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I'd like to point out a few things here... how MONUMENTALLY stupid is Ford???? Pay close attention to the dates. The conversation about Ford's initial (pitiful) offer of $5k and a car for the crack video was on March 27th. Yet a month later (April 20th) Ford is back at 15 Windsor buying more drugs FROM THE SAME GUYS WHO WERE BLACKMAILING HIM. What sort of insane, insane lack of judgment does this display??? Un-freakin'-believable. So he compromised himself AGAIN to the same guys who already had the goods on him, this time having his cell phone stolen, along with the implication that they may have taken pictures of him consuming 'hezza'/heroin. This is making my head spin in circles. I've known for a long time that he was a simpleton, but this is just a completely different level of stupidity.

just... wow.

In my opinion this answers the question of whether or not he is an addict. Only an addict would need drugs so badly that he would go and buy them from people he knows are ACTIVELY BLACKMAILING HIM.

(As an aside, I'm fascinated by the fact that Ford placed such incredibly low value to his own reputation, given how adamantly he denied, denied, denied for 6 months.)

Excellent point!

I guess conceivably it could have been nothing of importance on the phone, he was just worried what the dealers would do if they answered a call from a constituent on his phone. 'Oh, you need a pothole fixed? We'll be right over to fill it up with some rocks.')

This made me laugh out loud at work today. Also, I really, really want to turn back time and make this be a thing that happened.
*plucks banjo*

(To be sung to the tune of "the Beverly Hillbillies"):

Well, lemme tell y'all a story
'bout a lout named Rob.
A simple-minded moron
and a fat, disgusting slob.
And when he fund himself a craving
for a sataisfying snack...
Along came Sandro Lisi
with some bubblin' crack!

Drugs, that is!
Th' Devil's dandruff!
Pop rocks co-caine!

Well, our boy Slob
was just as dumb as he could be...
With some rather naughty viddies
that got reported on tv!
They showed him drunk and psycho
and a-puffin on a pipe...
And just actin' up in general
like a crack-headed asswipe!

So he called ol' Lisi, he did!
Told him ta get that video back!
By any means necessary!

Well, one big ole scandal later,
Slob was still (surprise!) the Mayor.
But the cops dropped by City Hall to say,
"Slob, you get outta there!"
They said a prison cell is really
where he out to beeeeeee...
So they shipped his fat ole ass
into the peni-ten-shur-eee!

Yew all come back now!

JD: Great thought here-this song thought cracked me up!!! (no pun intended unless you want to)

The thought of the late Buddy Ebsen singing this song with his banjo puts a smile on my face remembering now that the classic 1960s
TV show "The Beverly Hillbillies" is now at or just short of 50 years old!!!
If you remember seeing this sitcom as I do you then really understand this spoof song lyric...

You gotta love it! LI MIKE
Actually, they are just knee-jerking and fear-mongering because it's Obama. Obamacare is fundamentally a Republican/conservative idea (supported by a consrvative think-tank, endorsed by Bob Dole as a Presidential candidate, and implemented by Mitt Romney as a Governor) because it forces people to be personally responsible for their health insurance and uses the private sector. This is as opposed to people freeloading on the system or a public insurer. But because it's officially Obama behind it now of course they have to pretend that it's literally the worst thing in US history. And when called out on that, they modify their accusation to make it literally the worst thing in US history aside from slavery. And they convince millions of that. it is crazy.

RNDHD: I read your post and you describe exactly "The Affordable Care Act" and how both US parties feel about the health care dilemma...

I do support the ACA and wanted to see a single-payer OPTION and the compromise was the private insurance companies going along with the US Government to help get insurance
to the 50 or so million US residents who are uninsured - that number alone is a crying shame to me...

Thankfully I live in New York State which set up its own State exchange and did not depend on the US Government for the ACA...State exchanges are doing much better signing
up the uninsured...

As most - if not all of us know here the Republicans are doing everything it seems to sabotage the ACA along with October's two week US Government shutdown orchestrated
by the Tea Party wing and Texas Senator Ted Cruz (What do Canadians think of Cruz remembering that he was born in Canada and renounced his Canadian citizenship?)
even though Texas has the largest number and percentage of uninsured then any other US State...

Learning of Mayor Rob Ford and his thought to repeal Canada's government supported Social Insurance system I wonder how Canadians would react if this was attempted?

As we know there are people who do need health care and fat cats like Ford (no pun intended) who are wealthy can more then afford their own health plan - or is he covered
by the City of Toronto's own insurance?

