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"fancy streetcars", and did I just hear him take credit for the Toronto-York Spadina extention or is he looking into a Scarberian future?
Aren't the fire department usually dispatched to stuck elevator calls?

No. Not unless someone is having a medical emergency.

Being late for a speech is an inconvenience, not an emergency.

NON-EMERGENCY ELEVATOR INCIDENT RESPONSE - A response to a building to free an
individual from an elevator that is inoperative due to a mechanical failure, equipment
malfunction or improper maintenance or installation of the elevator or any of its components, but
does not include a response to free an individual who has urgent medical needs or has been
placed in immediate danger as a result of the elevator being inoperative.

Per Fire Vehicle $362.83

Ref. #32.
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He has done 90% of the things he has promised to do.

Staying sober fits into the other 10% I guess

The real elephant in the room (well, one of them) is that for all his future promises, not one can be implemented without a majority vote on council. If council is substantially the same and he is still in place, there is no reason to believe any of his dreams will become reality. He'll spend the entire term as an outside, which is bizarre. Campaigning on how he will work better with council, regain their confidence and build coalitions would make some sense, but it's totally against his nature. I hope that at some point in the campaign/debates someone will ask him, "How will you actually get any of this done given the current state of council and their continued opposition to things like cutting the land transfer tax." etc.
Ann Hui ‏@annhui
Security staff at adjoining building (they share elevators) tell me there were no elevator service calls.

So what does that mean? They were in the elevator and didn't press the help button?
Give the guy a break. At least he's being honest -- given many of our mutual backgrounds and experiences with addiction, we can all agree that "stuck in an elevator" means: HOLY F*CK WHERE THE F*CK IS MY DEALER I'M JONESING MY BALLS OFF BLARGH.

Only question is, goin' up? Or goin' down?

That made me LOL
One attendee tweeted:

Joshua Mandryk ‏@JMandryk 2m

Reporter to me on elevator story: "I dont buy this, this is bullshit." #TOpoli

Who knows? It's not like Robbie has lied about weirder or bigger things in the past. Actually, he sort has a history of prevaricating.
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This elevator thing is so bizarre. The woman giving her story about it on CP24 didn't even seem to believe her own story. No cell phone service on the elevator, but somehow they were able to alert security to help them get out, who for some reason didn't tell anyone else they were in there. I get the feeling they all just wanted this story to hold up long enough for them to get home and hide under the covers with their phones turned off.

So I guess the question is, what really happened? I'm betting some kind of breakdown, but not of the elevator variety. I'm picturing Ford curling up in a fetal position and crying while everyone promises not to tell if he just gets up and gives his speech. I literally think that's the most likely solution.
This elevator thing is so bizarre. The woman giving her story about it on CP24 didn't even seem to believe her own story. No cell phone service on the elevator, but somehow they were able to alert security to help them get out, who for some reason didn't tell anyone else they were in there. I get the feeling they all just wanted this story to hold up long enough for them to get home and hide under the covers with their phones turned off.

So I guess the question is, what really happened? I'm betting some kind of breakdown, but not of the elevator variety. I'm picturing Ford curling up in a fetal position and crying while everyone promises not to tell if he just gets up and gives his speech. I literally think that's the most likely solution.

That would be too human of him - a rock bottom that might promote change.....
I'm betting some kind of breakdown, but not of the elevator variety. I'm picturing Ford curling up in a fetal position and crying while everyone promises not to tell if he just gets up and gives his speech. I literally think that's the most likely solution.

That's what I thought too.
The president of the Economic Club spoke to the media, she was stuck on the elevator. A photo was tweeted of maintenance guys trying to open the door. I guess it's possible that the story is legit.

This one tweet is pretty funny: Our mayor told the truth about the elevator...never been prouder to live in this city.
What really happened is that it's part of the vast left-wing conspiracy against the Fords, of course. He and his staff were being held prisoner in the elevator by those with him while the hotel ignored his bellows for help after someone sabotaged the elevator. They can't admit it, though, because the president of the Economic Club is a woman, and a manly man who can legpress 810 lbs couldn't admit to being overpowered by her.

Or something. I'm sure the Nation will be able to spin it quickly, if they haven't already.
As soon as the elevator excuse was told, Doolittle and Simpson both said they'd find out if it was true. How sad is it that every word that comes off his tongue is assumed to be a lie?
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