Senior Member
I wonder what posision Manno could posiably pull off, at least believably for CRA and such.
If @TOMayorFord is looking for waste, I know a guy at City Hall with only symbolic duties hauling in $173,869 in salary.
To American reporter: "@hunterw Just saw Toronto Deputy Mayor Norm Kelly. Asked how he is. He said he's "overworked and underpaid"
Here's a random recollection. Around the time I used to play football for Ford several years ago I recall news that someone on Weston Wood noticed a car bomb attached to the bottom of their car and the bomb squad had to be called in. Does anyone remember this? Not at all Ford related aside from living on the same street but it's annoying that I can't find news of this in any archives.
Rob Ford's "financial book-reviewing" CFO activities at Deco were typical of a family member who doesn't actually do anything of consequence, but has to spend some time at the offices of the family-owned business in order to justify paying a salary to that family member. It's been stated that Rob isn't active in the company because he doesn't have a "passion for labels", but the Ford family has shown that they take care of their own, so he's on the payroll and that has to be justified in case of CRA audit. I don't think Rob does anything of importance at Deco. (That's likely one of the reasons Rob wants / needs to stay mayor - football coaching is now out of the question, and no one including Rob wants Rob's involvement at Deco - what does Rob do if he's no longer at City Hall?)
Yeah, most of the Ford supporters who pop their heads in here during the week or two between scandals seem to be like Jubokeh, who usually only contributes a few lines of "Rob Ford respects Scarborough, yo!" nonsense.
Ford is also poised to gather with GTA mayors next Friday to discuss a joint appeal to the province for aid.
But Deputy Mayor Norm Kelly, who was given most of the mayor’s powers by council after the drug controversy erupted around Ford in October, has not been invited to the session. When asked if he should be meeting with other GTA mayors instead of Ford, he said city staff have been talking to their counterparts in other cities for weeks.
That sounds scientific.It's early yet my January 2014 prediction (based on conversations with real ppl) predicts a Ford re-election. (I'll try to get a sense of what the mood is every month 'til election day.)
It's early yet my January 2014 prediction (based on conversations with real ppl) predicts a Ford re-election.
Today is Saturday. Would Rob be attending a synagogue today? What church will he attend tomorrow, on Sunday?
Synagogues dont really allow for photos to be taken.
Neither do mosques.
He should try out a temple. South Asian vote is key to re-election.
Richard Florida, Rotman School of Management
Rob Ford is the worst and most anti-urban mayor in the history of any major city. He is a stain on the long-lived reputation of Toronto as a progressive, inclusive, well-managed city. The effects of his disastrous reign will be felt in this city for many, many years to come.
I am shocked by the lack of outrage on the part of the city's elite at such a disastrous mayor. Anyone who cares about this city must not only strive to have him removed from office but to put in plan a 21st century governance structure for this great city.
For the great city of Toronto (he should) resign immediately.
John Ralston Saul, president, PEN International
Mr. Ford should resign immediately...
...As to whether Mr. Ford has damaged Toronto’s reputation around the country and around the world, has damaged our ability to be taken seriously, damaged our ability to be thought of as a solid financial capital, as a place of cutting edge social experiment, as a place known for citizen involvement, the answer is, unfortunately, yes.
I am just back from three extended working trips to very different countries. Virtually every meeting, every conversation, began with people making fun of Toronto. By “fun†I do not mean light humour. I mean that people were doubting whether Toronto should be taken seriously. This, however, is not a reason for Mr. Ford to resign. But it is something for which he should be held politically responsible.