See: for more NYS ACA information...

-Thoughts from Long Island Mike-
That's quite the transcript.
Soviet-era journalism.

Doug Ford, will you please cut your own tongue out?
Ford: Can you let me finish, Don? Until the media, stops it’s Soviet Stalin-era Pravda journalism, and for the folks that don’t know what Pravda journalism, back in the day of Stalin, that tries to coerce, get the people to believe in what they’re doing.

Q: What are you talking about, Doug?

Q: What has the media gotten wrong about your brother?

Ford: Oh, come on. Let’s not even start. Ask the common —

Q: Why does your brother not want to share his side of the story? He’s not giving us his version of events.

Ford: As we can see, the media’s a little thin-skinned when you call a spade a spade here. It’s not just this administration saying it. Unfortunately, you don’t talk to the common folk like we do, from one end of the city to the other. You don’t go to the events that the mayor goes to like we have every night; when he walks in there, he’s a rock star. The mayor is feeling healthier than he ever has, he’s focused on his diet plan, he’s focused on working out —

Q: Why do we care about his diet plan?

Ford: — two hours a day. And you know something, he’s of healthy mind, and he’s moving forward, and in my humble opinion, we don’t underestimate our opponents in the next election, Rob Ford stays the course, drops 60-70 pounds, looking good, he’s going to win the next election.

Oh ffs.....duh....he's a "rock star" (in more ways than one) because people are being patronizing and laughing at, not with him. What "common folk" does he mean, because a lot of "Ford Nation" is having second thoughts these days...
why Frod Nation loves him is beyond me ...

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford opposes publicly-funded healthcare

By Matthew Coutts | Daily Brew – 23 hours ago.

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford says he still has plans to become Canada’s prime minister and claims his brother will be Ontario premier some day. And if those days come, don’t be surprised if the first order of business is to kill Canada’s healthcare system.

Ford panned America’s move toward universal healthcare and promoted a two-tier healthcare system in Canada during a wide-ranging interview on a sports radio show in Washington, D.C. called "The Sports Junkies."

While first declining to discuss anything but sports, Ford eventually shared his thoughts on President Barack Obama, particularly his criticism of Obamacare.

"I’d be a Republican if I was down in the states. So I don’t believe in all this public-funded health care, because we gotta pay for it. (Canada) can’t afford it," Ford told the sports radio show.

“If you want health care, you pay for it. It’s going to cost you guys a fortune to put in Obamacare.â€

It is not the first time he has publicly opposed public healthcare. During an appearance on Fox News’ The O’Reilly Factor last month, Ford was asked whether he supported Obamacare and responded, "Come on, some of the stuff you guys are doing down there, to me, are you crazy?"

Ford’s family is worth millions thanks to a successful company established by his father. So perhaps his preference as a one-per-center for privatizing health care should be obvious. Still, it is notable considering he intentionally appeals to low-income voters, who likely rely heavily on public healthcare.

Here is Ford’s comment in full:

I’d be a Republican if I was down in the states. So I don’t believe in all this public-funded health care, because we gotta pay for it.

We can’t afford it. What you guys are doing down there, I just, I can’t get my head around it because it’s costing a fortune, and I don’t know where you guys are going to find the money, except for the taxpayers pockets.

And I think people are taxed to death, and I don’t mind two-tier health care; if you want health care, you pay for it. I understand that. We have general health care up here, or OHIP we call it, but, you know, it’s gonna cost a fortune for you guys to put in this Obamacare, and I just don’t see how the people are going to be able to afford it, to tell you the truth.

CDR108: Good DB article - I noticed your misspelling at the top and wonder if you meant "Fraud Nation"?

I will ask straight out-How would Canadians react to any thought of a repeal of the Social Insurance safety net in favor of a US style private insurance system
which would probably have the potential of becoming a huge fiasco?

This just gets me - fat cats (no pun intended unless you want to) like Ford who are affluent and can easily afford their own insurance and opt out of a
Government-supported one are trying to push a US style broken system on Canada if they could get away with it...Don't ever let 'em!!!

Ford is thinking about money over human lives knowing that we all will need health care in some form at some time in our lifetimes...
Just like the US Republicans and the right wing Tea Party types are...

Rob Ford stays the course, drops 60-70 pounds, looking good, he’s going to win the next election.

I think this is right. I wish it weren't, but a big weight loss would be enough for lots of people to think that RF had turned himself around. It's a perfect visual signifier for that, even if it's all bollocks in reality.

