It sounded (to me) like yesterday's apology was a bit like a bank robber apologizing for parking illegally while he was robbing the bank. Surely, public intoxication is not what has this city in a tizzy?
I think thats about rightYou're all more or less right and wrong from my perspective (in terms of what/how of addiction). I was an addiction counselor for about 15 years. In terms of the recovery process, there is very little (which is not to say *no*, but really, very little) practical difference between being addicted to alocohol vs. cocaine vs. heroin, etc.
(there is obvious difference in the detoxification process, but in terms of true recovery, no)
Most addicts, if their drug of choice is not available, will substitute. Some have no drug of choice, as oblivion is oblivion. Clinically we would call this cross-addiction. Non clinically, we call this being a garbage can. Everything goes in. Can't score powder blow? Smoke crack, just once, 'til you can get what you like. Can't get that? Get drunk to forget you're not getting high the way you like. Anything to escape reality.
From the beginning, I've been pretty sure Rob Ford isn't a crack-addict specifically, or a regular/habitual (read: daily) crack user. I've been pretty sure he's a garbage can. Err, I mean Cross-Addicted
I wonder if someone who is lawyer-ly could comment on how having the public view the object of extortion, could jeopardize an extortion case regarding said object. On the face of it, I don't see how it could. But IANAL
Who wouldn't be. I desperately want to believe that someone is paying these people to say what they are. Nobody could be so gullible...
Excellent post. I've long-assumed that he's a hardcore alcoholic, occasional/frequent recreational coke user, and "Sure, why the hell not" once in a while crak user when it's around.
Does everybody think he is addicted to crack? I think he has a drinking problem and likely uses all sorts of drugs, but I don't know if I would say that he is flat-out addicted to crack. Does it even matter though? Is this an important distinction to make?
Who knows.
While that maybe true, I still dont think he's a crackhead.
If he was he would eventually cave to his addiction and get caught buying crack, or get caught doing something stupid while wasted (like driving his car drunk and high).
Cocaine however, is something you can hide for a long time without people catching on
Ha're not picking on me.I'm sorry to be picking on you, but no. There are functional crack addicts, coke addicts, and alcoholics. They exist. They're among us. Obviously they're not as visible as other addicts, but that's by design.
If nothing else, I hope that this whole circus affords people the opportunity to learn something about addiction and substance abuse. We're all used to this image of the deteriorating crack addict sitting in an alley, but the fact is that the guy sitting in his living room while his family plays upstairs is exactly as likely to be on crack as that guy in the alley.
Someone, as ThoughtArcade says in their great post, like Rob Ford who is very likely addicted to 'substances' and will take whatever he can get to keep himself in a haze, has honed his skills for decades at appearing professional while indulging on the side. Unfortunately for him and all of us, the mask is slipping
Yep, councillor Carroll brought that up, saying that the nature of her job keeps her so busy that she has no time to call, for example, her husband 8 times in a day, but the day Smith was murdered, a Thursday, Ford called Lisi 8 times.It's also the time of the day as well - this is office hour - who would actually have the time to call, wait for x minutes and chat in the office? It's a very specific demographic, and it is more or less his base.