Senior Member
What does this lawsuit say about the mayor of this great city when many of us would rather believe a guy who shot a woman in the face rather than Rob Ford?
What does this lawsuit say about the mayor of this great city when many of us would rather believe a guy who shot a woman in the face rather than Rob Ford?
What's worse is that they were all part of the same family (sort of)... that's not a gene pool over there - its' a bird bath.
why is it a lawsuit and not charges?
Budget tip for Toronto council: deport the entire Ford family and save the TPS $2 million next year.
"They want to spend like drunken sailors" Mayor Rob Ford on council #TOpoli
@reporterdonpeat 1 hour ago
Here's a human being who has learned to rise above hate; Potshots from each and every Doug, Dick, and Harry armchair critic on UT be damned. Fortunately he doesn't answer to UT. He understands his duties and responsibilities and that's answering to the taxpayers. To that end he accomplishes more for the taxpayers with one bottle than all of the UT hipsters could ever dream of in a lifetime of living in subsidized housing.
Well, Ford did want all the thugs to be forced out of the city, after the Scarborough shooting a couple of years ago. Maybe he should heed his own words?
Don Bosco Eagles are also known as "dirty birds"? If so, that's pretty significant considering Ford says "birds" in the murder rant video. Can you provide us with a link to this?On payman Rex Facebook there is a picture of the football team aka the dirty birds
and last time I checked there wasn't a fence enclosing Rexdale...
The murder rant video was indeed filmed at the house where Payman lives with his mom. I confirmed date and timing a few months ago. But didn't know who Ford was targeting and why until today. It all makes sense now!
why is it a lawsuit and not charges?
why is it a lawsuit and not charges?