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From Reddit:
Well, the rumour floating around the UrbanToronto forums is that now that Lisi is out of the picture, Ford has been getting his drugs through an escort agency. So perhaps he was already doing business with them and they trusted each other.

I think I know the person in question. One of his former football player (who is really tight w/Ford and who's father is head of one of the Etobicoke police divisions in question in this article), he deals pot and sometimes other stuff(btw, cops always let him off w/a warning=he's white so that helps too, but his best friend runs an escort agency.

That's not how pot is dealt, that's how crack is dealt. You pay one guy, drive somewhere else and get the drugs from another guy. They're trying to avoid distribution charges, because one guy's getting money for "no reason" and the other guy's just giving out "free crack".

I'm not saying he deals pot to the Mayor, i'm saying they call him 'Brick' for a reason. He played for Bosco this guy he grew up with runs an escort agency near Dundas and Jarvis.

Yeah Ford's not getting arrested if this is true. Son of a 23 division cop? As if Blair would follow through. If this is true of course.
That's where the interesting part of our municipal system comes into play. Ford has a hard-right mandate, 'cause that's what he ran on. But his policies have to be passed by council. If he can't muster the support for his idiot policies, his idiot policies don't pass. It was that way when he was the real Mayor. It still is that way with him as MINO.
He can come up with some stupid hard-right ideas like removing all bike lanes and de-funding the TTC, he can do that. If he can garner enough support from his council colleagues, then that's all he needs.

He could have achieved most of what he wanted if he had built consensus on Council.

And if Kelly can get council behind him, he could push through more hard-right bullcrap than Ford ever could.

Or... Council could take a left turn and do all kinds of great stuff.

It's up to council, just like it always was.

I think the best way to put it would be to suggest that the mayor is given the benefit of having his agenda put forward above all others - but has no legal authority to have it enacted other than by the pleasure of the council. It is a significant power, just not one that dictate outcomes.

Nice to see our "Mayor" is keeping busy:

Paul Ainslie ‏@cllrainslie 3h
Need down spout disconnected? Mayor Ford brought City staff to residents home in my Ward to tell them this morning how. #TOPoli #TOCouncil
Just wanted to say in 10 years of living downtown, I've never had a landline. :) I live in a condo downtown and usually only use up about 4 minutes a month of talk time. If there's any emergency, I have neighbours all around me. And I use Skype and other apps to talk long-distance.

The tax debate worries me. Ford is spinning this to be council's fault even though it's his, and his believers are buying it! Di Giorgio says publicly it's unrealistic. If Ford wants it so bad, he'll have to propose a sane way to do it. He can't just get mad, stomp around and accuse the council of being gravy-train lefties. The guy's platform really seems to be based on nothing but slogans. He knows nothing about financial policy.

Also, finding out that Ford was kept away from Harper because he was drunk is just pathetic. And no supporters can claim that his drug/alcohol use is only his "private life." It's destroying his political credibility and his relationship with other pols.
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Yeah Ford's not getting arrested if this is true. Son of a 23 division cop? As if Blair would follow through. If this is true of course.

If media is on to this stuff, any sort of cover up has no chance of sticking!

The star, globe and mail...etc seem to be sitting on a lot of info and releasing stuff synchronized with court documents/ releases.

Again, this is way bigger than smoking weed, crack, or landlines vs cellphones;)
Aside from wifi, it's also now wind farms.

Interesting thing about wind farms: in Alberta, where they don't hold up wind farms on private property if the owner wants to build a wind farm, there are zero complaints about the health effects. Zero. I suspect folks who don't like the aesthetic appeal of wind farms suddenly catch 'wind farm disease' much more readily when that is a way of slowing their development. N'est-ce pas?
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Sensitive & Writer that chooses goodness, truth &light. Repulsed by negative energy &evil. We must always take a peaceful stand against it by speaking the truth"

She's a fluoride kook. And a staunch Ford Nayshun-al.
The tax debate worries me. Ford is spinning this to be council's fault even though it's his, and his believers are buying it! Di Giorgio says publicly it's unrealistic. If Ford wants it so bad, he'll have to propose a sane way to do it. He can't just get mad, stomp around and accuse the council of being gravy-train lefties. The guy's platform really seems to be based on nothing but slogans. He knows nothing about financial policy.

There must be a way to invite Rob Ford into the budget committee to "help" with the budget, that way he owns it. Otherwise, this could possibly make or break the next election.
CBC reports an APB was put out for Ford after he got in his car from the Harper BBQ. Witnesses had called 911.

How did he make it from Sunnybrook to Jarvis/Dundas in a large Black Escalade with an APB out for him and isn't found until he is snug in his hotel room? WTF?
So being concerned about the environment is 'kooky'? Why is Elizabeth May considered a kook?
I think there have been so many toxic elements introduced to our physical environment in the past 50 years or so, with not enough independent research being done into the long term effects.
A person can be concerned about all of this, without being a 'conspiracy kook', or being part of Ford Nation.
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