Mmm-kay, I fired off the following email to most of the Executive Council and noted fence sitter, Pasternak.
"As a concerned and embarrassed Torontonian I urge you to stop being an enabler of our disgraceful, drug abusing, and possibly criminal Mayor. Your cowardice in not opposing his behaviour, and demanding his immediate resignation is shocking and represents a betrayal of this once great city. Deep down you know that his conduct in woefully inappropriate and is damaging Toronto's reputation. And yet, you do nothing. One day you will regret your inaction. Do what you know is right. Our Mayor is bringing shame to a once proud city. Insist that he resign. Now!
By the way, I am writing this from Hanoi Vietnam, my current residence. Some people here now know about Rob Ford now and ask me how my city could support him. I shake my head and say "I don't know." I wish I could say I was from Calgary.
Do the right thing. You'll feel better in the long run."
Only Pasternak has written back so far, but what he said was somewhat interesting, though a tad condescending.
"Thank you for this e-mail.
I would agree that Mayor Ford's behaviour is totally unacceptable and damaging to the City of Toronto.
However, I don't think marching down main street with a pitchfork and torch will work in this situation. I am approaching this with a strategy of constructive engagement. If you knew what I knew you would agree.
Sure, I could yell and scream as you've suggested, but it will make matters worse and nothing will be accomplished. The Fords will simply dig in even more.
If you would like to have Ontario's mayors removed from office more easily, then I suggest you call the premier of Ontario and ask for amendments to various laws so that could be done.
Once again, thank you for your opinions and I look forward to the next mayoralty election less than a year away.
I urge everyone to write Pasternak--and some of the other fence sitters (and the EC enablers too even though they are entrenched)--as he seems particularly prickly and vulnerable over this whole affair and could fold with some targeted prodding. I dunno if it will accomplish anything but you have to look for weakness or vulnerability in some of the enablers and exploit it. Just my two cents.