Rob Ford continues to say that he returns every call. That should mean that he is on his (cell) phone during council meetings, media scrums, banquet speeches, in his car, etc.. Most likely calls would go to his voicemail. My cell phone and land line has a 25 message capacity. If he is occupied, and with 40% of 2.6 million people in Toronto, that will fill up, which might be where he gets his support because he got a pothole filled in.
While he maybe good at answering and acting on complaints, that is the job of the 311 operator. Shouldn't he, as Mayor, be going over contracts, agreements, planning, etc.? He didn't have time to read the council handbook. He didn't have time to read the transit agreement, nor did he get council approval to kill Transit City. What other documents did Rob did not have the time to read, because he was filling in potholes? Or was he doing something else... like going drinking?