's Jamie Strashin tweeted that Bill Blair is now at City Hall. Hmm.... I wonder what that is all about. Is he there to brief Ford on what is coming out tomorrow?

Oh snap! Blair wouldn't go to City Hall for that. Police pressers are held at their HQ. He won't be there to arrest Ford personally but I wouldn't be surprised if he is giving the Mayor the courtesy of a personal heads up: "My officers will be here in 1 hour to pick you up, please get yourself presentable and prepare your things".

This is the timetable I discussed some pages back. The police have to act before the Lisi documents are released to the public. If there's something incriminating in there -- even as small as buying drugs -- then the public will rightly demand answers as to why Ford hasn't been charged and suggest that the police are giving him preferred treatment, even though they may be waiting on something bigger. If Ford isn't taken in for questioning or if no Bill Blair statement is given today or tomorrow before the documents are released, then there is nothing incriminating Ford in them (which has strongly been suggested by several parties that is not the case. This is about Ford, he's in the Lisi ITO docs).
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Oh snap! Blair wouldn't go to City Hall for that. Police pressers are held at their HQ. He won't be there to arrest Ford personally but I wouldn't be surprised if he is giving the Mayor the courtesy of a personal heads up: "My officers will be here in 1 hour to pick you up, please get yourself presentable and prepare your things".

Taking him in for questioning or arresting him?
A day before everyone else finds out what's in the warrant?
To play the devil's advocate, Ford doesn't need the undying support pre-election of the majority of voters. What it comes down to on election day is a matter of choice. Usually there are two choices at the end....It needs to be a 3 way race at the end (it won't be a two way because we know Ford will stay to the bitter end despite how poorly he's performing).

I agree completely. There are people who will vote for Ford out of spite regardless of if they actually support him. The good thing is that we'll have several viable candidates in 2014. At least four right-of-centre (Stintz, Tory, Ford, Soknacki) and at least one left-of-centre (Chow). Most people who don't support Ford or Chow should hopefully have someone they have comfortable voting for. This hoard of right-of-centre candidates will definitely hurt Ford's chances.

I know that there are many regretful Ford voters, some of them with the courage to say so in discussions with friends and family and online. But will these people vote for Olivia Chow?

Who knows what will happen by election day. All we know is that the polls indicate that Ford is really lagging behind the likes of Chow and Tory.
His mom is probably there to see the Halloween stuff, and Rob would rather give his mom a tour than go go the exec meeting
from cbc:
Kaleigh Rogers ‏@KaleighRogers 1m
Cllr Doug Ford outside mayor's office. Mayor opens door and hands him a folded piece of paper. #TOpoli

To play the devil's advocate, Ford doesn't need the undying support pre-election of the majority of voters. What it comes down to on election day is a matter of choice. Usually there are two choices at the end. People who don't like him as Mayor or as a person still may vote for him because they dislike the alternative even more. I voted for Smitherman even though I wouldn't have been happy with him as Mayor and preferred Joe Pantalone. I still voted for him because I couldn't stand the (correctly) predicted chaos of a Ford administration.

This is the factor that's still got me nervous. I know Ford has way less support than the last election, I know that there are many regretful Ford voters, some of them with the courage to say so in discussions with friends and family and online. But will these people vote for Olivia Chow? Will it come down to Ford vs Chow and will all the Conservatives plug their noses and accept another 4 year circus rather than have an "NDP Mayor"?

Granted, there were enough progressives in this city to have elected David Miller so the numbers exist, but if it comes down to Ford vs Chow, I won't feel safe until the Scarborough wards have been counted showing at the very least a tie between Ford and Chow there. This is why we need more Conservatives running. We need Stintz and/or Tory to have a strong mid summer performance in the polls so that most of Ford's voters feel confident to abandon him for one of them. It needs to be a 3 way race at the end (it won't be a two way because we know Ford will stay to the bitter end despite how poorly he's performing).

Ideally what will happen is that the people who can't stand either choice won't vote. There are times when low voter-turnout can be a positive.
Because he's the co-mayor and because he's the only one left who can say "Rob is the most honest politician in the entire country" with a straight face.
WHY is DOUG talking to the media again? WHY WHY WHY?

Surprised that Ford never made him deputy mayor.

Anyways remember how I said that Ford should turn himself in? Perhaps he believed that it isn't over until the fat lady sings. Well the fat lady has finished warming up her voice, has hit the stage, and is inhaling to perform that first note...
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