places ford plans to be over the next little while...
I hope the Americans refuse Ford entry. (Or does he have dual citizenship?)
places ford plans to be over the next little while...
Currently, a non-citizen attempting to enter the United States who admits having consumed illegal drugs — or committing any other crime involving “moral turpitude” — can be deemed inadmissible. There are no firm policies dictating when that happens, says Saunders, leaving it up to the discretion of individual border guards.
Once that happens, the designation is permanent, says Saunders, and one of the only ways to get around it is to file an expensive application for a waiver, which must be renewed every few years.
Currently, a non-citizen attempting to enter the United States who admits having consumed illegal drugs — or committing any other crime involving “moral turpitude” — can be deemed inadmissible. There are no firm policies dictating when that happens, says Saunders, leaving it up to the discretion of individual border guards.
Once that happens, the designation is permanent, says Saunders, and one of the only ways to get around it is to file an expensive application for a waiver, which must be renewed every few years.
I hope the Americans refuse Ford entry. (Or does he have dual citizenship?)
The hockey douchebag is Kypreos. It's irrelevant.
Stay focused please.
All of which means that at the border, no one is equal under the law. Ford will go wherever he wants.
In the case of Steubenville—as horrific as it was—the perception was this was teens with promising futures doing this to other teens. I don't pretend to understand why some people think rape is excusable as a teen who plays football, but those people do exist and I expect they are not the vast majority. A grown, married man abusing his wife or children is a whole different story.
Ford's popularity exists because he's seen as an average family man. He's "not perfect" and likes to drink now and again, but he's "their kinda guy"; an average suburban schlub. If it were *proven* (the critical part; a lack of proof gives "legitimacy" to the Nation's claims of media slander) that Mr. Family Man has been beating his wife or worse yet (though all abuse is equal) his kids, he'd be toast. Beating your family is not something people come back from.
I hope the Americans refuse Ford entry. (Or does he have dual citizenship?)
Man, the ensuing tantrum from Rofo if he's barred entry at the American border would be one for the books! I hope it happens, and that somebody films it.
By all him let him go to the states - just don't admit him back to the country. Better yet, have him caught in the US doing drugs and put him to the tender mercies of their penal system.
The narrative around drug use is often that it's victimless. Assault is another matter entirely. While I'm sure that the core Neanderthal element of Ford Nation might shrug off well-founded police evidence, that core won't get him re-elected, and normal folks who just wanted to keep their taxes low aren't likely to want a wife-batterer representing their city.The domestic violence allegations with Ford have been around for a while, but I don't see much public discussion about it. Why assume the public cares?