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"And that is when the door opened up to the underworld of the Italian mafia in Canada. Since then its come out the Toronto police have been infiltrated by the mafia, that drug and gun money is being laundered in Toronto through legitimate bank accounts belonging to local businessmen, and this money is being used to pay and supply guns to local gangs (including the Bloods and the Crips)."

Deco would have legitimate bank accounts belonging to local businessmen.
And D'Angelo was cozy with prosecutor Domenic Basile, who now represents...Sandro Lisi.

The OPP also alleged Rutigliano conspired with D’Angelo “and the unindicted co-conspirator Domenic Basile” and others to obstruct, pervert, or defeat the course of justice in the prosecution of D’Angelo.

At the time, Basile was an assistant Crown attorney. He now practises in Toronto as a defence lawyer.

"Frankie, I was meeting with Dom Basile, who is the ... who is helping us with your problem,” Rutigliano told D’Angelo on Jan. 13, 2009.

On another occasion, Rutigliano and Basile were recorded discussing the fact Superior Court Justice John Hamilton had been picked to try D’Angelo’s case. Basile stated that it was a “100 per cent” guarantee that Hamilton would acquit D’Angelo.

“There’s a better chance I never eat pasta again,” Basile told Rutigliano on April 16, 2009.

Five days later, Hamilton acquitted D’Angelo of the sex assault.
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"And that is when the door opened up to the underworld of the Italian mafia in Canada. Since then its come out the Toronto police have been infiltrated by the mafia, that drug and gun money is being laundered in Toronto through legitimate bank accounts belonging to local businessmen, and this money is being used to pay and supply guns to local gangs (including the Bloods and the Crips)."

Deco would have legitimate bank accounts belonging to local businessmen.
Ding! Ding!
We have a winner!
This feels close.
Great sleuthing everyone.
Cue the trolls in 3...2...1...
Sounds like just a rumour. From what we know about Rob, he's not the kind of guy who would voluntarily go to rehab. He is distrustful of 'elites' and I imagine that includes things like mental health professionals, doctors and nutritionists (and it shows, doesn't it?). The family owns a lot of property in Florida and there's no real reason to believe that he'd be going there for rehab. It seems to be the place he goes to run away, not to confront his problems.
sure but there's rehab and then there's "rehab". Who says they have to be professionals? Just as there are quack doctors promising to cure your cancer with fruit extracts, there are probably "quack rehab centres" (especially in the free-market paradise that is the USA). Probably catering to those who want a quick fix and maximum privacy. Maybe they offer a weekend of prayer and exercise as "therapy" and are pretty short on offering any meaningful counselling.

Seriously. How the hell do you have a Rob Ford drink that doesn't include vodka and gatorade?
well maybe because they actually want people to buy their Rob Ford-themed drink?? I mean it's great to have a gimmick that makes people chuckle, but to make money, the bar needs to actually sell drinks; no way in hell I'm giving a bar my hard-earned money to drink that nastiness. :p
Even if Doug genuinely does not believe Rob has a substance abuse issue, how seriously awful is it that Doug would bring Randy, who has a documented, undeniable history of substance abuse issues, out to a bar?
who says Doug "brings Randy"?? Randy is the eldest, and I wouldn't be surprised if he's very much in charge. Doug might be able to bully Rob, but I don't think he tells Randy what to do.
Getting personal with Rob Ford
Robo doesn’t want to be judged on his personal shortcomings, but it’s the dirty details of his private life that tell us all we need to know

All I can say is, it’s about time we lost our illusions about his being some benign oaf.

I won’t call the mayor an idiot, because I don’t believe him to be a stupid person even though he has certainly said and done some idiotic things. But here’s the thing: most people haven’t attributed those things to malice, just ignorance: maybe he just didn’t know any better.

The fact is, Ford is more calculating than people wanted to believe. A more seasoned bullshitter you’ll never meet.
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yet another action figure...



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The genius of Rob Ford’s stupid YouTube show

Talking about why he had denied the existence of the crack video, and denied that he had smoked crack, and, in fact, accused those reporting the truth of being pathological liars, he said, “Why did I lie?… I didn’t want to tell the truth. That’s the only answer I can give.”


One assumes that while filming, Ford still “didn’t want to tell the truth.” Print up the bumper stickers: It’s a catchy and accurate new motto for the mayor’s campaign.

And make no mistake, these videos are all about campaigning. No surprise there, of course.


It’s a strange kind of advertising: The Fords apparently pay next to nothing to produce it, if the quality of the videos is anything to go by, and they pay absolutely nothing to distribute it. They just upload it to YouTube and let those of us debating their every word do the rest of the publicity work.


It’s kind of elegant, actually. The contents of the videos (and any outrage they inspire) get reported as news on radio, TV, and in print as the latest chapter in the ongoing Ford drama. The words of the Ford brothers are repeated to a broader audience by those looking to fact-check, debate, and mock them. And since tthey have long made their adversarial relationship with the pinkos and the press a part of their own message, the critique just becomes part of the advertising, too. Neat trick.
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