Ugh - imagine how emboldened the Fords will be if Rob is re-elected. They'll see it as carte blanche to do whatever they like, rip out ALL the bike lanes, dump the childcare centres, squeeze the unions harder. Speaking of unions, expect a long strike or lockout in 2016 if Ford is re-elected. Many union contracts come up for re-negotiation in 2015 and if Ford is in office then, he'll want them to take deep cuts to their wages and benefits. It'll be an epic shitshow.

I so love it when Dougie losses composure, not getting out the propaganda properly, and gets confused. It could be me but it seems that Dougie has outed Robbie being part of a case before the courts, with the unprecedented event of evidence that including Robbie's name; I guess the money and political influence was not enough this time.

I also like his broken history lesson, Pravda was (is?) a state newspaper who's sole reason was to spread and enforce the states propaganda.

This makes my weekend.
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Thug was sweating his ass off during that scrum!

The media was finally being proactive and not giving him the bully pulpit. And he couldn't keep up.....sweat sweat sweat!

They need to challenge his, pravda journalism, sylvia! stalin...blah blah blah. It seems Thug slips when challenged. Even the Sun's Don Peat was on attack mode.
I haven't seen this posted yet:

Councillor 'lucky to be alive' after Rob Ford hit, may sue

Embattled Toronto mayor Rob Ford has been through his share of legal battles since taking office, and his next fight in a courtroom may be against diminutive city councillor Pam McConnell.

McConnell told the Toronto Sun at City Hall on Thursday she has had to receive physiotherapy and continues to suffer headaches and shoulder and neck pain since being knocked down by Ford during a heated Nov. 18 council meeting over the mayor’s conduct and the drug scandal that now perpetually surrounds him.

“I’ve spent a lot of time with chiropractors and massage therapists,†McConnell said. “The next day (I realized) he had clearly hurt my shoulder and neck, and certainly I’ve been battling with headaches. But, in general, I’m lucky to be alive, and I’m very thankful I haven’t stopped my work.â€

McConnell also said she is not ruling out taking some kind of legal action against Ford, who trampled McConnell while running to the rescue of his brother, councillor Doug Ford, who was at the time engaged in a verbal altercation with spectators in the council chamber’s gallery.

I cannot adequately put into words what I think about this woman and her latest antics as I would be banned from this forum for using foul language. I have long viewed McConnell as an opportunist (witness her controversial Regent Park condo purchase) but this is a disgusting low for McConnell.

Of course when McConnell says that she is "not ruling out legal action" what she means is she is trying to find out if the city will pick up her legal bills and indemnify her against any court judgement that is not in her favor. There is no way this freeloader is going to wage a legal fight using her own money.
"But, in general, I’m lucky to be alive". That's a bit dramatic. McConnell should just move on. It was an accident.

Speaking of moving on, Did Amin Massoudi move on or is he still on a medical leave? I haven't seen him in quite some time.
I think she has been quoted extravagantly out of context. I'm sure she meant she was lucky to be alive in a general sense, as an elderly woman, as in 'it's not so bad', not lucky to be alive after being knocked down by Rob.
stumbled upon this tonight. notice anything? : >


can't help but wonder if it was filmed on the same day the now infamous photo was taken… it was definitely filmed around the same time the crack video was shot based on the post date. also, anyone else thinks he looks a little, err… rough?
I think this is right. I wish it weren't, but a big weight loss would be enough for lots of people to think that RF had turned himself around. It's a perfect visual signifier for that, even if it's all bollocks in reality.

Ugh - imagine how emboldened the Fords will be if Rob is re-elected. They'll see it as carte blanche to do whatever they like, rip out ALL the bike lanes, dump the childcare centres, squeeze the unions harder. Speaking of unions, expect a long strike or lockout in 2016 if Ford is re-elected. Many union contracts come up for re-negotiation in 2015 and if Ford is in office then, he'll want them to take deep cuts to their wages and benefits.

Couldn't agree more. Ford likes to trumpet the contract settlement with CUPE inside/outside workers as a victory that saved the taxpayers money. The workers actually got increases though, at a time when the unions had no stomach for a second stike in three years. They key victory for the city was a partial rollback of the "jobs for life" clause, which makes it less painful for the city to contract out some services. And the real credit for these contract negotiations actually belongs to Doug Holyday. I'm sure Ford has no clue how to successfully navigate a tricky labour negotiation.

After four years of being constantly bashed by the the Mayor and his supporters, I'm not so sure the unionized workers wouldn't be ready to make a stand, especially if deep cuts are on the table.
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